Niall Imagine Dirty - Concert

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Your little sister had to be the biggest fan of One Direction of all times! She had been begging you to come with her to their next concert. She was old enough to go on her own, but she had always wanted to turn you into a Directioner as well.

She had tried to get you to love them for a long time, but with no luck. You weren't that interested in their music nor the celebrity gossip. You prefered staying in your room, playing your guitar or piano. It was your hiding place and were you felt free. Both your parents and sister knew they weren't allowed to disturb you in there.

You decided to give 1D a chance so you told your sister you would come along if she got tickets for you. With a grin she swayed a pair of tickets infront of your eyes "I already havee!!! It's front row tickets Y/N! WE'RE GOING TO BE SOO CLOSE TO THEM".

~Outside the arena~

"When's the concert?" you yelled trying to get your sister to hear you, but it was hard since there were a bunch of screaming girls around you.

"It's an hour left! We just need to get inside" your sister shouted in reply, you nodded as she grabbed your hand and guided you through the group of crazy directioners screaming their lungs out. How could your sister think that you would ever turn into one of.. Them?

Suddenly your sister stopped making you stumble forwards almost knocking people down. "Auch" some of them exclaimed leaving your sister giggling, you just rolled your eyes and hoped this day would soon be over. Just a few minutes later you arrived to the opening and your sister beep'ed the tickets on some sort of machine that you had no interest in. You just wanted to get this over with, actually.

When you finally got inside and found your spot, which was literally right infront of the stage, you got a bit more excited than before. "You're gonna like Niall" your sister said and you looked at her with a questioning look, did she actually believe you knew their names? "The blond one" she explained and you smirked "why so?".

"Because.. He's your type! He also play the guitar" she said and winked, you just shrugged and chuckled a little. "Maybe" you muttered crossing tour arms waiting for the concert to start.

-30 minutes later-

The girls in the arena was screaming and crying like crazy and the boys hadn't even showed up yet, what a fandom!! Suddenly your sister poked your shoulder to get your attention, you turned around and she said:"THEY'LL BE ON ANY SECOND!". As she started jumping up and down excitedly someone talked in the speakers

"ARE YOU READY FOR THE NIGHT OF YOUR LIFES? THIIIIS IS ONE DIRECTION!!" the man in the speaker said and a song started playing, it sounded familiar, but you'd heard loads from your sister's room.. So that was probably why.

Out of nowhere the boys suddenly showed up on stage and the screaming went wild, you froze on your spot and stared at the guys before you. They were closer than you could've imagined.

"It feels like we've been living in fast-forward, another moment passing by.."

One of them started singing and the loud sound level of the screaming from the fans just increased dramatically. But the voice that came next, even though it was just quietly in the background before the guy continued singing his part, that voice caught your attention because it came from the blonde guy that your sister told you about. Jeez, what was his name again?

Your eyes followed the blondie througout the next songs, waiting for his parts and smiling when he sung. Maybe your sister was right, he was adorable. Your sister was jumping like crazy and screaming as loud as she could beside you, which made you a little embarrassed.

In the middle of a song named "live while we're young" you realized that the guy you had been staring at the last half an hour suddenly met your stare and smiled back at you. To your surprise he kept his eye contact with you, even though he was moving around the stage non stop. When the boys came closer to the end of the stage and all the fans were waving their hands like crazy and shouting the boys name, you just stood there looking at him. You noticed that he came towards you with a smirk while singing, you felt your cheeks turn red as he approached you. "You're beautiful" he mouthed to you and you shook your head at him and he nodded and winked, "you are" he mouthed again and you couldn't help but blush.

At first you found the blondie quite interesting and cute as he continued looking at you and winking, but he constantly stared at you througout the whole concert and you started to look away, his constant staring was scaring you a little. Anyway, it was kinda cute.

When the concert ended and you and your sister was pushing your way outta the arena, someone grabbed your shoulder and turned you around. A man you'd never seen before looked at you ''what?'' you asked and he pointed behind him ''come with me''. You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion ''What? why?'' you asked and he sighed ''just come'' he said and grabbed your hand, pulling you with him.

