Chapter 26

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I storm into the house and make my way straight to the kitchen. I open up the medicine cabinet in the top row and take out the pain medicine that the doctor prescribed me. I haven't taken it since I got back home from the hospital as I haven't had as much pain as I have now.

After the incident in the library, I stormed through the school hallway to Conrad's classroom and demanded that he bring me back home. It took about 2 minutes of convincing, and Conrad told me to try again because, according to him, I'll never get over this without trying. But as soon as I told him my leg was in severe pain, he packed up his things and left the school with me, informing the receptionist about the situation.

I placed the pill in my mouth, gulped it down with water, and made my way up the stairs to my room. All I need now is a nap to go sleep the pain out.


Some noises downstairs wake me up from my sleep. It seems like the pain medicine knocked me out. I am unsure how long I was asleep, but it's still light outside. I stretch out my hand to the bedside table to retrieve my phone to check what time it is.

It's only 3 pm.

I sit in bed, trying to remember what happened while I was asleep. The last thing I remember is Conrad leaving the school with me and taking me home. Sometimes these pain medicines have me forget some things. But I can definitely remember everything that happened at school—seeing Blake and making a fool of myself in front of my entire homeroom class.

I make my way down the stairs and see some people standing in the living talking to my mother and brother. Four people, to be exact. I stare at them from the bottom of the stairs for a moment. There are two men and two women, and you can see they are related. For some reason, the one guy looks very familiar from behind, but it could be anyone at this point.

"Melissa, darling, you are awake." my mom says, pulling me out of my thoughts. All the people in my house turn their heads to look in my direction. The first thing I notice is the green eyes of the very familiar person. The person I saw just earlier today. Now he is standing in my house.

"Let me introduce to you our guests," she says, walking to me. "This is Brad and Daphne Truslow and their children, Blake and Tina."

"Hi." That is all I can say as I look straight ahead and to Blake, who I find in front of me, giving me somewhat of a smile.

"Blake was telling me about his school. It sounds like you two are in the same school." my mom continues talking and telling me about them. From here on out, I block out whatever my mom is saying, clearly still talking to me. Now and then, I pick up on some crucial information, such as Brad being her co-worker.

I can't believe Blake is standing in my living room. I smile at him, make my way to the couch, and plop myself down. Blake hesitantly takes the open seat next to me.

"Hey," he says, settling down.

"Hi," I say again for the second time this afternoon.

"Look, I am sorry about this morning. I really did want to see if you are okay," Blake says, turning his body towards me. All I can do is smile, silently telling him it is okay. I think he gets the message and nods. We sit in silence, probably looking very awkward to the rest of the people in the room. My mind wandered off to this morning's entire happenings, trying to figure things out. I am not sure what I'm trying to figure out, but that is all I can think about.

At some point, everyone heads to the kitchen. Blake trails them, leaving me behind on the couch. The couch dips beside me again.

"Are you okay?" the younger of the two women, Tina, asks.

"Yes. I think so." I say before thinking. Tina probably does not even know our background story and how we know each other. "It's just weird seeing Blake here in my house."

I glance in her direction and see that she is looking at me. Her eyes dart down to my neck and back up quickly to my face. I placed my hand to where she was looking and felt the necklace hanging out. It seems like I forgot to tuck it in when I woke up.

"He gave you that necklace?" she asks. My eyes flick up suddenly to her words.

"How did you know?" I ask, not sure how she knows this. I thought no one knew that he had given it to me.

"Well, let's say that it is a long story. But you must know that you are fortunate that Blake chose you to wear the necklace."

"Why?" I ask, quite stunned. I am not sure what to think about this.

"He asked me to make it. I am a jeweler," she says, leaning in closer to me as if telling me a secret.


"He told me that he will give it to the love of his life. He always had it with him," I can't believe what I am hearing now. Is she telling me what I think she is telling me?

"Even before he went on that camp. But don't worry; I will ensure the necklace does its work again," she says, winking at me.

"Tina, you coming?" her father shouts from outside. I look at her with nothing to say and wonder what she means. Sometime during our conversation, the Truslows' said their goodbyes.

"I'm on my way!" she shouts and heads to the front door. This day has been intense, with so much information to process. All I can do is sit and stare in front of me. I gaze in front of me, hearing the front door close and footsteps returning to where I am seated.

"And now, sweetie? Are you okay?"

"Uh, yes. I, I am going to go and do my homework. Don't worry about food for me tonight."

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