18 Fill in the Blanks

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"I do not love men: I love what devours them." 

― André Gide

"I'm sorry, really," she confesses, running her fingers through her hair in an exasperated effort to calm her mind. "Let's just forget about what I said, start over and get some drinks. Many Tequila shots, actually."

"Absolutely not. First, you take a seat. And second, you listen to me because for many days you are the only one who has been talking," your eyes narrow into slits at Wendy who showed up at your doorstep out of nowhere. "I. Get. To. Talk. Now. Got it?"

Sighing, she drops her luggage, pulls a bar stool by the kitchen counter and makes herself comfortable. "Okay."

"First of all, you didn't even tell me, your best friend, that you broke up with Hoseok. You came home plastered as fuck and that's how I get to know that that happened? That is unacceptable! You broke our code."

She shifts uncomfortably in her seat, "if it makes you feel any better, we broke up because I not-so-subtly confessed to him that I have feelings for you."

Furrowing your brows, you enquire. "And how does that make me feel better?"

"You told me to fill you in on the whole breakup thing."

"Okay go on."

She does her job of filling in the blanks of the happenings in the past few weeks. Hoseok told her that he was planning on proposing to her this year after her revelation. Let's just say things could have become dirty had he not been an angel. But she did get dumped on that day and chugged in bottles of alcohol to numb the pain away.

She woke up the next day finding you by her side after you had tugged her into bed. It made her feel disgusted with herself, so she booked an early flight to escape to the USA. She had planned on staying with her cousin Seokjin and his boyfriend Taehyung for a while. But for some reason, she ended up contacting Jimin and stayed with him. They went to a club on Christmas and got intoxicated which resulted in drunk dialling and cumbersome confessions.

There was another pressing matter that you wanted to ask her about, but you're not able to recall what it was. It had something to do with that night she came home drunk. "I'm sorry Wen, I don't remember what it was. I do want you to know that though I might not be able to feel the same way as you do for me, you are extremely important to me. And you deserve to be in a relationship with someone who wants you with a love so unconditional and pure that even the greatest romance classics of all time will shy away in defeat."

"Why thank you, Shakespeare." She giggles.

"Wait, I have to show you something," you shuffle towards your room and bring out a hat box containing all the things EAP has sent you so far, including the recent letter, calling you theirs. "This was the last letter I received from this Edgar guy or girl, whatever. And this will shock you." You shove the small parchment paper in her face.

Creasing her eyebrows, she reads it out loud. "What's wrong with this dude? I just know it's a dude. Men have no morals."

You nudge your head frantically towards the parchment in her hand, "Focus on the 'IF YOU EVER DARE TO WHORE AROUND WITH OTHERS, GOD FORBID, A FUCKING WOMAN, THERE WILL BE SEVERE CONSEQUENCES.' He knew about you. Have you ever told this to anybody before? Maybe it's that particular person. Though, I'm not sure whether I should indulge in this anymore as I've stopped receiving anything from him."

She rereads the letter and screeches, "What the hell? How did he- how is this possible?"

"You tell me."

"I did tell Hoseok that day, but I definitely don't think it's him. The timing doesn't match and he's an angel. I also told Jimin, but it was in America, that too after this letter was sent to you."

You pace back and forth in the kitchen, your index finger tapping on your bottom lip, thinking hard. "I used to think it was Jimin, but I don't know anymore."

You turn around swiftly only to find Wendy looking at you guiltily. Your instincts kick in making you gasp for air. "Was that you?"

You wave your hand in front of her face, breaking her trance. "Me? No!" she defends. "Speaking of Jimin, there's something else I wanted to confess."

"What is it?"

"When I was..." her voice cracks. "When I was back in The States, I did something unforgivable." She looks up and waits for your reaction, feeling disappointed as she receives none. You merely wait for her to continue. "I slept with Jimin."


A/N : Woah, so that happened.

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