22 Uninvited Guest

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You hug Jisoo tight while awkwardly glancing at her boyfriend, Yoongi, who keeps fidgeting around like a lost puppy. That fortunate day in the library, when Yoongi had rudely coughed at you lots for talking loudly, had resulted in a union that surprised not only you but Jisoo herself.

He clears his throat and nods at you, his own way of congratulating you. Their personalities are polar opposite, yet they fit like puzzle pieces.

You are standing in an open field, decorated with themed ribbons, garlands, and tents – surrounded by a cluster of graduates wandering here and there in their graduation gowns and DIY-ed mortarboards. Many are accompanied by friends and family. There are numerous chairs covered in embellished pastel blue cloth by the stage, two of them probably occupied by your mother and father.

"You haven't seen Wendy by any chance, have you?" Jisoo treads carefully when she asks you. She knows you are not on talking terms but she doesn't know why, and she has enough patience to wait till you are comfortable to open up to her.

Surprisingly, you haven't seen Wendy today as well. You like to think that she hid away because she's too embarrassed to face you and your family, that's what she has been doing ever since she told you about her misdeeds. You had dreamt of enjoying the day with her for years but now it seems peaceful not having to deal with the drama she brings with her. You just want to get over with today's shenanigans.

"No, I have not," you say. "Your distribution ceremony is about to start, right?"

"Yeah. Maybe she is already waiting in the hall." She places a soft kiss on your cheek. "See you later, tiger!"

Removing the mortarboard, you hug Jisoo tight and share your goodbyes when she leaves with her boyfriend and family to celebrate her graduation. You search in the crowd for any trace of Jungkook. He was supposed to be present during your graduation ceremony because your parents invited him but you couldn't find a single trace of him.

Your heart aches in your ribs when the realisation hits you that maybe Jungkook did not want to be a part of it, maybe you are moving forward too fast. You were worried about the progression of your relationship to the point that you'd ignore his advances even when your core throbbed for his attention. Shaking your head, you try to get rid of sinister thoughts clouding your mind.

"Congratulations!" a soft voice acknowledges from the back, making your heels spin in its direction. Your jaw drops as you glare at the devil. Jimin smiles at you, pretending to be innocent yet the undertone of his quirked lips says otherwise.

"What are you doing here?" You spit. Your venomous tone makes him shudder, making you clench your first, drawing crescents in your palm.

"That's not how you thank someone."

You take a step forward and glare at him. "After what you did? Jimin, get the fuck out of my face."

You try to walk away only to be pulled back by his strong arm. His fist holds your wrist hostage as he peeks back at you. You know this look, it's the same as how he looked at you when he first told you that he loved you. You fell for it back then but all it makes you feel right now is the want to pull your arm back and punch him in the face.

"I need to talk to you. I need to apologise. I know that no excuse can cover my actions. I was drunk and needy. I didn't think twice. I hated myself when I woke up the next day. I regret it so fucking much!" he chokes. "But we broke up months ago. Why does it bother you so much? Unless you-"

Taken aback, you fume with newfound anger. "Why does it bother me? She's my best friend, for fuck's sake!" Or was. You snatch your wrist out of his grip and take a step backwards.

He searches for something in your eyes. Was it hope? If yes, then what for? Just as he is about to say something, your parents interrupt him. "Ah Jimin-ah, here you are! You left us alone among other boring parents."

You glare at him, signalling him to leave. Whether he comprehends your actions or not, he chooses to ignore them and bow towards your parents, pretending everything is fine between you. Your parents hesitantly join him on either side, wondering why on earth do you have your ex with you rather than your current beau.

You wonder why, too.

Your father, being the polite man that he is, exchanges his pleasantries with Jimin – talking about the weather, politics, and what not – all the while Jimin keeps stealing glances at you making you want to punch him in the face.

Your mother, taking advantage of their occupied state, pulls you by your elbow and whispers in your ear, "where is your boyfriend?"

You want to correct her for using the term 'boyfriend' because you barely think your relationship has progressed all that much, but you bite your tongue, not wanting to create a bigger mess. Instead, you choose to simply answer her question, "I don't know. I tried calling him earlier, but his phone is switched off, apparently."

"My goodness! I hope he's okay," anxiously, she pulls you closer; as if you'll vanish if she doesn't hold tighter. Her motherly instinct is clearly kicking in as if she knows something is wrong. She has the same suspicions when she visited during Christmas. "You haven't eaten anything since morning, you must be starving. Let's go someplace to eat, and you text him the address. He'll come eventually if everything's alright with him."

Your gut starts rumbling, making you clutch it tighter. You don't know whether it's purely from hunger – now that food has been mentioned, your stomach wants it, or it's from worrying about Jungkook. You hope he is okay. Or maybe you are just overthinking. He should be fine.

When your mother tells the party about your dinner plans, Jimin jumps in uninvited to accompany – or rather sponsor the dinner celebration. You accidentally (not), step on Jimin's expensive leather shoe, making him flinch and grunt in pain. To your dismay, it does not deter him to annoy you till the end.

"I'll meet you at the restaurant, I'll first have to check in a hotel, drop my suitcase, and make some phone calls," he explains. You hadn't noticed a small black suitcase standing beside Jimin. He had come prepared; you don't know for what reasons. And you plan on being ignorant as long as he stays away.

Unbeknown to you, Jimin turns around the corner of your university's perimeters – his suitcase rolling after him – when a veiny hand carrying pepper spray sprits it all over his face, straining his eyes. In the isolated corner, rather less visited by the attendants, Jimin gets dragged as he tries to struggle and scream in agony. But it goes in vain when the thick muscular arm of the perpetrator creates a hindrance, making Jimin's voice drown in his palm. 


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