Chapter 5

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The mess hall is enormous. Picnic-like benches are scattered in perfect lines all over the room. At the far end of the hall, the opening for the food collection is visible. The line for the food was already forming, the line snaking around the corner. Piper is sitting with her group of friends. Something inside me boils up just by the thought of looking in her direction. Since talking to her earlier today, I couldn't help but do some investigation myself. Social media can be an interesting place. Archives and a lot more digging later, I found what I was looking for, and I am unsure what to think about what I found.

"Piper!" I shout across the hall. My legs automatically move in her direction before I know what I'm doing.

"Piper!" I shout again as I arrive at the table where she is sitting with her breakfast. She has decided to go with some cereal and fruit. She turns her head around.

"What do you want?" Piper asks. How can one describe Piper? It does not matter If you are the most famous person she knows, she is out to get you. If nothing is going her way, then you are in trouble.

Is it true that something is going on between you and Kyle?" I ask, my breathing shallow, trying to keep my anger in. Piper quickly looks around the hall, looking around as if she has just been caught in the biggest lie on the planet. She grabs my wrist and pulls me to a nearly empty table.

"Listen, whatever you heard, it is not true. The rest of our school is jealous that you are dating the quarterback. Besides, why would you listen to them anyway," she states in a low, husky voice.

"That does not answer my question, Piper," I state. She sighs and looks off into the distance, trying not to make eye contact with me. She is contemplating her answer. I can see it in her face.

"I am not dating Kyle." She states. Piper looks at me and smiles a fake smile. I know she is lying, but I do not want to believe it.

"You can trust me," she says in a low voice, trying to sound convincing. She stands up and walks away towards the cafeteria door, where her friends are waiting for her.

I sit there for a few minutes, not knowing what to do.

I feel betrayed by Piper and Kyle. They are both lying to me. I am angry at them both, but more so at myself for believing them in the first place.m I stay seated at my table thinking about what just happened with Piper and Kyle when suddenly someone sits down next to me without making any noise or even trying to be quiet like they usually do around here.

"Kyle has some explaining to do," I say to myself while walking to stand in the line for food.

I suddenly bump into a solid body again. I look up to say sorry to the person, but to my surprise, I am face to face with the person I was looking for. Seriously, how many times is this going to happen?

"Melissa," Kyle says in a low voice. I am speechless for a few seconds, but then I look at him and say,

"Kyle." He looks down at the floor and does not say anything else. He is still wearing his black jacket with a hood over his head. His hair is messy like it usually is when he doesn't have time to comb it or brush it before leaving school. I notice that he has dark circles under his eyes as if he hasn't slept well lately.

"Sorry, babe. Are you okay?" He asks. Is Kyle, and he sure has some explaining to do alright.

"Kyle, what's going on?" I ask him. He looks up at me and says, "I don't know how to tell you this, but -"

"Is it true that you and Piper are in a relationship?" I ask him the minute we sit down. Kyle has his hand on my shoulder as if trying to comfort me.

"Who is Piper?" he asks as if he does not know who I am talking about.

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