Louis Imagine, Dirty- Secret part 2

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Heeey people! 
So some of you asked me to do a part 2 on my last imagine! I thought about it.. and found out that it wasn't a bad idea at all! I mean, I guess we all want Louis to be cute, and we all crave that happy ending right? So I guess I'll just.. yeah, just read! 

"See you tomorrow"

His words was haunting you, and your ass was red from his spanking. You knew he didn't treat you right, but how does that even matter when you love him so much.. You get to spend time with him after all.. 

You pulled up your underwear and got dressed quickly, while whimpering in pain. He really did make it hard for you to walk.  As you limped out of the boys' lockerrooms dragging your schoolbag with you, you felt your phone buzzing in your pocket:

"It was fun today, but calm down the talking will ya? It bores me.. I'll see you later ;) Louis"

After reading the text several times, you didn't even know how to feel.. Should you feel sad about him saying you're boring when you talk? Or be happy that he'll see you later? Why does love have to be so complicated? Well.. everything about Louis Tomlinson is quite complicated anyway. I guess, from your point of view that is. 

You didn't bother to answer him, he wouldn't care if you did or did not anyway. You slid your phone down your pocket and continued your walk home. 


''MUM! DAD! I'm homeee!'' you cried as you walked into the kitchen, but there was no mum nor dad to be seen. You noticed a note on the kitchen table and quickly picked it up, it said: 

''Hey Y/N, Me and your dad left for the weekend. I'm sorry for not telling you sooner, but it all just happened really quickly and before we knew it I was writing you this note. Your dad suggested we could go visit your aunt and uncle in London, I thought it was a good idea! We haven't seen them in ages anyway. So, I guess you're fine by your own. You're almost an adult, anyway. There's food in the fridge, and I left some money for you as well! See you in a few days! Love you! Mum xoxo'' 

You smiled at the note, finally.. some time for yourself! 

Wait.. another note?

''PS! When we were packing this friend of yours walked up to me and asked if we were all going on a vacation, I told him you were going to be by yourself. He immediately said he could look after you, I guess that's fine by you? He is your friend after all! He's such a cute guy, I can't believe you haven't introduced me to him before? What was his name again.. oh Louis! He said something about coming over later tonight, so I'm glad you don't have to be by yourself. You tend to do that sometimes, don't you baby? Anyway, your dad is sick of waiting.. I need to go! Love you! Have fun! x'' 

WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK? She talked to Louis?? And why would he talk to your mum? AND WHY WOULD HE OFFER TO TAKE CARE OF YOU WHILE THEY'RE AWAY? She just wrote you're an adult, and now she's hired him to take care of you? like.. wow. 

Well, look on the bright side.. you'll see him agian? This could be.. interesting..


Is he here already? What the......

You limped towards the door and opened it slowly to reveal a tall figure, grinning at you. ''Home alone ey? In a couple of days? This could be fun!'' the raspy voice said as the guy stepped inside your house. You just stood there shocked and didn't know what to say, he chuckled ''Your mum told me I could come over'' he said and smirked. Should you be flattered by him wanting to take care of you or be disgusted? 

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