Chapter 24

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Something told me to put the necklace on. It might not be a good idea to go to school with it, but I tucked it under my shirt so no one could see it. I contemplated the entire last week if it was a good idea. As we are driving, Conrad sneaks a peek in my direction now and then. It's as if he needs to keep an eye on me since my accident. Mom told him to look out for me at school just in case something happens. I mean, my injuries are healing up well. The doctor gave me the green light to ditch the crutch last Friday when we went for my checkup. I am not allowed to drive, so Mom instructed Conrad to drive me to and from school and that I do not take the bus home.

It is as if the entire school heard about the new teacher starting this week. The whole student body is gathered around the entrance under the canopy and talking among themselves, hoping to get a look at the newcomer.

I sink lower and lower in my seat to try and shield myself from the crowd. Some of my injuries are still noticeable, like some bruises, but I tried to cover them up with the sweater I'm wearing. This is not how I wanted to be seen on the first day back in school and not at a new school. I also did not want any attention drawn to me because the newspapers did an excellent job with that.

"Are you okay?" my brother's voice asks. I nod and smile at him. I am not okay, but I will be. Conrad is here with me, making it a little bit better.

"If you need anything during the day, you know you can come and talk to me. I'll take you home to rest if you are not up to being here anymore." he tries to reassure me. I nod again and lean my head on his shoulder. Conrad smiles at me and opens his door to climb out of the car. I peek over to see the students' reactions, and they all gossip among themselves. Conrad jogs around to my side of the car to open my door. As soon as he opens the door, the school bell rings, and the student body scatters all over the place, all running in different directions to get to their classes. I sigh with relief and go with Conrad to the reception area to report myself and get my schedule for the rest of the term.


I walk down the hallway and peek into one class after the other. The school map is so confusing. It's even harder to read than a road map. When I finally find the correct class, I stand in front of the door and look around the empty hall. I give a slight knock on the door and slowly open the door, letting myself inside.

"Hi. I am supposed to be in this class. I'm new here." I say to the teacher, whose attention is now on me.

"Hi, you must be Melissa Anderson. I'm Miss Johnston. There is an empty desk right at the back of the class." Miss Johnston tells me. I nod to indicate I heard her and walk over to the back of the room to the only empty desk.

The pathway to the back is crowded with the students' backpacks already at their desks. I just make it over the first few bags, lifting my legs as high as my injuries can make me. The next thing I know, I'm tumbling down to the floor. I grab the first thing my hand can grab on. The necklace hidden under my sweatshirt falls out and is now dangling for everyone to see.

"Fuck," I curse silently, grabbing my leg, and cradling it in my hands as an intense pain shoots through.

"Melissa, are you okay?" a voice asks next to me while still holding my leg. I am somewhat relieved when I turn my head to the side and see who the voice belongs.

"Cara?" I ask in a hushed voice. In the distance, I can hear some students being told to call the school nurse, and the others are just being obnoxiously loud for no reason. Cara helps me up, so I sit on my bum in the aisle. The pain in my leg slowly starts to soothe down, and I start doing the small exercises Dr. McClaren showed me last week.

"Melissa! What are you doing here?" she asks in a hushed voice, but loud enough so that I can hear her above the noise.

"I go to school here now." I say and look at her, confused, "Did you not look at the news headlines?"

"I did. So sorry to hear about the accident. But I thought you would return home after being released from the hospital."

"You and me both," I say to lighten the mood. I look up from the ground and stare into eyes I never thought I would see so soon again, but he goes to this school, so I would've eventually bumped into him some time.

"Do you know Blake also goes to school here?" she asks. She looks down at what I am wearing. "You know we're not allowed to wear jewelry?"

"I know, but I'm not taking it off," I say, tucking the necklace under the sweatshirt.

"And for whom are you not taking it off?" Cara wants to know. I look over her and see Blake talking to his friends. I manage to stand up and make my way to my new desk just as the school nurse enters the room. She comes over to me, and I assure her I am fine.

I hope this is the only hiccup in my day. I do not want any other attention being drawn to me.

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