03 Confusion

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"Hope not ever to see Heaven. I have come to lead you to the other shore; into eternal darkness; into fire and into ice."

- Inferno (Dante Alighieri)

A week has passed by and you haven't received any form of communication from the self-proclaimed Edgar Allen Poe, you laugh bitterly recalling their name. You think it's a mere coincidence, them naming themselves as your favourite author. After brainstorming with K00kies97 you came to the conclusion that it is just some decent hacker trying to mess with you. You have also learned your lesson that one shouldn't wander in places that are dark and unknown.

It was quite surprising for you when K00kies97 forgave you so quickly without a single word of reprimand, he was willing to help you to solve your problem in a breath. If it was you in his place, you wouldn't have forgiven someone easily but you're thankful that he's not like you. He's kind, that much you know. And you're thankful that even after being scared as hell, he can somehow make you feel calm. He has that effect on you.

"You're dozing off quite a lot," points out Wendy as she looks warily at your fatigued form. "And look at the bags under your eyes." Your dear friend aims her index finger at your face.

"Please tell me it's because of rendezvous with a hot guy rather than the amount of studying you've been lately doing," Jisoo chimes in as she nods in your direction.

"Eh it's nothing much, I've been binge-watching Netflix these days," you fake a chuckle that doesn't go unnoticed by Wendy.

"No worries, love. I'm back from my aunt's place and we're going to have a restful blast!"

"Restful blast?" Jisoo deadpans.

"Can you guys keep quiet?" A pale guy sitting across the library desk looks quite frustrated as flicks his gaze from Wendy to Jisoo to you.

Just as Jisoo is about to respond with something sassy you get up and pull her by her elbow, "guys it's 5:00 PM already, we should take a break for today."

Wendy arranges her stationery supplies and gathers them in her Satchel. You have a habit of walking home with Wendy and Jisoo after long hours of studying at the university library. You've always liked doing things with Wendy ever since you were kids. You used to play in her backyard, her mum used to bake cookies and give them to you in a Tupperware to take home. Your mum then used to bake pumpkin pies and give you the job of delivering. Wendy and you then used to finish all the pie whilst sitting on her kitchen counter. You two shared everything, from clothes to homemade food to secrets. Your bond was unbreakable. Jisoo joined the squad much later so there's still a lot to bond but she's extremely valuable to you as well.

The three of you scramble towards the nearest campus exit and resume your daily gossiping. Your phone dings making your heartbeat race. It can be two possible people, either Jimin – who hasn't contacted you since the impromptu sexy times you had a few days ago or the EAP – the unknown person who knocked the sanity out of you just a few days prior as well; the former you've been waiting for and the latter you've been dreading. Or it could just be a classmate asking for lecture notes.

You take out your phone from your jeans' pocket and unlock it, completely blocking out your surroundings and the sound of your friends conversing.

Unknown [ 5:34 PM ]

Your eyebrows furrow in confusion. What can this possibly mean? You stare at the phone screen long enough that your vision starts blurring until a hand wave in front of your face. You look up to see Jisoo waving her hand in your direction.

"Eat up," she tells as she shoves a bag of pretzels in front of you.

You frown and take the packet from her hand and dig in, trying to forget about the mysterious message you received. But in the back of your subconscious mind, you are feeling uneasy. Lucky for you, you won't have to spend the night alone as your roommate slash classmate Wendy will be home.

"So did your family like Hoseok?" asks Jisoo.

"They didn't just like him, they loved him!" Wendy has been in a serious relationship with Jung Hoseok for the past year, they met on college campus – him being one-year senior she was completely smitten; hence, they started their romantic escapade which is escalating faster than people had anticipated. "But enough about me, _ _ _ had phone sex with Jimin. Does that mean you're getting back together?"

You steal a glance around you hoping no one apart from you three heard it. Jisoo looks at you in utter disbelief. "Ya! Why didn't you tell me?"

"It was nothing really," you brush it off. "Besides, you were busy with your internship so I didn't wanna bother you."

"I wasn't that busy," she counters, emphasising the 'that' as she looks daggers at you through her lashes. "Seriously though, what do you see Jimin as?"

You sigh and stare at a kid holding a cone of glistening ice cream, slowly on the verge of dripping.

"I honestly don't know. We did our thing, right? And then I asked him if he's coming back to Korea or not and he said 'soon'. I don't know what I feel about him and why I feel this weird feeling in the pit of my stomach whenever I have to say goodbye to him after texting or calling him." You pause. "I knew I was over him like a month ago, then where the hell are these feelings coming from?"

"Do you still love him?"

"I don't feel butterflies the way I felt back then but..." Your gulp hard. "but I do want him to be around for some reason, to fill that hole he left in my heart when we parted ways."

"Looks like you need to get laid."

"Jisoo!" Wendy gasps. You start laughing making the two of them burst out in chuckles too.

"What? I'm right, ____ needs to be dicked down to forget the dick that keeps her on hold after phone fucking her." Jisoo shrugs. Wendy snorts and looks away. She is indeed right, you think.


A/N : Who is that sexy new neighbour?

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