Louis Imagine, Dirty - Secret

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Okay this imagine is a little bit rough, Louis isn't the nicest in this one.. But I felt like writing one like this as well, and anyway.. A rough one with louis.. Who wouldn't like that??


"Be sure to be there at the right time tomorrow.. or else!!!" he treathened you before he hung up. It was Louis, your boyfriend.. Well, you liked to call him that even though he never wanted to be seen with you amongst people. But because you loved him so much you kept doing what he told you to do.

He always called you late at night to make sure you turned up after his footbal lesson. Louis is the most beautiful guy you know, but at the same time the most frightening one... The bruises and scars you have on your body is caused by him, you call them "love marks".

You always make excuses for them though, like: "I fell" or "I ran into a pole". People have stopped asking anyway, they've just accepted your clumsyness.. No one knows about the violent boyfriend that you love so much. They don't need to know nor worry about it. Anyway, he has already told you: "if you tell anyone about this, i'm so going to make you regret it". It's not the scariest treath, but scary enough for you to keep your mouth shut.

*The next day, at school*

"Y/N do you want to come over to my place and do homework together?" Your friend asked, you almost felt sweat starting to pop on your forehead. What would happen if you didn't show up after school.. After his football lesson. You didn't want to find that out.. "No sorry, I'm.. Going to visit my grandma" you said and put a fake smile on your face, your friend didn't look that satisfied with your answer, but she accepted it anyway. "Okay then, see you tomorrow Y/N" she said before she trailed off.

You looked at the clock on the wall and noticed Lou's football lesson should be finished already, shoot!

"He's going to kill me.." You tought to yourself before you ran off to the gym.

You broke through the doors to the boys wardrobe, he used to stay there until the others left. "Louis?" You exclaimed as you roamed around trying to find him. "Over here.." You heard his raspy voice grunt. "I'm so so sorry, I didn't mean to be this late.. I I just-"

"You what?" He cut you off as he suddenly stood infront of you, naked and sexy as hell. Your words quickly stumbled at the sight and you had a hard time spitting them out.. I mean, Louis Tomlinson the most sexiest guy on the entire school stood before you with all his glory as you could see it. "I lost track of time Lou" you said, his face was formed into a frown as you spoke his nickname. "How many times have I told you not to speak of me by my nickname?! I prefer Louis from you" he said as he crossed his arms and narrowed his eyebrows, his tall figure frightening you a little.

"Okay, I'm sorry Louis"

"Now come on, I don't have time hanging around talking bullshit all day" he said and grabbed you by your wrist and pulled you with him into the shower. You knew what was about to happen, but you were used to it. He fuck you whenever and wherever he wants, and that's just how it works. Even though you were used to it, you would never forget the pain he caused you by not loving you back.

"Louis?" You asked as he not gently at all- ripped your clothes off. "Mm?" He answered annoyed.

"Do you love me?"

"You talk to much Y/N.. Save it, I want to hear you scream my name" he said, avoiding your question. He had already ripped off your underwear as well, so you stood there completely naked. "Now be a good girl and do what I say! You know what happens to bad girls, don't you?" He asked and spanked your bum really hard, signaling what he meant. You nodded and groaned in pain, resting your hand on the swollen mark on your bum.

"Turn around"

"Face the wall"

"Spread your legs"

"And shut up"

You did what he told you, you felt his hands move opp from your tighs, to your hips. His tip was rubbing your clit a few seconds before he out of nowhere thrusted into you, not letting you adjust at all- making you moan loudly "I told you to shut up Y/N.." He said as he quickly swung his hand and spanked your bum again, making teardrops jump out of your eyes like a waterfall. "You'll be silent until I tell you different" he muttered and thrusted harder.

You stood there pinned to the wall, Louis holding you tight in his strong grasp. You knew there would be bruises on your hips after this. "Pleasee" you whimpered as he continued his rough thrusting in and out of you. "No Y/N! I said no talking. Just shut up!" He groaned annoyed. His huge size filled you all up, and it hurt so badly.

"What about you scream my name, ey?" He whispered in your ear and nibbled at your earlobe with his teeth. You got shivers down your spine and tears running down your cheeks continously. "Loouuis!" You screamed, in pain.

"Now that's more like it!" He yelled as he thrusted hard into you making you gasp for air.

"Do it again-"

"..I want the whole school to hear you scream my name"

"LOUIS!" you screamed and wanted the whole thing to be over. But at the same time you didn't want it to be over, this was almost your only chance to be with him by yourself! Oh how much you would do to make him love you just as much as you love him.

"I'm nearly there" he said and continued his violently thrusts. Just before he was about to come he gripped your ass and squeezed it tightly, making you moan in pain. "Ooh gooood" he panted as he filled you up.

"Y/N.. You've been a good girl now. But I bet you won't be able to walk straight now huh? Hahah" he said and chuckled. You frowned and the tears that was streaming down your face caught lou's eyes.

"Why are you crying now? I'm done..?" He said and looked at you with a questioning expression on his face. You clenched your fists in anger, why wouldn't he understand??

"You don't love me.. Do you?"

"You and your stupid questions.." He muttered as he started getting dressed.

"Louis!!!" You yelled and he dropped his bag, "did you just yell at me?" He asked and you nodded.

"Do you love me.. Or not?" You asked one last time with anger.

"Of course I do" he said and winked, when he got fully dressed he looked at you with a grin "see you tomorrow" he said and spanked your bum on his way out.

Ugh, why is he so goddamn sexy..

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