Zayn Imagine, Dirty - Jealousy

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Sorry it's been such a long time since last update, and I'm not going to bother you with loads of excuses... But I just finished this and I haven't edited it, so if there's any grammar mistakes or whatsoever.. I'm sorry! I hope you enjoy anyway ;)


You had gone touring with your boyfriend and the rest of the boys in One Direction. Your mum didn't really want you to go, and One Direction's management was also really unsure about it. But with a bit of begging from yours and Zayn's side, you were allowed! - But there was one tiny little bitty catch.

''Y/N? What are you doing?'' Zayn said and started playing with your hair carefully.

''I'm just writing mum a letter, Zayn''

''Why? Can't you just text her? That's so much quicker!!'' he said, clearly annoyed that you weren't paying attention to him.

''Because she's old fashioned and told me to write her a letter at every stop.. What's your problem anyway?'' you said and giggled as you kept writing with a red pen.

''My problem? I don't have a problem.. It's just that..'' he said quietly..

''It's just what?''

Zayn's hands brushed a few strands of hair behind your ear and whispered really quiet.

Mmm rrnmm

''Zayn!! I can't even hear that.. You're just mumbling''

Then you heard him sigh as he looked around the tourbus nervously, before he whispered again;

''I'm.. I'm horny''

Zayn blushed and bit his bottom lip, you felt your cheeks getting red too. You hadn't been sexual intimate since you'd left for tour, and that was about three weeks ago. Well, it was pretty difficult when you had to live on a tourbus with 4 other boys and the driver, you also were hanging out with the band a hell of a lot.. So.. not much time for that.

''But Zayn..''

''I know.. but they're not here.. please I just..''

''Let me finish this letter first okay?'' you interupted him, you found it funny when you noticed how frustrated he was.

''Oh but you're not writing a letter!! You're writing a friggin bible! You already have three pages!! Come on! They'll even be back before you're done with it!'' he begged, tugging your shirt.

''Zayn, I-''

''NO! pweaase?'' he begged quietly and cupped your breasts in his hands as he stood behind you, your whole body got filled with warmth at his touch and you felt a tingeling sensation somewhere.. down.. there.

You dropped your pen and turned to look at him, his chocolate brown eyes was filled with lust and his raven hair was styled in his usual quiff, looking handsome as always. He smiled at you and removed his hands from your breasts and cupped your face instead; "I just want to get.. close to you'' he whispered and kissed your lips playfully.

''It's been a while, I know.. But this letter is important, she wouldn't let me go if I didn't write you know?'' you said and he frowned ''Can't the letter wait for a few minutes? I won't even last long, since its... been.. three weeks since last-''

''Hey yeah I get it, maybe just for a few minutes we-''

''That's what I wanted to hear, now come here babe'' he said quickly and lifted you up bridal style from the chair you were sitting on and carried you back to the bed section of the bus. There wasn't really much room so he put you gently on the floor before he pulled the curtains to the side. ''Sorry if it's not comfortable, but right now I don't mind'' he said frustrated as he bit his lip looking down at you. You giggled at his lustfilled look, ''I've never seen this side of you Zayn, so desperate..'' you whispered and winked at him with a grin.

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