Liam Imagine Dirty - Like a Virgin

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May I please tell you I'm sorry for not updating so often? Okay, thanks, I'm really really sorry.. But here's one that's been in my drafts for a long time, and I finally ended it! I know there'll be mistakes and bla bla bla, but please just ignore it.. It's not edited, and it's written on my phone. THANKS FOR READING. I would appreciate more comments, but that's up to you, obiously. ENJOY!


You had just started your sophomore year at high school, but everything was still the same as it had been since freshman year. A few of the "popular" girls, as they called themselves, bullied you every now and then just because you wore glasses and not miniskirts like them.

A few months back one of them even tried to apologize and be your friend, but it turned out she only wanted to get closer to your 23 year old brother. You didn't believe her bullshit nor did you accept her apology, so the bullying continued. They didn't hurt you physically though, but still, being hurt by words was bad enough, if not worse.




"Please don't tell me they still bother you?"

"Uhm.. Well.."

"Jesus, Y/N! For fuckssake! Don't let them ruin you like this!"

"What am I supposed to do?!"

"I dunno.. But didn't you say one of them apologized?? That she wanted to be your friend? I thought everything was getting better.."

You clenched your fists, if only he knew what that girl wanted..

"She only apologized to get in your friggin' pants, Harry!" You yelled and he froze at your words.

"What? M-my pants?" He stuttered and tried to look like he didn't find that amusing at all.


"How old was she again?"

"Oh my god! HARRY! Don't tell me you're actually considering it? She's my age! She's 17!" You said and his lips parted slightly as he sighed.

"Oh. Sorry" he said and grinned. You just rolled your eyes at him and grabbed and apple from the kitchen counter.

"But anyway, don't let them bother you so easily"

"It's not that easy"

"Well.. Please.. Just at least try" he said and hugged you, making you laugh. "What's up with you?" you asked as he chuckled "nothing, can't I show some love to my baby sis?"

"I guess" you chuckled, Harry smirked at you as he ruffled your hair. "Anyway, mum and dad are going to this event in the weekend.. So that means it'll be only us, but I invited Liam over, hope you dont mind?" Harry asked, you felt your cheeks heat up; Liam had to be one of the most prettiest guy you had ever seen in your entire life.


"O-Of course I dont mind" you said and flashed him a smile and took a nervous bite from your apple.

"Good, cause he's staying the whole weekend" He said and walked out of the kitchen.

"Awesome" you mumbled and tried not to sound too excited. What the fuck were you going to wear the whole weekend?! No sweat pants, that's for sure..


"HeyNerdie! Your grandma called, she wants her clothes back!"

Everyone in the hall looked at you as you stood by your locker, and started laughing at Natasha's words, she was one of those so called popular girls at school. Her joke was lame, so last year, but no one seemed to mind. You tried to ignore the laughs and people pointing at you, but it still hurt you. It wasn't even anything wrong with wearing black skinny jeans, a white top and a blue checkered shirt.. In fact, the shirt used to be Harry's. They only wanted something to laugh at. Actually, you were quite surprised they didn't mention your glass-

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