Chapter 29

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The sun shines through the bay window in my bedroom. The book I'm reading is starting to get to the part where the protagonist and her lover are in a middle of a fight. I hope they get back together because these books are the only things that bring hope in life that relationships can work.

A clatter outside pulls my attention away from the intense storyline. I look out the window and see Jayden across the street, working on his car. He's been out front all morning, and it looks like he's about to finish. It's as if he can sense me staring at him; as he looks up in my direction. He smiles wide and waves at me. I wave back and smile back at him. He then closes his car door and indicates for me to come down, knowing he wants to tell me something.

I get up from the bay window, setting my book on the bedside table. Just as I reach for my phone, a text message comes through. I hope it is Cara responding to my text about coming over to hang out today.

As I open my phone, I see a message from an unknown number and a message from Cara. The unknown message is from the same number that was sent to me the message before. My heart rate increases, and my breathing gets shallower.

I open the message and read it. It says: "Your dad owes us. You're next,"

My stomach flips as I read the message. It's like someone has punched me in the gut. I don't know what my dad did this time, but I need to tell Conrad about this when he comes home from football practice. Maybe he knows more about this and can figure something out.

I sigh, shoving my phone in my pants pocket after reading the message from Cara that says she'll be over in a few minutes, and walk down the stairs and out the front door.

Jayden is sitting on the curb, scrolling through his phone. I cross the street and sit down next to him.

"Hey," I say, not looking at him. He looks up, and I can see his facial expression change as he studies me.

"What's wrong?" he asks, touching my knee. I shake my head and swallow hard.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I shake my head again. I can't believe this is happening. My dad owes some people money, and they will come after me next. It's like a nightmare that I can't wake up from. Jayden wraps his arms around me and pulls me close as we sit on the curb, not saying anything for what feels like an eternity.

"Can we talk about, um," I start, sniffling a little and wiping some tears that have fallen under my eyes, "Can we talk about why you called me down here?" I ask to change the subject. It's not that I'm avoiding it; it's just that I still need to figure it out myself.

"Yeah, sure. I was wondering if you had a date for the Prom yet?" he asks. He rakes his hand through his hair.

"No, not yet." I say, shaking my head. The Prom is in two weeks; no one has asked me to accompany them yet. I might also be secretly thanking them, as I don't want to go with someone I barely know. The other part of me is still hoping that whatever is going on with Blake and me will still be him asking me to the dance. I know our relationship is still far from where it was at summer camp, but something is happening. At least, I think so.

"Well, do you want to go with me?" Jayden asks suddenly. I whip my head to look at him, bringing myself out of my thoughts. My heart skips a beat as I stare at him in disbelief.

"What?" I ask, my voice barely above a whisper.

"I asked if you wanted to go with me to the Prom," he repeats, looking hopeful. I can't help but smile at him. Although I like how Jayden and I's friendship is developing, I don't think I need to get his hopes up by going to the dance with me.

I do like that he thought of me, though. Don't get me wrong. He has somewhat become a very close friend of mine. I think it's because we had so much in common. After all, he volunteers at the hospital, so we could often gossip about what was happening within the wards.

"Jayden, I appreciate the offer, but I am going to decline," I say, looking at him.

"Why?" he asks, looking surprised. I shrug my shoulders.

"I don't know. It just doesn't feel right," I say honestly. He nods in understanding before standing up from the curb.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Cara's figure climbing out of a car before the car drives away.

"I need to go. It was nice talking to you," I say, standing up and smiling at him. Jayden nods before turning and walking back down his driveway. I watch him briefly before turning around and walking across the street.

"Your friends with Jayden?" Cara asks as soon as I reach her. Her face turns into disgust as she looks over my shoulder toward Jayden's house.

"Yeah. He volunteered at my hospital, and he lives across the street. It's not like I can avoid him; he is not that bad. Why?" I ask, turning to look at her.

"It's nothing," she says, trying to brush it off. I can see on her face that there is more to the story.

"What is it?" I ask, trying to keep the suspicion out of my voice. Cara sighs before turning to face me.

"He's a player," she says bluntly. My mouth drops open in surprise as I stare at her. She rolls her eyes before continuing. "Don't act like you're not surprised; everyone knows that about him."

"But he just asked me to go to prom with him," I say, confused.

Cara's face softens a little at that. "That's exactly what I mean. He goes around and asks girls right and left out, hoping that one of them bites," she says, her voice full of disgust.

"But he just asked me," I say, trying to understand. Cara's face turns into a scowl at that. "He's probably just using you because you're new in town and easy to get along with," she says bitterly. "Just be careful; he's not worth your time."

I know there is more to this than him being a player and asking me to the Prom.

"Cara, I don't believe a word you just said. Sure, maybe he is a player, but he's also really nice, and I don't think he will play me like that," I say, trying to convince her. Cara shakes her head before turning away from me.


"Fine," she says, taking in a breath. "He's cousins with Kyle," she says, giving me a small, empathetic smile.

My breath hitched in my throat as she said those words.

"What?" I say, my voice barely a whisper. Cara nods before taking a step closer to me.

"Kyle, your ex-boyfriend, is related to Jayden," she says softly.

"And that's the only reason you don't like him?" I ask, folding my arms across my chest.

"No. I don't like him because he's related to Kyle, who broke your heart," she states.

"Right," I say, pulling the word out slowly. There is more to this than her not liking Jayden because he is related to Kyle. Something tells me there is more to this story.

"Can we drop this now and just hang out?" she asks, taking my hand and pulling me towards my house.

"Sure, but you're the onethat brought it up," I say, following her to my front door. 

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