12 Let's Rumble

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"Do you want to play a game?" 

— Jigsaw, Saw

After hanging around in the city, you stumble upon an amusement park and Jungkook doesn't take no for an answer. He gets tickets for you and says it's going to be fun.

"Would you like to eat something?" He blushes slightly, looking away.

"I think we should go on the rides first, wouldn't wanna puke all the way from there," you point your finger towards the roller-coaster.

"Ah yes," he smiles sheepishly. "Are you afraid of rides?"

Flicking your hair away from your face you smirk, "I'm the boldest of bold when it comes to park rides, now let's go."

And boy was your complacent statement absolutely wrong. After sneering and screaming and having your entire life flash before your eyes you call for a break on riding the dangerous rides, Jungkook teasing you the entirety of it. You kept your eyes closed during most of the experience, occasionally opening them and screeching louder, making Jungkook hold your hand to comfort you.

Meanwhile, he enjoyed the rides as if he was in a simple car ride or something of the sort – laughing and hollering like a kid. Those were the moments where everything would stop for a second and you could only concentrate on him. Little did you know that was the case for him too, stealing glances in your way when you were not paying attention, making him think about the old days.

"Weren't you the boldest of the bold when it came to park rides?" he playfully nudges your arm, making you throw popcorn at him. "Are you sure you don't need a paper bag?"

"For what?"

"In case, you..." he makes a pukish face. You throw more popcorn kernels at him, making him feign a flinch. "Ow, that hurts."

"How about we go to the photo booth?" you suggest. Your pupils dilate when you see an appealing photo booth by the corner, excitement coursing through your veins.

"As much as I would love to, I don't really like taking photos of myself," he says in a way meaning more seriously than it sounded. You tilt your head to get a better look at him, and before you could unravel him, his once reflective persona turns back to its cheerful façade.

"Oh," you try to hide your disappointment but it's written all over your face. "If you don't mind my asking, why so? You are so handsome."

"I just- handsome? Why thank you. It's just, in the previous job I had pictures taken of me more often than I'd like, and that just took away from the thrill of taking pictures at all. Aaand... And I have also carried on plenty of insecurities since childhood." He shoves his hand in his pocket and shrugs. "Here, let me take a picture of you." He motions for your phone and you hand it over to him. He takes countless pictures of you, like a professional photographer.

"Hey, you are amazing, Jungkook. And I know that just saying that isn't gonna wipe away any self-doubt. But you are amazing, know that." You tell him as you stroll towards a giant carousel. "I still cannot believe we became friends through the internet, it amuses me sometimes."

He chuckles loudly and places his arm around your shoulders. "Yeah? I think it's great that we got to know each other, I wouldn't want to have it any other way." Your body heats up at his sudden action. And his smug expression speaks louder than words, connoting that he knows the effect he has on you.

"Me too."

If there was a mirror in front of you, you would see your face turn into a red tomato. He leads you to the carousel and you ride with him side by side on horses, earning impolite glances by mothers who had been waiting in line with their children to get a chance too. Jungkook eats churros and cotton candy with you, and you chase each other to the next attraction, grinning ear to ear. It feels like you have known him for years, there is a gut feeling you get when you watch him eating cotton candy.

"Look, it's snowing!" you tell him on your way home. Tiny flakes of pristine and white snow sprinkled on the streets like confetti in slow motion, making the path appear like a scene from a fairy tale. Jungkook extended his hand to feel the slivers of snow on his gloved hand. "It's beautiful. Just like you."

Your head shoots to the side, catching him smile warmly. He turns in your direction and you stop walking. He leans into you, his body emanating heat on this cold night. In the shadows of his face so close to yours, you can smell the sweet scent of candy on his breath. You lean further into him, and he presses his soft, velvety lips on you, making your breath hitch-hike. With your eyes closed, you mould your slightly chapped lips into his and your mind drifts into an epiphany – you want his lips more than just, for now, you want his gentle hands, that has taken your waist as his prisoner, today, and tomorrow, and after that.

Everything was happening so fast. When you had made plans with Jungkook you couldn't possibly even think that you'll end up kissing him that night.

Being so lost in him, you don't even realise when he pulls away, quicker than you had anticipated. He looks at you, reading your expression and once he is satisfied with your unspoken consent – a small pout forms on your face on his actions, he leans back in. You wrap your arms around his shoulders as his lips touched yours, making flowers blossom in your belly. He slides his tongue in your mouth, making dips against your edges, instigating a faint moan from you. His grip tightens on your waist on hearing your weak whimpers. Self-control knocks on his senses before he ends up doing something he would regret and pulls away, leaving a subtle bite on your bottom lip.

You both look flustered. He clears his throat. "Here, take this it's freezing." He hands you his scarf out of nowhere, surprising you. His cheeks tint into a darker shade of pink as he settles his scarf on your neck, kissing you on the cheek when he is finished.

Once you reach your apartment building, you feel like you cannot hold it anymore. "Stay," you blurt out.

"As much I would love to, I can't," he admits gently. "I have to leave early tomorrow."

"No. I mean stay here, in Seoul." You hold your breath before the next words come out loud and clear. "I like you."

When you said those three words, ringing bells in Jungkook's ears, it made him glance up at you at a speed people would say is inhuman – his doe eyes wide open. He stands frozen, not being able to grasp your words. Did she really say that? He has been wanting you to say this forever, and now the time has come, the forever has disembarked upon him.

"Say something," you push. "I feel like a fool right now, with you being completely quiet. It's okay if you don't fee-"

"Uh- I like you too." The soft violin starts playing your head, Shakespeare starts reciting a romantic play, your surrounding starts spinning and it feels like roses might start blooming amidst the snowfall. Tiny fairies might fly in your way and dart their wands at you, releasing an infinite expanse of glitters and sparkles, turning you into a Disney princess.

He kisses you one last time and tells you that he will return soon once some family issue is resolved back at his hometown and parts his way, leaving you dazed.


A/N : I'm literally blushing even thinking about kissing Jeon fucking Jungkook. Imagine going on a date with him to an amusement park...

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