You didn't know where he was taking you, nor why. And what would your sister think? You suddenly were out of sight for her, and your phone were set on silent. ''Where are you taking me?'' you asked and the tall man, a bit chubby, shook his head and grunted ''backstage''. Your eyes widened, ''Why? I don't have meet and greet or what it's called..'' you explained and he laughed ''that doesn't matter'' he said and your confusion grew by the second.

He brought you through some big doors and suddenly you found yourself in a empty room with a couch and a mirror, a closet and a sink. It almost looked like a dressingroom, but it was completely empty, with no clothes nor shoes or anything else. ''Uhm..'' you looked around and turned to the big man who brought you there ''What am I doing here?'' you asked and he chuckled ''you'll see''. You felt like ripping your hair off ''what's with all these secrets?! JUST TELL ME!'' you yelled, slightly frustrated.

''So you're a screamer ey?'' a voice appeared out of nowhere, you turned around and saw no'one but Blondie standing at the other side of the room, leaning against the doorframe. ''What am I doing here?'' you asked and as the big man, he chuckled too. ''What's so bloody funny?'' you asked, if he didn't realise you weren't that big of a fan, he had to be stupid.

''You caught my eye'' he said and this time you chuckled, ''I noticed that'' you answered and he smiled. ''You looked at me too'' he said, a little flirty. ''Yeah, so?'' you answered and again he laughed, ''I like you, and your sassiness'' he said, getting closer to you. The big man left the room with a chuckle and closed the door after himself.

''You don't know me'' you said and he started circling around you, looking at you up and down. ''I know you're not a fan, I know you're a girl with an attitude, you like me and.. you're a screamer'' he whispered the last part, ''heyhey slow down boy, like you?'' you exclaimed and he stopped behind you and cupped your bum in his hands ''yeah, you do'' he whispered. His touch made you shiver, but you pulled away from him, facing him. ''Don't do that...'' you warned, but he just chuckled at you. ''I know you actually like it''.

"Oh? May I ask how, blondie?" you asked and his eyes widened a little as he heard your nickname for him. "Well, your cheeks turned red when I looked at you during the concert and you were eye raping me!" He explained and you didn't really know how to answer to that, since he was talking the truth. You had been looking at him for a long time and you could agree to the blushing.. But ugh..

"So does your silence mean that you... agree?'' he asked grinning, you rolled your eyes and he chuckled ''you're a stubborn girl aren't you?''.

''You ask too many questions'' you said and he raised his eyebrow, ''Is that so? Okay, I'll..''

''-do this instead'' he finished his sentence as his hand met your tigh, slowly making its way up, giving you shivers. "No please stop.." you whimpered, but somewhere inside you didn't really want him to stop.

"You sure? I know you like it" he whispered and you swallowed nervously and gave in as you slowly nodded. Niall grinned and made his way up under your skirt, rubbing your clit. "Why are you doing this?" you asked closing your eyes by the pleasure he caused you. "Is it bad that in the middle of all this touring... That i just want to have a little.. Fun?" he asked seductively.

At this time you almost regretted your choice of clothing, you wearing a skirt made everything so much easier for him.. ''Not blaming you.. But why me?'' you asked and he chuckled before he closed the distance between you, whispering in your ear;

''you're different''.


''Yeah, you we're not screaming nor screaming my name like the other fans-''

''I'm not a fan'' you cut him off and he grinned.

''I know, but I want to hear you screaming my name lovely...''

''That was my first and last concert, so you're not going to see me jumping up and down cheering for you, Blondie''

''That.. my dear, was not what I meant'' he whispered as he rubbed your clit even faster than before. You swallowed nervously and shook your head ''No, I won't''.

Why do you continue to fool yourself? You know you really want to, you've done one night stands before.. He's a celebrity, why not? And he is HOT? Y/N COME ON!

You stopped arguing with yourself as you felt his finger pull your panties to the side so he had access to your entrance. You closed your eyes shut and bit your lower lip. ''It sure looks like you want'' he said and chuckled as he continued rubbing you, and you were already wet. ''And it.. feels like it, baby'' he whispered.

