Chapter 34

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Today is the last official day of school. It's been a few weeks since Prom, and it's still setting in that Blake and I won Prom King and Queen. These days we only come to school occasionally to write our exams. As we stroll through the school hallways, a few students from a grade or two down congratulate us.

"Congrats, you two!" they say. Blake and I smile at them as we continue our way outside to meet up with Jayden and Cara. It is our graduation. Over the past year, I got so attached to this school, and now it is sad to leave it again. Seeing that Conrad is now teaching here, I think I might be at the school more than I would have realized.

We all sit on the bench, waiting for the great assembly they planned for us. The loud sound of a bell interrupts us, indicating the start of school for the rest of the students and for us to head inside the assembly hall.

The hall is packed. There are more people here than on a typical assembly day. Half of the front chairs are left open for us, with a split down the middle for walking. The back half of the hall is filled with our parents and anyone else from the school who could fit in here.

Blake and I take our seats next to each other. Jayden and Cara sit on the other side of us. We all wait for the principal to start speaking.

"Welcome to Pineburg High School, class of 2022!" Mrs. Saunders says. "It has been an honor to have you all here today. I want to thank each and every one of you for your hard work over the past year." She pauses for a moment, looking around the room.

"Now, it is time for us to say goodbye." We are not even into all the speeches, and I look around the room to see that everyone has started to cry, even the adults. I can't help but feel a little sad myself. This is our last year here. Some of us will never see each other again.

"I know this is hard, but I want you all to remember everything that has happened here. You have made friends for life, and you will never forget what Pineburg has done for you." Mrs. Saunders looks around the room one last time before continuing.

"Now, I have asked our Prom King and Queen to prepare a small speech to end off this amazing year," Mrs. Saunders says, looking in my direction with a smile. I smile back at her.

"Now, without any further ado, let's welcome Melissa Anderson and Blake Truslow to the stage," I stand from my seat and proceed to the stage with Blake not far behind me.

"First of all, I want to thank Mrs. Saunders for leading this great school and allowing us to be here. It has been an honor being a part of Pineburg High School." Blake pauses for a moment before continuing. "I would also like to thank everyone who voted for me as Prom King. It has been a year of many ups and downs for many of us, and I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to spend this year with you all." Blake finishes his speech and steps away from the microphone, allowing me to step up.

"Thank you, Blake. I don't know what I would have done without you this year." I take a deep breath before continuing. "I also want to thank my family and friends for all their support. Without them, this wouldn't be possible." I pause for a moment before continuing. "I know I've only been going to Pineburg High for half a year, but I feel like I've been part of you guys for more than that. And finally, I want to thank Pineburg High School for allowing me to grow as a person this year." With that, I step away from the microphone and return to my seat with Mrs. Saunders smiling at me.

A few more people make speeches, discussing how we all have shined this year and how we will thrive before Mrs. Saunders retakes the mic.

"Okay, everyone. I want to thank you all for coming and supporting us this year. We have had our ups and downs, but we have all come together as a family, and we will continue to do so in the future." Mrs. Saunders pauses for a moment before continuing. "Now, it is time to say goodbye to some of our friends graduating this year."

One for one, Mrs. Saunders calls us up to receive a certificate. It's a certificate from the school to say congratulations on our accomplishments this year. Blake Truslow, Cara Brown, Jayden MacCuoid, including me and the rest of my class group were all called to receive their certificates.

"Congratulations, you all have done an amazing job this year. I know that you will continue to shine in the future." Mrs. Saunders says as she hands us our certificates. We all say goodbye to our friends before heading back to our seats. We end the ceremony by singing the national anthem.

We make our way out of the hall and into the quad where we were this morning. It's been a long day, and I'm ready to go home.

I see my mom and brother walking toward me out of the corner of my eye. I give her a big hug, savoring the moment.

"Thank you," I say softly into her ear.

"For?" she asks, pulling away with confusion.

"For everything," I reply. "For deciding to transfer me to this hospital. If you did not do that, Blake and I would not have met again and rekindled our relationship,"

"It's a pleasure," she says, kissing my forehead quickly. I smile sweetly before Conrad comes over and hugs me. I smile at him before he makes his way back inside to return to his class.

"You know, I did not think this was where my year was going to go," I say, joining Blake, Cara, and Jayden at the table they were occupying.

"What do you mean?" Cara asks, looking at me with confusion. I take a deep breath and let it out slowly.

"Well, I went to summer camp, was cheated on by my now ex-boyfriend, got in a car accident, moved schools and towns, met all of you guys, and fell in love," I say, looking at Blake for the last few words to get his reaction. He looks at me, his eyes full of emotion. I can tell he is proud of me. Proud that I have faced all these challenges and come out on top.

"I love you," he says, kissing me. It's the first time we have said it to each other, and a feeling of happiness is spreading through my body.

"Are you two going to fucking kiss for the entire afternoon?" Cara states when we don't pull away from each other immediately. We both laugh and finally break away, giving her a death glare.

"Don't be so hard on them, babe. It's not like we are any better," Jayden says, going in for a kiss himself and attaching his lips to Cara's. I must admit that my friend group is one heck of a weird bunch, but I would not have it any other way.

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