Harry Imagine Dirty - Unzipped Unbuttoned and Uncuffed

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I know there's a lot of imagines like this, but i wanted to give it a go:) I hope you'll like it!

Harry had just came back from tour and you were anxious to see him, the only problem was that you were at school and had to wait.. And it was killing you.

In the middle of history class your phone vibrated in your pocket, you looked around you before you slowly pulled it out and held it under your desk as you read the text;

I need you baby - Harry

Your eyes widened, was something wrong? You quickly tapped your answer;

Why? Anything happened? U okay? - Y/N

No, I'm not okay. I'm having the biggest erection right now and I dont have anyone to take care of it! - Harry

Again your eyes widened, was he sexting you while you're at school? You looked up and saw your teacher wasn't paying attention, so you answered him right away.

Are you kidding with me? You know I'm at school right? - Y/N

And that's why I'm having this problem, cause you aren't here - Harry

You could admit that the thought of him sitting at home with his hard on texting you.. Was turning you on.

You didn't have the time to answer before a new text arrived;

The things I could do to you... - Harry

You shivered at his words and grinned a little. You knew what Harry liked, and therefore you decided to play a little game with him.

You want my warm lips around your dick don't you? - Y/N

Now you're making me even harder Y/N.. Come home please - Harry

You know I can't! Do you want my hand tightly around your friend? I'll move my hand up and down for ya - Y/N

Yes yes yes!! Please Y/N. That's exactly what i want. - Harry

And I'll put it in my mouth, deep troathing you.. - Y/N

Oh god. You're so not making this better.. Oh come on.. Please just come home - Harry

You know you can fix it yourself right?- Y/N

Yes, but i want you, i need you baby.. I want to be inside of you! please - Harry

Wow how he managed to get you wet by texting you gave you shivers down your spine.

I'll sit on top of you, ride you gently - Y/N

I'm so hard it hurts.. Come home this instant - Harry

You know i can't babe - Y/N

COME HOME NOW or I'll punish you when you're off school. And that's a promise, you naughty girl.. - Harry

You smirked at his text and chuckled silently, "Y/N what's the matter? Something funny about world war two?" your teacher cut you off as she stared at you with her pale eyes. "Oh no ma'am" you said and she nodded. "Well then, please focus" she muttered as she continued talking about the war.

Punish me? How? Care to explain? ;) - Y/N

I'll f*ck you so hard you can't even feel your legs afterwards, and I'll spank that bum of yours until its as red as a tomato. I'll make you scream so loud that you'll lose your voice.. I'm going to make you regret not coming home this instant! - Harry

Mm Harry, you're making me wet. I love it when you're rough.. - Y/N

You shouldn't. I'm warning you, I'll show you a side of me you've never seen, and never want to see again. - Harry

Wow, that was actually scaring you a little, a side you wouldn't want to see again? Was he being serious? Or just trying to make you come home? If Harry is going to be THIS horny everytime he get back from tour you probably have to be prepared next time..

I'll enjoy every second of it - Y/N

You shouldn't be looking forward to it Y/N, I've already warned you! It'll be steamy - Harry

But I am, see you after school! I need to focus now - Y/N


You chuckled at his text and decided not to answer, let his throbbing c*ck suffer a little. It took only a few minutes for Harry to answer you and his answer shocked you a little, kinda;

That's it! I'm coming to pick you up, you better be ready - Harry

Harry I can't just leave!! I have an exam coming up and I need to focus - Y/N

I'll be there in a few minutes - Harry

Okay he was CLEARLY not thinking about how important school was. Well, it's probably his manhood that's in control, or he's just playing with ya.

After a couple of minutes of listening to the teacher talking about war and serious stuff, someone knocked on the door. You teacher walked towards the door and peaked her head out talking to someone, you could barely hear what they were saying.

''Y/N.. Collect your stuff, you're going home! Don't forget to bring your history book'' she said and you tilted your head to the side, confused. ''oh.. okay'' you muttered as you grabbed your stuff and backpack. Could it be Harry? No, he wouldn't dare to come in here, would he? Right before you were about to leave your teacher grabbed your arm and frowned ''I'm sorry about your uncle'' she whispered and you had no idea what she was talking about ''thanks..'' you mumbled before you walked out of the classroom.

''Harry?'' you said and sighed, ''I told you I'd pick you up'' he said with a grin on his face. ''But you know school is important to me'' you whispered and he pouted ''you've been sexting me the last thirthy minutes, I don't think it's that important? Anyway, aren't you glad to see me?'' he said holding out his arms, you smiled and ran into his arms ''I am'' you said into his chest as he rubbed your back. ''We need to get going'' he muttered as he grabbed your hand and pulled you outside, running.

''Why are we running?'' you asked and Harry chuckled ''I can't wait anymore'' he said and you blushed, this would be interesting. ''What's up with my uncle btw?'' you asked ''uhh.. I had to get you outta there in some way'' he whispered and you laughed ''so you mentally killed my uncle or something?'' you asked and Harry stopped and his eyes widened ''it didn't sound that bad in my head..'' he said and you laughed ''it's okay''.

