Chapter 19 - Blake's POV

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"Have one of you seen Melissa?" I ask Cara and Sandra. They are sitting at a table, talking to each other. The two of them shake their heads, and I jog out the activity hall's door on the porch to see if she is coming.

"Where are you?" I ask myself. Sandra joins me as I sit on the steps in front.

"She did say she was coming?" she asks me. I did not need to look up as I could feel her presence.

"You care about her?" she asks, and I nod my head in agreement.

"I was wrong not telling her the truth about me, and I screwed up. How can I be so stupid."

"You are not stupid. You just didn't think straight at that time." There was a moment of silence.

"Can I see the necklace again?" she asks. I do not move but only look at her.

"I know you have it with you, Blake." I groan and fidget in the pocket of my jacket. I take out the jewelry box and give it to Sandra. She carefully opens it and takes the necklace out of the box. She studies it for a moment and nods her head as I just look at her, confused. I have no idea what she is up to. She passes it to me.

"What must I do with this?" I ask, reaching out to take the piece of jewelry.

"You must wear it. Melissa will then see how much it means to you." I look at her, not sure what to do.

"I know you love her, Blake. She is the one for you." Sandra says, nudging it toward me again to take it. I sigh, give in, and put the necklace around my neck.

"I want you to tell me what is engraved on that necklace." She says to me. I squint my eyes and shake my head, not understanding why she is so persistent about this.


"Do you want me to help you or not?" she asks. I nod my head. "I want to know what is engraved on the necklace."

"Then tell me what the words engraved on the necklace are," she says again.

"Forever Mine," I say as I give another sigh.

"What does that mean?" she asks.

"It means I will love her forever," I say, looking in the distance.

"And who did you give it to on your first date?" she also wanted to know.

"Melissa," I say. "I gave it to her on the first date."

"Why?" she asks.

"Because I love her." She looks at me, satisfied with my answer."

"What is the meaning behind you giving it to her on the first date?" she asks again.

"It means I have loved her since that day I saw her in the cafeteria," I say. "Why all these questions?"

"Look. I don't know you that long, but Melissa became my friend these past weeks, and if you didn't come into her life, she would have been miserable." Sandra gave me a knowing look of comfort. She stood up and walked back inside.

At first, I was confused about what Sandra had said to me. But one thing is for sure: I know Melissa would have been miserable if I didn't come into her life.

I run my hand through my hair, hoping Melissa will decide to eventually show up. I put on my glasses and looked at the lake where our first date played out. It was perfect. I haven't felt like that with anyone else before.

My cellphone vibrates in my pocket. I scramble to fish it out, hoping it is Melissa.

I click my screen, and it comes alight. I sigh when I see that it is one of those stupid news articles I have the notifications on for. They always post gossip, like when they were in awe of Khloé Kardashian's OCD and how beautifully organized her pantry is.

This time, the article caught my eye. The headline is quite gruesome.


My heart sinks as I read the article. This can't be her. She is on her way here in a gown. This could be anyone.

I put my phone back in my pocket and walked to the lake, trying to calm down. I take a deep breath and let it out slowly before heading back to where the part is in full swing.

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