Chapter 12

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The activity hall was packed just like the very first day of summer camp. All students were required to attend this assembly. Rita called everyone in to make a very important announcement. She cleared her throat over the microphone in front of the hall like the first day. Everyone hushes and is very curious about what is going to happen.

"Attention, please!" everyone gets quiet.

"As most of you know, at the end of this summer camp every year, we reward all of you with a party. In this case, a dance," she said. "Over the past week, the camp counselors and I have looked at your behavior, group activity participation, and interaction with fellow campmates. Taking all that into consideration, we have put together a committee for the Bush dance," she says. The students buzz so that I can barely hear her.

"I do not want to be on this committee. I cannot do organization and stuff, you know," Cara whispers next to me.

"What?" I ask above the noise. I can barely make out what she is saying.

"I will now read out the names of the students. Cara Brown, Zelda Valentine, William Dudley, James Smith, Tonya Videl, Keenen Hanson en Randy Rendall." Rita says as she announces the names of the students.

"You are part of the committee!" I shout excitedly, turning to face her. She just stares in front of her with her blue eyes, saying nothing.

"The committee's chairperson is Cara Brown. The deputy chairperson is James Smith, and the secretary is Randy Rendall." Cara stares blankly in front of her. She's clearly shocked at what Rita just announced from the front of the hall. The whole student body erupts in applause.

"These learners must please meet around two at the activity hall." Rita looks at the big group of students in front of her. "You may leave now." when she finished talking, she walked off the stage and out of the door.

"Cara, you are the chairperson of the committee. You must do this." I say to her as we walk out of the hall.

"I can't do it," she says quietly. "I don't know how to organize stuff like that." She looks at me with tears in her eyes.

"I'll help you," I say. "I can organize stuff like that." She looks at me with a smile on her face.

"You're going to help me?" she asks.

"Sure. That's what friends are for. First, we need to come up with a theme," I say.

"What do you think?" she asks. "What would be a good theme for the dance?"

"Well, the theme should have something to do with being surrounded by nature."

"Okay," I say. "I think that's a good theme."

"How about Born to be Wild?" she asks.

"That would be cool, but no. People will get the wrong idea." She smiles at me, and we both start laughing. We are so happy to have found something we can do together, even if it is just organizing the dance committee for this bush dance. I can suddenly see a lightbulb go off in her head. She starts telling me what she envisions the hall to look like and how she will be taking this time to work on her leadership skills. A few more suggestions of themes come up, but none sounds right.

"What about 'Dare to dream?" she suggests again. I shake her head again, not liking the idea.

"I have it! 'Fly to the moon." she says with excitement mixed with a lot of confidence.

"It's too predictable," I say as I open the cabin door and walk inside. Cara stops in her tracks, pauses, and turns around to face me the moment we walk in.

"I have it!" I roll my eyes and walk to the sofa.

"No, no, trust me, this one is a brilliant idea," She goes and sits next to me.

"What about 'Escape'?" Cara asks. Not bad.

"I think," I start, "I think it's a great theme. Why didn't you come up with that idea earlier?" I ask as Cara pulls up her shoulders and gives a little laugh.

"Just don't let me come in weird clothes of any sort. I will not come in a few broken leaves all over my body." I say, turning to her.

"How do you know me by now?" I ask.

"I know you well enough to be sure you will not let me come in a few leaves." She smiles and looks at the door.

"Wait! Cara!" I say and stop her from walking out of the cabin. "I have an idea for your bush dance costume."

"Really?" She asks as she turns around. "What is it?"

"I think you should wear a tree," I say and walk towards the door. Cara looks at me, narrowing her eyes.

"Haha, very funny," she says with no humor.

"I am serious," I say as I walk towards the door. "A tree would be perfect for your bush dance costume."

"You are not funny," she says and walks out of the cabin. I close the door behind her, grab my book, and settle on the sofa. I keep thinking about the theme for the dance. The only thing that is keeping me from finishing it is Cara's bush dance costume idea. A few leaves, seriously? What was I thinking?

"Hey," says Abby as she walks into my cabin with her laptop bag over her shoulder.

"What are you doing?" She asks as she sits down next to me on the sofa.

"Cara decided on a theme for the dance, and I keep thinking about why I encouraged her to go with 'nature' as a theme. I think I should have gone with 'carnival' or something like that."

"Why?" She asks as she sets her laptop bag on the floor. "I mean, it's not like you will be in charge of the dance."

"I know, but I was thinking of something different. Something that would be fun." 

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