Chapter 1

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"I'm sending you to Summer Camp."

Sometimes, there are two words that you do not want to hear. Mine is Summer Camp. Those two words came out of my mom's mouth as she stands before me in our big spacious kitchen. I look at her, spooning a mouthful of cereal into my mouth. I almost spit out milk all over the counter as she holds out the camp pamphlet, we got at school weeks ago.

"Do I need to go? You know that camp is not compulsory, right?" I look at her in disbelief. "Miss Pierson said, and I remember it so clearly, 'Summer camp is not compulsory, but it would help with your final year grades,' "I say in a mock voice of our principal, eying the pamphlet out of the corner of my eye.

"Yes, I know, sweetheart, but anything to get your grades up, will help." my mother continues. It is not as if my grades are that bad; they are excellent. It is just that they are not as great as she would like them to be.

"But I don't want to go," I say, trying to make my voice sound as strong as possible.

"I know you don't want to go, but it's not like you have a choice in the matter," she smiles. "You are going whether you like it or not."

"Fine then!" I yelled at her and storm out of the kitchen. My mother is such an overbearing person sometimes! She thinks she can do whatever she wants with me just because she is my mother. I am not a child anymore, and she should know that by now! I go to my room and close the door behind me.


Sitting on my bed I stare out the window. I can see a few trees in our yard, but most of them are hidden by some other buildings. What will summer camp be like? Will it be fun? Will there be boys there? The questions bounce around in my head. It is not fair! Why does she have to make me go anyway?!

I sigh, looking down at my phone at the foot of my bed, and scoop it up and scroll through the contacts. There is one person I need to talk to right now. The line rings several times on the other side.

"Hello?" I hear a husky voice on the other side. I smiled, knowing he decided to answer my call.

"Hey, it's me," I say.

"Yeah, I figured. Your caller ID popped up on my screen," he grunted through the phone.

"Ha-ha, very funny, Big Bro." I swiftly check my phone screen. It is 10 am. I frown and place the phone back against my ear.

"Are you still in bed?" I ask.

"Yeah, I just woke up," he says. "What's wrong?"

"Conrad, it's 10 am on a Saturday. You can't seriously still be in bed." I sigh. Sometimes I cannot understand why I even bother calling him. Sure, he is my brother, but other times I wonder if we are even related.

"Mel, let me get my sleep. I have not had the best week. Now, why are you calling me?" he asks.

"I need to talk to you," I say, trying not to sound annoyed.

"Okay, but what's wrong?" he asks again. He sounds concerned now. It makes me feel guilty for being so impatient with him sometimes.

"Mom wants me to go to this stupid summer camp so that I can 'better my grades,'" I say, relaxing my back against my headboard.

"What?" he asks, sounding surprised. "Why would mom do that? You're already doing great in school."

"I know, but it's not like I'm failing or anything. I am sure she just wants me to go so that she can get rid of me for the summer."

Conrad sighs on the other end of the phone, "Well, why don't you tell her no?" He sounds annoyed now too.

"I can't," I say, sighing. There was silence on both ends for a few seconds. I remember Conrad mentioned that he did not have a great week either.

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