19 Madness

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"We all go a little mad sometimes." (1765)

- Norman Bates, Psycho

Wendy's POV –

You were her first kiss. It was a simple dare for you, but a cathartic revelation for her. She had a crush on you as a kid but thought it was just friendly love because a passionate relationship could only exist between a man and a woman, or that's what her parents taught her. She grew up into a beautiful and accomplished woman and realised it's okay for a girl to like another girl. She knew that that kiss with you was a just dare but you were her first, and she fell deeply in love with you. You were always there, always.

It was painful to know you didn't feel the same, you still don't and you probably never will. So, she closeted her feelings towards you. Her parents found out when they saw her in bed with her female tutor. They had an image to carry so they fired the tutor and told their daughter to cage her feelings, they made the latter date rich guys who'd marry her and take over the family business because she is just a woman.

She carried on with her life trying to be a good student, the valedictorian her parents always wanted her to be. She felt like someone stabbed her in the heart every time she saw you with Jimin but she was happy for you, nonetheless. She liked when you smiled. But she could never put it past her lips to tell anybody her dirty little secret. Not even when she knew you'd only support her. It came with baggage, after all.

Then she met Hobi who understood her and treasured her regardless, it made her develop affection towards him. The best part was that her parents liked him and her life was set. But her feelings for you remained. A sliver of hope was ignited in her gut when you broke up with Jimin. Maybe you'd finally see her now, right?

She slept with him because in her drunken state she thought it fit to take revenge. Revenge for not reading between the lines when she gave you enough hints. For not wanting her the way she wants you. Or perhaps it wasn't revenge at all. She hates to admit it but deep down she knows she wanted to taste the same lips that tasted you, she wanted to drown herself in your scent, she wanted to be under the same sheets that you once used to be. She unknowingly wanted to break your heart to make things even. Obsession can be of many forms; this was one of them.

It got worse when you met that Jungkook guy online. And for some reason, she thinks he brought bad omen with him, like the plague. She doesn't know whether it is pure jealousy that brands her biased or perhaps he truly is the devil, her heart starts racing every time you say his name. He is the reason why you got yourself muddled in that mess with a stalker.

She doesn't trust him, rightfully so.

She trusts her intuition which, once again, proves her right. The last few weeks of the last semester was excruciatingly painful for her. Not only does she have to live with the guilt of hooking up with her best friend's ex, but she also has to see a frown on your face every time you run into her. You live together after all. When she told you about her misdoings, she expected you to scream at her, to even throw a vase at her. She deserved it. But all you did was look at her in disbelief for what felt like hours.

She couldn't even meet your gaze; the guilt was killing her alive. It was only then that she realised that you had left the room when she heard your bedroom's door slam.

Today is the day she will be graduating with you. You had planned to go to the venue together and take memorable pictures. It was a pact made of stone but broken ever so quickly as if it was hit with a bulldozer. She heard you leave the apartment early in the morning, your department's graduation ceremony was to start earlier. Miserable in her sheets, she held your high school yearbook clenched tightly in her arms. It wasn't the official yearbook, the two of you had created it as an inside joke, painting you both as the main characters of this particular montage of photos. A testimony that you lived these memories together.

Her intentions to open the photobook was innocent but it was soon met with bewilderment. In almost all the group photos she found a boy staring at you. At first, she took it as a coincidence when it was evident in only two or three photos. But the numbers kept increasing, and her confidence in considering it normal kept decreasing.

The boy had dark hair which covered most of his face. He had a crooked jaw and was dressed in dark and baggy clothes. It seemed as if he was going through an emo phase. But his jaw looked concerning as if it had survived a massive blow and was dislocated in the process. Skimming through the collage she found one picture where his whole face was visible. There was something about his doe eyes and broad nose that brought a sense of familiarity in her.

Who could it be? She scanned through the official yearbook that was previously tucked safely below her bed. Pages kept turning but her attempt to recognise that face was in vain. Suddenly, she came across a name that she has recently become acquainted with – Jeon Jungkook.

Her fingertips freeze on its track.

Is this the same Jungkook? More importantly, did you know about this? She doesn't remember much from the night you went to meet Jungkook for the first time. She doesn't even remember how he looks from the photo you showed her. She mentally face-palms herself for being drunk that night. Regardless of whether she has his photo or not she has a feeling she has seen those doe eyes recently somewhere.

But she is at a loss of ideas when she tries to call you or text you, but neither do you pick up the phone nor do you see the text. So, she leaves you a voicemail asking you if you knew Jungkook from school or not, all the while she hurries to the university, half-dressed.

Throwing her graduation gown over her frame, she makes a beeline for the apartment entrance. The door swings open uncovering a man standing right outside. She had only run across him once; the day he had moved in. Distracted by the lengthy gown, she whips her head in her mysterious neighbour's direction.

"Can I help you?"

He wears his hair in a pompadour and his ripped body clad in a black suit. He stands with perfect composure yet there's something about his twitching hand that makes her lookup. It's when she meets his doe eyes scanning her frame, the realisation hits her.

"Oh my- you-"

Smirking dauntingly, he pushes her inside the apartment. One hand clenching her back, and the other palming her mouth, restraining her from screaming – he shuts the door with a loud bang.


A/N : You all figured it was going to be him haha. 

But how? Why? 

It'll be explained soon xoxo

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