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5 months later...

Blake sent me a message this morning informing me that he has a surprise planned for me, and I need to be ready at five pm. It's been a few weeks since I last saw him as he is getting ready to start University. On the other hand, I have gotten a job at a local animal shelter doing some social media stuff while I wait to get more information on my things going forward. I was a little late in sending in my documents for university as I was not sure what I wanted to study. I also thought it was best to test out the waters to see what I wanted to do before making harsh decisions.

I check myself in the mirror and nod with satisfaction that my outfit is good. Blake didn't specify where we were going; he only said to wear something comfortable.

I grab my purse and head out the door. Blake's car is already parked outside, and I smile when I see him behind the steering wheel. He gets out of the car and opens my side of the door for me, and I get in, feeling a little like a princess.

"You look beautiful," he says as he gets back behind the steering wheel.

"Thank you," I smile at him as he leans over and kisses my lips.

"Ready to go?" he asks as he starts the car, and we pull away from the curb. I nod my head and make myself comfortable in the seat.

"Yes," I say enthusiastically.

Blake pulls up to a parking lot that looks like there hasn't been any life since the birth of Elbert Einstein. Weeds are growing through the bricks and an overgrown tree the truck can get underneath. I jump out of the truck and survey my surroundings. I spot a pretty orange flower peeking out from between the cement. At least the flowers here are growing. I hear Blake's side of the door open and close as he rounds to the back to take something out of the trunk.

"Where are we?" I ask, still not understanding why we have pulled up to a vacant parking lot.

"Pineburg Mountain," he says, standing beside me and interlocking our hands. I look at him, seeing him already smiling down at me. "Come on,"

Blake leads me toward a tiny opening that is not visible to the naked eye. One needs to come here often to know about it. He pushes some branches away and steps aside so I can pass him.

We walk a few meters, and the crunch underneath my feet of the twigs is loud until Blake stops in front of me. I look down and see a beautiful stream. It's not very wide, but it is deep and clear. I can see the bottom of the waterfall that cascades down from the mountain.

"This is my favorite spot," Blake says, pulling me into his arms and kissing me softly. "I come here to think." I nod, understanding what he means. We have been through so much together; this is a nice escape to think and be ourselves.

"Do you want to sit down?" he asks, gesturing to the bank of the stream. I nod and sit on the blanket he has thrown out for us to sit on. He sits down next to me, takes my hand in his, and looks at me.

"I'm so happy," he says softly. "So very, very happy." I smile at him and squeeze his hand. We sit there for a while, just looking around and enjoying the peace of the place.

After everything that happened with Kyle, my dad, and the car accident, I don't think I've been this happy in a long time. I can't believe that Blake is here with me and that we are finally able to be together without any interference. I know things will never be perfect, but for now, I'm just happy.

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