Chapter 15

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My mom finally called me back the next day after receiving the voice message I left her. It does not surprise me, though. She is always busy with some kind of archeology thing. Finding new architecture history.

"Honey, are you sure you are okay?" she asked on the other side of the phone line.

"I am sure, mom," I say, playing with a strand of my hair, something I do. I am nervous and missing home. "I am just homesick and did not know what to do."

"Okay, honey. I am sorry I was not available when you called. I was out in an area without any signal. But if you need to come home, just let me know."

"I sure will, thanks," I say. I end the call and place my phone in my pocket. The morning went by quickly, and afternoon came by.

"Attention, all students. Please meet your camp counselor outside at the front entrance in some comfortable clothes and shoes. We are going on a road trip." Rita announces over the loudspeaker, just after lunch, as she makes her way through the cabins. I grab my sneakers and head to the living room, seeing the others holding theirs for this mystery road trip.

As we walk down towards the camp's front entrance, I spot 4 big busses in the driveway. I sigh and climb onto the bus that is the closest to us. The bus ride was a little bumpy, but I managed to sleep through most of it. We stopped at a gas station, and the camp counselor made us get out for some fresh air. The others got off the bus first, and we followed them in line.

"What are you doing?" Rita asks me as she watches me go up to one of the vending machines lined up on both sides of the building.

"I am getting something to drink," I say, grabbing a bottle from one of the many vending machines around us. I turn around and head back to the bus. We finally arrive at our destination: High Ropes Adventure Course.

"We are here," Rita says as she points to the sign posted on a tree. It's then that I notice the ropes hanging from the high trees. Oh no. This is not good. I am not good with heights. Especially when I have no control over them.

"I am not going on this," I say to myself.

"Are you okay?" Blake asks as he steps into line next to me. He wraps his arm around my shoulder, and I feel the pressure inside me go away. I nod my head in silence.

"Okay, everyone gets ready. We are going to climb the ropes," Rita announces as she walks towards a rope about 5 feet off the ground. I look at her and back away slowly.

"I am not climbing that!" I yell out loud in fear of heights. The others laugh at me as they climb up the rope one by one until only Rita, Sandra, Blake, and myself are left on this side with no other people around us except our counselors, who are watching from afar.

"You will be fine," Sandra says.

"You can do it," Blake says. For some reason, his words comfort me, but as soon as the instructor starts putting on our safety gear, the fear comes back.

"I am not going up there," I say as I start backing away.

"Okay, you are coming with us," Rita says and grabs my arm. She starts pulling me towards the rope. "It's only one step at a time."

"I am not going up there," I say again.

"Come on, you can do it," Blake says.

"It's only one step at a time." She says as she grabs my arm tighter this time. Sandra is standing behind us, watching us. I try to pull away from her, but she won't let go of my arm, so I have no choice but to climb the rope-like everyone else.

"All you have to do is not look down," Rita says. Bad idea. I look down, and I see the ground below me. It seems so far away but is only a few feet from the ground. This is only the first level of the course. As the trail continues, the higher the rope is off the ground.

"It's only one step at a time," Sandra says. I am unsure if it is my imagination, but it looks like more people are on this course than when we started. Everyone has gone up to the second level. Everyone is looking down at us from above. They must be having fun watching us struggle with my fear of height because they don't look scared or nervous. The ropes that hold them in place seem sturdy and strong, so I know that even though we may fall off the course, we won't fall very far.

"It's not that bad," Rita says as she pulls me up the rope. "You'll get used to it." I know she is right, but it doesn't make my fear disappear. My nerves increase as we climb higher and higher on the rope. The end of the first level was in sight. One more step. I take that step and exhale as I place my foot on the landing. I made it.

"That was easy," Rita says as she pulls me up the rope.

"Now, you can do it." I know that is true, but my fear of heights still lingers in my mind. One more step, and we will be at the top level. I take that step and exhale as I place my foot on the landing. It's a little higher than before, but not too much, so it doesn't feel like we will fall off soon.

I grab Sandra's arm as the rope beneath me starts to shake. I was able to make it to the second last level.

"I'm scared," I say as I look down at the ground. "I don't think we should go any higher." Sandra looks up at me and smiles. Blake went past me at some point and is already at the top of the first level.

"You'll be fine," Blake says as he grabs my hand and pulls me up the rope. We are standing on a platform with several ropes hanging from it in different directions. As we reach the top level, Blake pulls me to a stop so we can catch our breath. The last platform level consists of planks that lay flat like a ladder. This does not look bad. The only bad thing is the height.

"We are going to just go on the last level," Rita says as she points at the plank. "I will hold you up." I nod my head and take a deep breath.

"Ready?" Rita asks me as she grabs my hand and pulls me towards her. I look down at Sandra, standing next to us with her arms crossed over her chest, but nod in agreement. Blake takes the front, followed by Rita, then me and Sandra at the back just in case something happens. I climb onto the planks that make up this last level of rope course and start walking across it until we reach a giant net hanging from one side of it. I grab the zipline from the guide and slide down the line to the bottom, where the rest of the students are waiting for us. I made it.

"That was fun," I say as we all start walking back to the bus. "I'm glad you guys came with me."

"Yeah, it was pretty cool," Sandra says as she puts her arm around my shoulder and hugs me.

"I'm glad you came with me," I say as we walk back to the bus. "You are my best friend. Of course, I would've."

"Yeah, I know," she says as she squeezes my shoulder and smiles at me. Blake sits beside me on the bus, and I smile at him.

"I am proud of you. You must know that." Blake states as the bus pulls away. I look up at him and smile.

"Thanks; I'm proud of you too." 

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