Chapter 30

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I wake up with my alarm going off very loudly. I groan when it keeps going off; too lazy to do anything about it. I sigh in relief when it finally stops, throwing my blanket back over my head.

Probably not even a minute later, a loud banging on my door wakes me up. Groggily, I get out of bed and open it to see Conrad standing there with a severe look.

"What do you want?" I ask him.

"I want you to get up and go to school," he says.

"You're not my mother." I roll my eyes.

"I know, but your stupid alarm has been going off for the last 10 minutes, and I can't stand that thing anymore," he says. I sigh and grab my clothes.

"We're leaving in 30 minutes," I go into the bathroom and brush my teeth. I come out and see Conrad has left. I grab my backpack and head to the door, where he waits for me.

"Hey," he says with a smile. "Ready to go?"

"As ready as I'll ever be," I mutter as we head to school. I tried to talk to Conrad about the mysterious messages last night, but he was not very helpful in giving me information. He said I should forward the messages to him, and he'll investigate it. I wanted to do this independently, but maybe I need to leave this to him.


My morning classes sucked. We got a surprise pop quiz in our history class, counting a whopping 20 marks. Does the teacher not know that 20 marks won't help us pass this class?

I think the school is just trying to keep us occupied at this point while they accumulate our final marks. I know that I'm not the only one who thinks this.

I head to my locker, where I see Blake waiting for me. We'd been texting back and forth the entire morning, and as soon as the lunch bell rang, he told me to meet him at my locker. It's been fun just hanging out and being friends without the stress of being in a relationship, but deep down, I know that I still love him.

He gives me a small smile as I approach.

"You ready? We're meeting with Cara for lunch," he says. I nod, quickly open my locker, exchange some of my books, and close it. We walk outside and meet Cara at a table in the school's courtyard.

"I knew you two won't be mad at each other for long." Cara comments before we even sit down. Her smile is huge, as if she was the one to bring us together.

"And I knew," I ask in thought, trying to come up with some response to her comment. "What did I know?" I look at Blake, asking for help. He pulls up his shoulders, clearly not knowing where I'm going with this conversation.

Then I see a familiar figure walking our way, and suddenly a plan starts forming in my head.

"Ah, yes. I know that Jayden will be asking you on a date." I state proudly as I put my head on my fist, resting my elbow on the table.

"Jayden?" She asks with a perplexed look on her face. I can see her wanting to ask further, but she is interrupted before continuing.

"What about me?" Jayden asks, joining our table and slinging his bag over his shoulder, landing on the table with a thud.

"Nothing; Melissa here is just joking around," Blake informs him.

"Hi, Cara," Jayden says, turning to her and flashing her a smile.

"Jayden," she responds, not even looking in his direction.

"See, I knew you guys would make a cute couple," I say, looking between them. Jayden looks at me and then at Cara.

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