Chapter 17

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I knock on the door of Rita's office. I never thought I would be here. After my conversation with Cara, I decided I needed to leave and go home to process everything that had happened. It's not anything to do with Blake. My time with him here has been incredible. It's more of my conversation with my father. I need to process it, and I cannot do that here.

"Come on in," she shouted from the other side of the door.

I open the door and walk inside. Rita sits at her desk with a stack of papers in front of her. She looks up from it when I enter the room.

"What can I do for you?" she asks as she sets her pen down and turns to face me. I make my way to the brown sofa opposite her desk. The one I have sat in before.

"I was wondering if we could talk," I say nervously, looking around the office for an escape route if I need it at some point. Rita stands up from her chair and walks over to where I am sitting.

"Sure," she says as she looks down at me. I did not say anything at first, sitting in the room. What I'm about to ask is not something I would ever think I would've done if all of this did not happen.

"I know this is summer camp, and we are supposed to complete it to get the credit and stuff, but I would like to go home." There was a moment of silence in the room as Rita considered my words.

"Unfortunately, that can't happen." the words that came out of her mouth stung. I knew coming here would be a difficult thing to do. I just didn't think it would be this difficult.

"Why?" I ask, feeling the tears well up in my eyes.

"Have you spoken to your principal about this yet?" she asks. This sounds more promising.

"No," I say, "I haven't." She nodded her head slowly and looked at something on her computer. She picks up the phone next to her and starts dialing a number. I wait patiently to find out what she is up to.

"Mrs. Pierson," she begins, pausing. "I have one of your students here in my office. Could you please make your way here?" another pause. "Thank you."

She hangs up the phone and looks at me. "I need to talk to Mrs. Pierson about the situation," she says. I nod my head in understanding.

A few minutes pass with me sitting in the chair, looking awkwardly around the office. The clacking sound of Mrs. Pierson's heels can be heard outside the room. The moment she walked in and spotted me, her eyes went soft.

"Mrs. Pierson," I say, "I can't stay here." She nods her head slowly.

"And why may that be?" she asks, sitting in the chair next to me. The question caught me off guard. I don't know why but for some reason, it did.

"Some personal stuff came up, and I don't think I can stay much longer," I say.

"I see," she says, "You do understand that you may lose the summer credit?" She looks at me.

"I do. But really, I didn't come to summer camp for the extra credit. My mother forced me to come."

"I see," Mrs. Pierson says, looking back at R ta. "I guess she can go home. Melissa is one of our best students." Mrs. Pierson states. "I will contact your parents to come and fetch you." she continues. Rita nods and fingers type long the keyboard of her computer.

"Thank you. But I do have one request to ask, though," I say hesitantly, unsure if the two of them will accept the request I am about to ask. Both look at me in surprise.

"Yes?" Mrs. Pierson asks, "What is it?"

"I would like to still come to the bush dance," I say, looking at Rita and then back at Mrs. Pierson. She looks down for a moment before looking up again and nods as if in agreement.

"I guess that is fine." I smile at them.

"Thank you very much." I stand up and make my way toward the door.

"And Melissa," Mrs. Pierson starts again, and I turn around to face her. "Life can be full of tough decisions, but one must pull them through. Running away is not always an option." I nod my head and walk out of the room.


It was dark outside when I woke up. Making my way to the bathroom to collect my toiletries, I hear chatter outside the door. I sigh softly as I climb out of bed and pull my suitcase out from under my bed, trying not to disturb the others in the cabin. I pack my things and strip the bed from my duvet and pillow. I zip my bag closed and make my way to the living room, carrying my bag with me and placing it at the cabin door.

"Where's Melissa?" I hear Sandra ask.

"I don't know," Mrs. Abby replies. I stop in my tracks and listen to their conversation. I can't believe they would be talking about me like it is. I slowly make my way back to the bedroom and sit on the edge of the bed, clutching my pillow tightly as I wait for them to leave.

"Whose bags are those?" Sandra asks.

"I don't know," Abby replies. "I think they're Melissa's."

"She didn't say anything about going home," Sandra says, sounding confused.

"Melissa?" they shout simultaneously, their voices echoing through the cabin. Busted.

"Yes?" I ask when I walk back into the living room with my vanity bag and cushion. I walk straight to my bag and place my vanity bag next to it as it is too big to fit in my bag.

"Where are you going?" Sofia asks, entering the room, clearly woken up by the noise.

"Your bags are packed. Why?" Sandra asks, concerned.

"I am going home," I say, trying to sound as calm as possible.

"But Melissa-" Sandra starts to say, but I cut her off.

"I don't want to stay here anymore," I tell them, my voice breaking. "I'm sorry." A car's horn hooted from the outside. "That's my mother. I must go. Hopefully, I will see you again." I go and hug the three of them together. "See you at school," I say to Sandra while taking my bag and walking out of the cabin to where my mother is waiting.

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