08 It's Okay Not to be Okay

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"It is a mistake to fancy that horror is associated inextricably with darkness, silence, and solitude."

- H.P. Lovecraft

Waking up next to Jimin is a relief. It reminds you of the days you were together, how he would come home, after hours spent in the college library or his internship, and snuggle in the bed with you. He would spoon you and you would kiss his neck and whisper sweet nothings in his ears. No matter how tired he was, he never forgot to tell you that he loved you. You snap out of your reverie after hearing a thud sound. Opening your eyes, you see Jimin's side of the bed empty as a mop of blonde hair peeps from the floor. He smiles sheepishly while rubbing his eyes and mumbling an apology making you chuckle.

"Did you sleep well?" He looks at you with a smile laced with concern. It's subtle but you can tell.

"Mhmm," you rub your eyes and get up. "I slept well. What about you?"

"I did too, now without wasting any time let's go to the station."

"Station?" Reality hits you and your body stiffen. It's D-day, and there is no way you can escape it. "Can we have breakfast first?"

"Sure." He looks at you suspiciously. "And?"

"And?" you hum.

"Why do I feel like you want to say something more?"

Your eyes wander at everything else in the room except his face. You want to tell him that you would like to do this alone, that you don't need his help – but how?

"____." you can feel the atmosphere in the room switch, and his glare burning through you. "Look at me." You look at him and he does not look happy.

"Look Jimin, I'm thankful that you are here for me but I can do this on my own, you know?" It comes out far more rudely than you expected it to be.

"I know that but I just want to make sure you're okay. Now come on." His persistency has started to irritate you, and you're having none of it. "Gosh, I'm not a child anymore!" You sound pathetic and you know it too.

"Oh yeah? Is that why you kept stalling going to the doctor last year? Where'd that leave you? In the hospital with a stage three appendicitis surgery!" Suddenly, the room becomes extremely quiet. All that can be heard is the buzzing outside of your apartment, people carrying on about their daily lives, unaware of the current dilemma you are put into.

"I- uh-" You feel the mattress dip as Jimin steps towards you. He takes your hands in his. "I didn't mean to, I'm sorry. If you want to go on your own that's okay. I just want you to take this seriously because I can't see you in pain."

Glossy-eyed, you nod your head; words unable to come out of your mouth. You decide that Jimin should come with you. You have a habit of taking things lightly until it becomes so serious that it ends up affecting your life deeply. Having someone give you a reality check, every once in a while, is crucial in life.

And boy were you right. After spending more than forty minutes waiting in the waiting room, they finally called you inside. You filed a report and consulted with the authorities. You told them everything, without sugar-coating which earned fits of laughter from the cops.

And when you asked them what was so funny about it, they said, "it seems like a stupid prank someone who already knows you are playing." It was irritating not to be taken seriously.

They did try tracking down the IP address of the anonymous sender but it went in vain as their station was not equipped with advanced tracking devices and the IP address was way too secured for their expertise. They said they would send it to higher authorities but there isn't much they can do other than that. They suggested that you change your sim card, phone, and even your apartment.

While accessing the CCTV footage of your apartment they found out the camera on your floor had been out of service for more than a month. You were livid, but all you could do was file complaints on complaints.

"Do you want any help looking for apartments?" Jimin asks as he inserts a sim card in your phone. You have decided to change the sim card but not your phone. No way can you afford to buy a new phone with all the student loans crushing you already, and attending college with high-profile classmates has you drained – physically, mentally, and financially.

"I'm okay, you don't need to worry."

You are not sure you can change your apartment either. You were lucky enough to rent an apartment on the better side of the city, your roommate being Wendy. And because of her parents' connection with the building owners, they gave you a humble discount. It's close to your college which saves you transportation fare and it's close to the bar that you work at as a part-time bartender, saving you enough time and energy to make long shifts possible. You feel fortunate enough to be able to have this job as compared to part-timing at multiple places in your freshman and sophomore year to make ends meet.

"I'm thinking of postponing it because I'm anyway graduating in three months." You stare out of the store, observing the busy road, people rushing in their cars, bikes, and taxis, some treading on the sidewalk – hustling to survive.

"____ , your safety matters first, do you think you'll be alright living there for three more months?" Your attention falls back on Jimin, making you shake your head. You muster up a wide grin and replied, "Wendy is home now, we'll be more than just safe. And I'll keep a huge baseball bat, just in case, to knock out any intruders."

Jimin peeks at you, a playful smile adorning his face. He shakes his head while a soft chuckle resonates from him. "How do you manage to turn something so serious into a joke?"

"Needs years of practice."


A/N : Who understood the Kdrama reference?

Also, do you like the new cover?

Also, you all must be wondering why the police didn't take her seriously. Well, in most countries crimes against women are not taken seriously, especially when it occurs in cyberspace. And she is a progressive woman who has an active sexual life, which she had to share with the authorities. 

Women who are outgoing are often frowned upon, for example, if a prostitute files a complaint against sexual assault there is a high chance she won't be taken seriously because she is a sex worker. Social injustice is very common against women even today. The way the authorities at the station laughed at y/n proved that they did not take her seriously.

My sister's phone was once stolen by a man right in front of her eyes in a train she was travelling in, and when she filed a complaint she wasn't taken seriously at first, even though she's a lawyer. That incident inspired me to add this element to the story. Now, enough rambling, I hope you enjoy reading!!!

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