As you approached the car, Harry sighed ''you're so friggin' SLOW!'' he exclaimed as he picked you up over his shoulders and ran into the car and dumped you in the backseat. He closed your door and ran to the drivers-side and got in ''Why am I in the backseat?'' you asked and he smirked ''no special reason'' he said and you chuckled ''of course not''.

''How was tour Haz?'' you asked and he groaned ''how do you manage a plain conversation now, my c*ck is throbbing and hurting in these pants'' he said as he had his eyes focused on the road while driving. You chuckled ''So why did you put on those tight skinny jeans?'' you asked and he laughed at your statement. ''I think I would've scared off your teacher if I stood there with sweatpants while having a boner.. telling her that your uncle died. That's like.. really inappriopriate'' he explained and you couldn't stop laughing.

''But eh, tour was fine.. missed you..'' he said with a hint of lust in his voice, you leaned forward and whispered into his ear; ''I know you did baby''. Harry got goosebumps all over and had a crooked smile on his face as he sighed ''you're only making things worse today Y/N..'' he muttered and you chuckled as you started kissing his neck and playing with his earlobe with your teeth. ''I regret putting you in the backseat'' he mumbled inbetween small moans. ''You're making me unfocused Y/N'' he whispered. ''If i was sitting in the passangersseat it would be worse love'' you whispered and he chuckled ''how come?''

''I could've leaned over..

zipped your tight jeans open..

reveal your big friend..


Harry was now breathing heavily as you whispered every word in his ear, the warmth of your breath giving him shivers down his spine. He was biting his lip at what was coming next;

''-suck it'' you whispered more silent than before.

Harry quickly stepped on the breaks, the car screaming as it stopped. You looked at Harry shockingly as he'd turned around looking at you with a frown ''Now you'll be quiet until we get home, or else we'll get in a car accident because I can't think clearly'' he said, trying to be serious througout the entire sentence. ''Fine, Styles'' you said and he nodded, ''good.. good'' he whispered as he turned around and continued driving home.

After just a couple of minutes Harry parked in your driveway outside your flat. "Now, outta the car love" he demanded, you decided to not do as he said, teasing him, so you pulled out your phone and started playing Angry Birds. Harry stood outside the car almost pulling his precious curls out, "OH COME ON! YOU'RE ONLY DOING THIS TO TEASE ME!" he yelled and you chuckled as you nodded at him. He opened your door and grabbed your hand so you dropped your phone "hey!" You exclaimed and he just shrugged, "babeeeeee" he begged as he tried pulling you out of the car.

"You want my lips around your c*ck don't you Harry?" you asked seductively biting your lower lip, Harry groaned and started stamping with his foot "GET OUT OF THE CAR" he yelled, clearly frustrated. "Okay okay, don't scare the neighbours with your screaming" you said and he chuckled "I'm gonna fuck you so hard it's your scream that'll scare them away" he said and winked at you.

"Harry!" you exclaimed while laughing, as he dragged you inside. Clearly going touring was hard for him, not being able to... Be with you.

"You're lucky I didn't screw you in the car young lady" he muttered as he pulled you inside the flat and shut the door. "Why so? that would've been fun" you said and Harry groaned silently "I prefer not doing it infront of the neighbours, your screaming will have to do" he said as he chuckled. "Haha, you're so funny" you lied.

"Now get in bed, ill be there in a minute" he ordered you, you frowned at him as you marched into your bedroom.

As you sat down you wondered why he didn't come with you immediately, he was the one who told your teacher that your uncle died.. Just to get you home! "Harry what's taking you so lo-"

Suddenly Harry showed up with a big smirk, his hands behind his back clearly hiding something from you. "Harry what are you doing?" you asked pretty nervous at that moment. "I've been waiting for this" he whispered as he walked towards you, still having that weird smirk plastered on his face. "For what?!" you asked rather terrified, "Harry..".

Suddenly he jumped on top of you and grabbed both of your hands, and before you knew it you were pinned to the bed by a set of handcuffs. "HARRY WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?" You screamed, "Oi! save the screaming" he whispered and winked as he pulled off his navy v-neck shirt. "i didn't want you to.. Escape" he whispered as he kissed your lips passionately. "You know I wouldn't" you said confused, "fine.. I know.. I just wanted to try it, is it that bad?" he asked pouting. You couldnt help but laugh at him, "of course not, you just shocked me a little hazza" you said and winked.

Harry's grin quickly got wiped away as he sat down sighing, "whats wrong babe?" you asked and he looked at you and chuckled lightly "I didn't think this through... You're not able to help me now" he whispered, "help you with what?" You asked and his grin slowly grew back on his face as he said; "get undressed".

"Uncuff me then" you said and bit your lip, smiling at Harry. He groaned as he nodded "I have to" he said as he pulled out a key from his backpocket and uncuffed you.

