Chapter 32

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Heaven knows why the school decided to have the Prom on a Wednesday, but they did. The rumor was that the school would know that no funny business would happen because it's still a school night, which makes sense.

I look at my reflection in the mirror and smile. I'm wearing the dress Tina and I selected a few weeks ago that came back yesterday after minor alterations. The metallic Plunging Maxi Dress still falls nicely around my body. My hair is down, and I have diamond earrings and a necklace that's a gift from my grandmother. I was determined to wear the necklace Blake had bought me. Thankfully, Tina did not argue with me after the first time, seeing how important it was to me.

"You look beautiful, Melissa," my mother says, walking into the room, "You and Tina picked out an amazing dress," I smile, looking at my reflection and spot Tina's smile, who is now sitting on my bed.

I still don't know who my date is. When Tina bought the tie at the shop, I repeatedly asked her to spill the beans for whom she bought it, but all she revealed was that she'll take care of it and that I did not need to worry about it.

"So, who's the lucky guy?" my mother asks.

I shrug and smile at Tina. "I don't know yet. Tina won't tell me until he arrives," I say, and she nods. Tina's phone goes off, indicating she received a text message, and I can see the smile spreading across her face.

"Speaking of which, he is here," she announces. I take a deep breath, trying to settle my nerves that now have surfaced.

"Are you ready?" my mom asks, a smile spreading on her face.

"As ready as I'll ever be," I answer. We walk out of the room, down the hallway, and make my way down the stairs, praying that I don't step on my dress on the way. As I spot Blake standing in the foyer, my heart starts beating faster as my eyes lock with his.

"You look beautiful," he says, and I can see the smile on his face. I look around, confused about what he is doing here, all dressed in a dark grey suit. His tie is missing, but he looks handsome, nonetheless. In some way, his green eyes merely pop even more as I study him.

"What are you doing here?" I finally get out.

"I, uh, I was told that we would meet our dates here," he says, looking around the room.

"I don't think we -"

"I see the two of you finally met your dates," Conrad interrupts me and makes himself known by stepping out of the kitchen and into the foyer. "Do you know how hard it was to keep this from the two of you,"

'Yes," he says proudly, "with the help of my acquaintance," he shoots a wink to someone behind me. I turn around and see Tina at the foot of the stairs grinning from ear to ear and holding the tie we bought.

"You knew about this?"

"Of course," she says, "I helped plan it." Blake clears his throat, and I turn back to him. He is looking at me with an intensity that makes my heart race, but somewhere I can sense the confusion also going through his head. I can't help but wonder what he is thinking.

"I, uh, I don't know what to say," I finally manage.

"You can thank us later," she says, walking towards Blake, putting the tie over his head, and fixing it to sit perfectly.

"Now, let's get this party started," Conrad says, taking out his phone and pointing it in our direction. "But first, we need to get a picture of the two of you together. We must capture this moment for the future grandbabies, right Mother?"

Conrad ushers the two of us together, positioning us in front of the big bouquet of lilies in the foyer that's still there from when I returned from the hospital. I can see the crimson shade creeping onto her face. Conrad takes the picture, and I hear the shutter going off one after another. Blake leans in to kiss me, and I am shocked when his lips touch mine. I did not expect that from him. I eagerly return the kiss, butterflies fluttering in my stomach. I forgot how he makes me feel. It's a mixture of love and comfort. I smile into the kiss and then pull away, looking at him.

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