''Oh fuck this'' you said and grabbed his cheeks and pressed his lips against yours. You'd had enough, he was right.. You actually wanted to. ''Wow wow, that was easier than I thought'' he said as you pulled apart, ''hey shut up'' you said and he grinned. He quickly pushed you down on the couch, which randomly enough, were behind you. He hovered over you and looked you right into your eyes. His clear bright blue eyes almost got you hypnotized, ''I'm so gonna make you scream my name'' he said and you raised your eyebrow ''don't be so sure, blondie'' you said and he chuckled. ''You're so sassy''.

Suddenly he pulled off your skirt, and with your help he also pulled of your top, leaving you in your underwear. ''You, baby, look like a million bucks'' he said and you blushed ''uh no..'' you whispered and he chuckled ''Don't worry, I mean it''.

You felt a bulge against your tigh, Niall noticed that you had already felt him getting hard so he chuckled "don't tell me you're a virgin?"

"Of course not" you spat. Why would he believe that? Aren't you allowed to feel it's a bit strange knowing you're about to get fucked by a celebrity whom you've actually never had any interest in? Or knew existed? "Sassy" he said and smirked, "i didn't believe you were one either... A hot girl like you must've-"

"Could you please stop talking about my sexual life, which in fact is pretty personal, and just get on with it before I change my mind?" you said as you cut him off.

"Fine fine, but you'd never change your mind. I know you wouldn't" he said and winked, you rolled your eyes and he kissed you before you got to answer him. You decided to leave it be, so you kissed him back.

Niall pulled down his boxers and his big member sprung out, your eyes widened. "Don't worry love, I'll be gentle" he said, he knew what you were thinking. HE WAS BIG. You just smiled and chuckled "I'm not scared". Out of nowhere he pushed a finger inside you, making you gasp. Just a second later another one was pushed in too, making you gasp again. "Gentle you said?" you whimpered, "I thought you weren't scared Y/N" he answered and bit his lower lip, his blue eyes filled with lust.

"I.. I'm not.." You said and he nodded "well then..."

Suddenly he thrusted his hips forward and his member made its way in your tight entrance. You whimpered a little as he pushed it all the way in. "Oh god" he groaned as he started thrusting back and forth. You started moaning, but the pain was also running through your body at every thrust, but you weren't going to admit that it actually hurt.

"Y/N.." He whispered as he looked into your eyes, removed a strain of your hair from your face and gently brushed it behind your ear. "I know it hurts, and I didn't mean to hurt you love" he whispered as he started thrusting slower and more gentle. You just looked at him, his blue eyes had turned bright again, not filled with lust, but happiness. "I'm sorry! I.."

"Niall.. Please! It's fine, as I said I'm not a virgin.. It's just been a long time, and I'm okay, please dont stop" you begged and he smiled, he didn't grin nor smirk like he used to. This was a different Niall, probably the sweet side of him. "Okay, love" he whispered as he picked up his pace, having his eyes locked to yours all the time.

You had your hands on his back, digging your nails in his skin, moaning like you'd never had before.


"Oh baby" he whispered as he rocked you back and forth. The pain from before was long gone...

"I'm nearly there" he said while breathing heavily as he continue thrusting in and out of you, the pleasure was overwhelming.


And at that very second you both came at the same time, moaning as he thrusted out his high. "Omg" you whimpered as he pulled out of you.

"OMG OMG!" you exclaimed, Niall looked at you curiously "what? what's wrong?"

"I forgot my sister.. She's out there!"

"Go get her then!" he said as his eyes widened.

"You're kicking me out already?"

"Y/N! I.. I.. No I'm not! But sorry I brought you here" he said as he sighed and pulled up his boxers and blue jeans. "No, it's okay, I had fun" you said and smirked.

"But I need to go, she's probably looking for me" you added and he smiled;

"Can I get your number?" he asked and you chuckled as you pulled intime clothes and fixed your hair. "No" you said and his eyes widened "why? How am i gonna see you again?"

"Just look for me in the crowd, at your next concert" you said as you grabbed the doorhandle, but he stopped you by pulling your shoulder "you said you're not a fan, and this was the last one?"

You smirked; "looks like you've gained yourself a new one, blondie" you said as you pecked his lips quickly and ran out the door leaving Niall behind, shocked.

"Sassy" he whispered.

Im sorry if there's any grammar mistakes or something like that, I was writing this on my phone. I hope you like it ;)

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