Chapter 18

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Being back home is something different. It's been a few days, and I turned my phone off because I need the time to think. My father also contacted me again, but I refused to take his call. I know that all he wants to talk about is my friends, which I still find weird.

I find myself in my bedroom, watching one of my favorite series on Netflix. I'm about to finish the last episode when my phone buzz interrupts me. I decided to turn my phone on but not look at any of the notifications. I rub my eyes and sit upright on my bed, leaning my head against my headboard. I take the cell phone from my bedside table and peek at the thousands of messages that came through. Unknown number. I sigh and decide to open it, just in case it is some emergency I need to attend to.

Unknown number: I must talk to you. Blake.

I look at the message in front of me on the lit-up screen. How did he get my number? I hope not that he did something illegal and went through the reception and personal information.

Me: How did you get my number?

I send the message before I back out. While waiting for his response, I look at the time in the corner of the small screen and see that it's almost 10 in the morning.

Blake: Sofia gave it to me. Please, Melissa. I need to talk to you.

Without replying, I put my phone on the bedside table and continued watching my show. I still need some time to process what has happened. I finish the show's last episode and get up from my bed, stretching out my arms and legs. I walk over to the window and open it, letting in a cool breeze. I close the window after a few minutes of just standing there, enjoying the fresh air.

I sit down, pick up my phone, and walk back to bed. I scroll through my messages and see a few more from Blake. I decided to reply to him this time, telling him I was not interested in talking. I put my phone down, noticing that another show has started playing on my laptop screen, but I am not paying much attention to it. I'm too busy thinking about Blake and what he wanted to talk to me about. A few more text messages come through while watching my show. I sigh and decide that answering would be a good call, so I don't have to wait any longer. I press the call button on my phone.

"Hey," Blake says when he answers the phone.

"Hey," I reply. "What's up?"

"Nothing much. It's just that you left, and I didn't get to say goodbye."

"I'm sorry about how I left, but I needed some time away. I have family issues I need to deal with here."

"I understand," he says. I pace back and forth in my room, biting on my lower lip as the silence grows over the phone when he does not respond immediately.

"Does that mean you are not coming to the dance?" he asks.

"I am. I got permission from Rita to still attend it."

"That's good," he says. "I'll see you there. Love you."

"Okay," I say, unsure what else to say as the line goes silent. I stare at the phone, realizing what Blake just said. Blake said that he loved me. I decide at that moment that I need to take a shower. I walk into the bathroom and turn on the water. The hot water runs down my body as I stand under it, washing away all my worries.

After about ten minutes, I get the courage to step out of the shower and dry myself off with a towel. I put on some clean clothes lying in front of me on top of my dresser. As soon as I put them on, there is a knock at my door.

"Hey, sweetie. Is everything okay?" my mom asks, popping her head around the door.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little tired," I say. "It's been a long few weeks."

"I can imagine," she says, pausing. "Do you have anything planned to do today?"

I shake my head. I haven't thought about anything.

"I think I may just go downstairs, grab something to eat, and maybe read a book."

"That sounds like a good idea," she says. "I'll see you later." She leaves the room, and I close my door behind her. I finish changing into comfortable clothes.

I grab my phone and head downstairs. I find my mom in the kitchen, eating a toasted sandwich. I can tell she made it on the stove as the kitchen is filled with greasy cheese and butter. I eye the sandwich out the corner of my eye while going to the fridge to grab a juice carton.

"Hey, you want some?" she asks, holding the sandwich. I shake my head and take a seat at the kitchen table. I open my juice and take a long drink before setting it down in front of me. My mom sits across from me and takes another bite of her sandwich. She chews for a few moments before swallowing and saying, "Have you spoken to your brother recently?" I shake my head.

"No, not really." I take a juice drink and set the carton down before setting my elbows on the table and burying my face in my hands.

"I did talk to him before I went off to this summer camp, though," I say, and her eyebrows shoot up to her hairline. I lift my head and give her a small smile. "He was really excited for me. I think he's just as happy for me as I am." My mom smiles back at me before setting her sandwich down and reaching over to take my hand.

"You did not tell him about dad, did you?" I ask.

"No, I didn't want to worry him. He's been through so much this year already." My mom squeezes my hand before releasing it and picking up her sandwich again. That's a good thing. Conrad can become so overprotective when he wants to. Knowing him, if he knew did contact me, he would go straight to the jail dad is in and beat him up. 

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