Chapter 8

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"Why don't you just wear the shoes your mom gave you as a present?" Sofia asks as I slip on a blouse. I don't know why, but this thing with blake is freaking me out for some reason. I know he did not call it a date, but I cannot help but think it is.

"I think those are a little too fancy for wherever we are going," I say,

"You're right," Sofia says as I slip on a pair of flats.

"I think you should go with something more casual." I don't know why, but I am not ready for this. I don't know where we are going or if it is even on the property.

"Are you sure about this?" Sofia asks.

"You are the one that encouraged me," I say, eying her in the mirror.

"You look nice," Sofia says as she looks at me in the mirror.

"Thanks," I say as we both head out of my room and down to the living room.

"I am going to grab my purse," I say as Sofia heads towards the front door just as three knocks on the door echo throughout the cabin.

"Who is it?" I ask as I head towards the door.

"It's me," Blake says through the door.

"I'll get it," Sofia says, heading closer to the door. My nerves start to pile up. I'm not even sure why. I don't even know Blake for more than one day. I quickly rush back to my room and grab my purse from my bed.

"Hey," I say as I re-enter the living room.

"Hey," Blake says as he looks at me. I can't help but smile. He looks handsome, wearing a button-down shirt with khaki pants and loafers. No one says a word as I look at him. I am sure Sofia has a big fat smile plastered on her face.

"You look nice," I comment when the silence becomes a little much.

"Thanks," The three of us just awkwardly stand there.

"Okay... The two of you have a fun time. I'll be here when you get back," Sofia states, breaking the silence.

"Yeah, we will," I say. Blake ushers me out of the cabin door and down the small wooden steps.

"Bye! Have fun!" Sofia shouts and closes the door. I smile back at her and look up at Blake.

"So, will you tell me where we are going?" I ask as we walk down the path. Blake flashes me a complete teeth smile.

"No, I'm not telling you where we are going," Blake says.

"Why?" I ask. "I mean, it's not like you have to tell me."

"Well... It's just that..." He looks down at the ground and then back to me. "It's a surprise."


The moon is bright as it reflects on the water of the lake. Blake sits on a bench on the edge of the water, not far from the Gazebo. We have already talked about a few things making our way here. I found out that he has an older sister and is quite close.

"It's a beautiful night tonight, isn't it?" I ask.

"Yes, it is." He replies.

"I'm glad you decided to take me out tonight," I say as I look at him.

"I'm glad you decided to come out with me." He says. There was a moment of silence in the air.

"So, what's your favorite color?" I ask.

"Blue," he says as he looks at the sky. "It reminds me that there are bigger things in life than we can see."

"I like that," I say. "It's nice to know there are bigger things in life."

"Yeah, it is." He says as he looks at me. We both sit there for a while, not saying anything. There was a moment of silence in the air.

"What about you?" He asks me.

"Green," I say with a smile on my face. "It reminds me," I look in his direction, "that things always grow. The green grass grows, and the green trees grow. For example, the anaconda is the biggest snake in the world, and guess what color it is,"

"Green," he says.

"That is correct," I say with a smile. "And that means there are bigger things than we can see." We didn't do much else on our date. We just talked about life.

"I'm glad you came out with me," he says.

"It was nice to spend time with you."

"Yeah, it was," I say as I look at him. He looks at me and smiles. There is a moment of silence in the air.

"You know, this is probably going to sound weird, but...I think we should get out of here." Blake says as he stands up from his seat next to me and walks towards me slowly. We are now standing in front of each other; our faces are only inches apart from each other's lips. The moment was short, but it felt like an eternity.

"I think so, too," I say as I look into his eyes. He leans in, and I can imagine his lips on mine. I don't know why, because I just met him. Just as his lips are a few inches away from mine. He steps away just as I feel a splash of water on my cheek. I look up and see it has started to rain. A soft drizzle began pouring down. I cannot believe it is starting to rain now.

"Have you ever seen the movie dancing in the rain?"

"No. Why do you ask?" Suddenly he grabs me around my waist and head for the lake. I start to scream from fear, hoping that he does not throw me in the water.

"Looks like I need to take you to see a movie." He jokes, stepping closer to the water.

"No, no. I don't want to get wet." I say as I pull away from him. He laughs and grabs me again. He puts me down after a while.

"Come on. I want to show you something." He says as he takes my hand and leads me towards the lake. We walk through the water, getting wetter by the minute. The rain is pouring down hard now, making it difficult to see where we are going. Blake pulls me closer to him so we can be more protected from the raindrops hitting our faces.

"Blake, I don't want to get wet," I say as he pulls me closer. He looks at me and smiles. His eyes are sparkling in the rain. He grabs my hand and leads us towards a small wooden bridge on the other side of the lake. We walk across it slowly, so we do not slip into the water below us. The raindrops now hit our faces harder, making it difficult to see where we are going through all this water falling from above. Blake stops walking when we reach a point where there is no more room left for us to walk. He looks at me and smiles. I look into his green eyes, the eye that seems to never end. I wrap my hands around his neck, smiling back at him. I suddenly feel the scar mark I saw when I first saw him in the cafeteria. It's rough, as if it's only a few weeks old and not healed properly yet. I want to ask him how he got it, but this moment is too good to be interrupted.

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