Liam Imagine, Dirty - He's shy Part 1

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Someone gave me the idea of writing a imagine where Liam is shy, i liked the idea and started writing! For those who don't know -> Y/F/N means your friends name. So you can chose who you want as that friend! It'll be two parts to it, so here's the first one! 


"So I've literally shagged the whole football team!" You said and smiled proudly, your friends laughed. "I bet you can get anyone in bed.." One of your friends said and you shrugged "I don't know about that".

"Hey Y/N!" Y/F/N said and pointed behind you, you turned around and your gaze fell on a boy sitting at a table eating his lunch by himself. "What about him?" You asked curiously, Y/F/N chuckled and whispered "Are you up for a dare?". Your eyes widened, but quickly a grin formed on your face "of course".

"Get in his pants by sunday"

"What? Only two days?" You exclaimed and Y/F/N grinned "What's wrong? don't you think you can make it?". You laughed "Pff! I've gotten into a dude's pants in a smaller amount of time than that" you said and winked at her, "I'm in". 

"Go on then!" Y/F/N said and pushed your shoulder, "Whaat? Now?" You asked and she nodded quickly "go talk to him". You looked at the boy again, he was sitting there quietly, eating slowly while reading his book. You rolled your eyes and sighed "fine".

You walked over to the guy, stopped infront of him, waiting for a reaction from him. He continued reading his book, again you rolled your eyes and made a fake cough so he would notice you. Suddenly he looked up at you from his book, his eyes wide. You had actually never noticed this guy before, he seemed like a total outcast.. But at the same time he was really cute! His eyes was brown, Pretty.

"Hi" you said and smirked, you could tell he was a little shocked that you talked to him. "Uh.. He-hello" he stuttered and you chuckled, you made him nervous. This could be fun.

"Is this seat taken?'' you asked politely and pointed at the chair opposite from him, the guy looked at all the chairs around his lonely table before he again looked at you with wide eyes ''uh.. no'' he said, still nervous. haha. ''Good' you said and sat down, he looked at you curiously, but who could blame him? One of the most popular girls in school suddenly wanted to talk to him and spend her lunch with him? It's your lucky day, loser. 

''So, what are you reading?'' you asked, being careful and kind. You knew how to gain is trust, and since he's shy, lonely.. a nerd.. He will probably trust you easily. The guy looked down at his book, then up at you and swallowed a lump in his troath ''Uh.. 77 Shadow Street'' he said, almost whispered. ''Sounds scary, is it?'' you asked, placing your elbows on the table, resting your chin on your palms. ''Uh.. Well I haven't read that much yet.. But It's supposed to be..'' he said, not daring to look you in the eyes all the time, so he looked at the book every now and then. You chuckled at his nervousness ''You're cute, what's your name?'' you asked and smiled at him kindly. 

''I-It's L..Liam'' he stuttered and you almost felt like aawww'ing because of how shy he was. ''So Liam, you like scary things?'' you asked, trying to get to know him, not too much, but enough so he would think you REALLY wanted to. ''I g-guess so'' he said and looked at his hands, you smirked as you removed your arms from the table, slightly squeezing them against your boobs, exposing your cleavage a little.

''Would you watch a scary movie with me then? I don't like watching them alone you see'' you said with a light girly voice, pouting a little at the end of your sentence. You noticed Liam was suddenly looking exactly where you wanted him too, that made your smile to grow even bigger. ''Liam?'' you asked and he immediately shot his eyes away from your actually.. REALLY exposed cleavage- and met yours ''huh?''.

''Would you watch a scary movie with me, tomorrow?'' you asked, again. 

Liam tilted his head and looked a little confused before he scratched his hair nervously. ''Oh, okay'' he said and you saw a little smile appear on his face, aw. ''Yay! Tell me your number and i'll text you later'' you said happily and smiled at him, ''uh okey.. it's 1122334321'' he said and you ''uh-huh'' inbetween every number. When you were finished typing in his number you saved him as ''Liam<3''.

You wanted him to know that you saved his name with a heart behind it, so you handed him your phone ''Did I get it right?'' you asked and he looked at your screen. You saw his eyes widening, you knew what he'd noticed. ''Uhm, yeah i-it's right'' he said and gave you your phone back.

''Good!'' you said and smiled at him before you stood up from the chair. ''I'll text you! My name is Y/N btw!'' you said and he nodded, smiling. This is too easy. ''I'll see you later'' you said and walked over to him and gave him a hug, you didn't want to do anything more than that.... but later, you certainly would. ''Bye Li'' you said and waved at him, a small smile was plastered on his face as he waved you goodbye. ''B-bye''. 

When you turned around and walked towards Y/F/N, you were smiling to her, giving her a thumbs up. She was rolling her eyes and grinning, when you approached her she whispered ''What did you say?'', you flipped your hair and crossed your arms ''we're having a movie date, scary movie''.



''Oh my god, you HAVE to pretend you're really scared!'' she said excitedly and you chuckled, ''Already ahead of you, I'm gonna be so scared that he doesn't have any choice than cuddle up with me.. This is too easy'' you said and grinned. ''But.. WHEN?'' Y/F/N asked curiously. 

''Tomorrow night'' you said and bit your lower lip. Y/F/N chuckled ''you're crazy'' she said and shook her haid while laughing a little, ''Hey you're the one daring me to do this, you're just as crazy'' you said ''touché''. 

Y/F/N got up from her seat and you both walked to your next class, you started typing a message for precious Liam. 

''Hey Li! Looking forward to tomorrow ;) Bring a scary movie? My dorm is 135F, I'll see you at.. 8? Y/N xxx'' 

As you sent it, it only took him a few minutes to answer and you smirked as your phone buzzed;

''Okay, I'll bring one! That's fine, see you then! Liam :) '' 


I hope you liked this, and I hope you're as excited for the next part as I am? Hey I know this part wasn't dirty, but you don't mind me teasing you a little bit ey? ;) Anyway, calm down yo pants, the next part will be up very soon.. Comments and votes are VERY much appreciated x

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