You leaned in to kiss him as your hands traveled downsouth to his.. Let me say... Big bulge. He hummed into the kiss by your touch. You unzipped and unbuttoned his tight jeans, while kissing him you pulled them down along with his boxers. His friend jumped out and it was harder than ever. He broke from the kiss and sighed in relief "finally" he said and grinned. "Please, can you?" he asked and you giggled, "can what?" you asked and he groaned "OH FOR GOD'S SAKE!! suck me please" he begged in frustration and you nodded "good boy" you whispered as you kissed him.

You let your fingers run over his member teasingly, "Y/N" he whispered. You started pumping him slowly, going up and down his whole lenght earning moans from Harry. You slowly leaned in and kissed his tip, Harry groaned and sucked on his lower lip closing his eyes shut. "Don't.. Tease" he mumbled. You quickly took him in your mouth, Harry gasped and tried to hold back a big amount of moans. "Oh my.." He whispered tilting his head backwards, you started bobbing your head up and down, almost deepthroating him.

''I'm almost-''

Harry couldn't finish his sentence before you cut him off by releasing his member from your mouth. ''Hey why did you stop?'' he whined and you smiled ''because I wanted to'' you said and winked at him. ''But I..'' he groaned and shook his head and chuckled ''you've always been a teaser'' he whispered and you stuck at your tongue at him. In return Harry pushed you down on the bed and hovered over you, ''I'll make you regret it'' he said grinning. ''Oh?'' you asked curiously, he nodded as he pulled off your jeans. ''Up'' he said signaling you to hold your arms up, you did as he said and he pulled your top off. ''So now you're listening huh? are you scared?'' he asked and you laughed ''not really''.

''you should be'' he whispered in your ear, that made shivers run down your spine and you swallowed a lump in your troath. He started kissing your neck, then your breasts, sucking gently on your nipple while massaging the other. Then he continued further down, you moaned a little which made Harry smirk. ''You like this'' he whispered and you nodded quickly, ''please Harry'' you begged for more, ''I wanna hear you beg more baby'' he said as he stopped kissing you right before he reached your clit.

His dark emerald green eyes were locked with yours, he glared at you with a grin on his face, waiting for you to start to beg him for more. You decided to control your wants and play a game with him, so you smiled and sat up from the bed and jumped down from it, walking towards the door. ''Hey where you think you're going?'' he shouted after you, obviously shocked. ''I just need a glass of water, maybe a sandwich, I'm a little hungry.. Maybe I should take a shower, or clean the bathroom.. Well my favorite show is on tv in five minutes so I'll have to do that later.. well I-''

''HEY. STOP! RIGHT NOW! What the fuck you think you're doing?'' he yelled grabbing your hand, holding it tightly in his grasp. ''I just..''

''No, you're doing this on purpose aren't you?'' he asked angrily and you found it hard to keep the serious mask on for too long. ''Well I-''

''No, don't say anything! I'm tired of waiting now, I want you'' he said and dragged you with him to the bed and pushed you down, so you were laying there with only your underwear on. ''Too much clothes'' he whispered and ripped your panties off and unclasped your bra faster than he'd ever done before. ''That's better'' he said and grinned before he hovered over you and attacked your lips with his. Suddenly you felt two fingers shoot into you, you gasped and Harry just smirked at you. "Oh god" you whispered as he pushed them in and out.

"Slow down" you whispered but Harry just shook his head, "I've been waiting for too long".

You smirked and chuckled a little, "You're one special guy Haz" you said and he stopped and looked into your yyes. His brown curls were almost covering his eyes as his grin grew on his face "I want you" he whispered and kissed your neck making you moan, "ready?" he asked and before you got to answer you felt his d*ck thrust into you.

''OH HARRRRRY!'' you screamed and that made Harry's grin grow even wider, ''good girl'' he whispered as he started thrusting in and out of you, harder by the second. His size was pounding into you and you hadn't even had the chance to adjust, so you felt a hell of a lot of pain. ''Harry'' you whimpered, but he just continued his thrust, biting his lip as he did so.

The pain slowly faded away as he continued, the pleasure was almost unbearable and you moaned at every thrust. ''Oh god'' he whispered as he thrusted as hard as he could into you making you gasp for air. ''Harrryyy'' you exclaimed and he smirked before he started slowing down, ''you're so amazing Y/N.. you know that?'' he whispered as he kissed your lips. His slow thrusts felt so good, he just rocked quietly and slowly back and forth while you both were panting.

''I'm nearly there baby, do you mind if I do it a bit faster?'' he asked gently and you giggled ''you don't have to ask, go on!'' you said and he grinned as he kissed your nose.

His member started pounding faster and harder, and your moans filled the whole room mixed with Harry's heavy breathing and groaning. He continued fucking you faster and faster until he started getting sloppy and you felt his fluids fill you up, and in just a matter of seconds you came too. Harry collapsed on your body, resting his head on your breasts. You were both still panting when Harry whispered;

''Next time I'm coming home from tour, you better be waiting.. AT HOME''

you both giggled and snuggled up to eachother before you fell asleep.

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