Chapter 23

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I stare at the figure in front of me. The familiar figure that I've come to know. Something is different this time. Maybe it's because it's been a while since I heard his voice and saw him in the flesh.

Conrad stands there, looking at me like I've grown two heads. What on earth is he doing here? The last time I talked to him was before I went to summer camp. We haven't gotten the chance to speak to him again. He was so sulked up not getting work that I thought he was losing it. He, funny enough, looks suitable for someone who has not had a job and was sulking in his apartment. His dark brown hair is styled upwards and is sticking out in all different directions. He has a messenger bag slung over his shoulder and is tightly holding on to it.

"Conrad, what are you doing here?" I ask because that's the first thing I can get out of my mouth.

"Well," he starts and looks at something behind me. I turn my head to look at my mom leaning against the kitchen counter with a smirk on her face. I furrow my brows and look back at my brother. "Mom informed me of a possible job opening at the local high school. I had the interview the other day and just heard that I've got the job." I stare at him, not sure what to say. I'm so happy for him. He's worked hard for this, and it's finally paying off.

"Congratulations," I tell him, hugging him. "This is great news."

"Thanks," he says, hugging me back. "I'm excited about it."

I realize I have not yet let him into the house and step aside. Conrad walks in and looks around, taking in our new space. I make my way to the kitchen and see my mom still has that smirk on her face. I am still so confused.

"Am I missing something?" I ask, looking between her and my brother. Mom pushes off the island kitchen, walks around, and washes her hands by the sink.

"Your brother got the job at the school you will attend next week." I stare at her, not sure what to say. I am shocked. This is something I did not account for.

I stare at the two people in front of me. My brother has always been the responsible one. He's the one who makes sure everything is in order, no matter what. And now he's going to be a teacher? I can't believe it.

"Mom," I say, stepping closer to her. "What did you do?"

"Nothing. I just let your brother know there was an opening at the school. What he did with that information is none of my business. Now, I wouldn't say I like this attitude you're giving. Be happy for him."

I am happy for him. I did not think he would move here and teach at the same school I would be attending. Everyone will now see me as the new kid and the new kid with the brother teaching at the same school. It will be an exciting rest of the year.'

"Oh, another thing, Mel," Conrad says, reaching into his messenger bag, "there was this guy outside, and he gave me this and told me to give it to you," he says and hands me a flat rectangular box. I take it from him and open the lid. Inside is a necklace with a heart-shaped pendant. I suck in a breath and can't believe my eyes. It's the exact same necklace Blake gave me at Summer camp. Did he track down my house and give this to my brother?

In a way, it's creepy and weird that he can know where I live. I assume he read the news and saw that my family had moved to Pineburg. He somehow tacked down my address and stalked me. On the other hand, it's sweet that he tried to find my address and track me down to return the necklace he gave me. I don't know if he meant it as a romantic gesture or if he just wanted to make sure I still had it.

"Everything okay, sweetie?" my mom asks, which snaps me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, I'm good. I am going to go back to my room," I say, making my up the stairs.

As soon as I close my bedroom door, I take the necklace out of its box and put it on. It feels so good to have it back. I can't believe Blake would do something like this. 

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