diagon and drama

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31st july 1991

He woke up rubbing his eyes eyes and sat up. Looking at the torn sheet of parchment he smiled. Today was his eleventh birthday. Yes, he had survived that day and many much such days, whenever potter adults did something fatal or very harming, he would feel the painfull episode again and again.

It was indeed much more painfull then the beating but he was now used to it. Now he would writhe on ground but stop his screams and stop scratching around his body in haze because those scratches left scars and it looked bad.

But today he would get his letter and would leave for hogwarts. His parents won't be able to harm him. Grinning like a chasire cat, he jumped off his bed, made himself look presentable and ran to the owlery where he knew owl ate. It was a beautifull airy room made solely for the owls and various birds that the residents of potter manor had. He often took care of carol, the large owl who carried presents and big things around.

As expected he found his letter among the cluster of feather and skipped downstairs. How much he didn't want to, he needed to show his parents his letter, so they will buy things required for him.

The potter family was in the gardens having light breakfast, no wonder waiting for sirius and remus to appear so they could rush to diagon alley in all their glory.

"Mother." He called softly expecting the sneer that was thrown his way. Paying them no mind, he placed the letter in front of them.

The scowl on james' potter face increased as he picked up the letter and read through it, one and twice. And then nodded. Simple as that. It meant that harry would be following them and their happiness today like leach he was.

He skipped to the floo place and made himself comfortable on the ground and waited for two late adults to arrive.

He hadn't gotten his inheritance true to dumbledore's words but charles had, he was heir of house potter and got the trademark light fae inheritance. Harry wasn't happy, he wanted his inheritance too and he wanted to deny that he didn't had any kind of inheritance.

The floo place flared up with bright green light that calmed harry and two adults stepped out.

"Harry !" Sirius exclaimed in his cheery voice as soon as stepped out and found the raven, not missing a chance to ruffle harry's hair "I missed you. How was your trip ?"

Trip is what the potter named his painfull episodes, they would say that he had went to meet his aunt and uncle, the two people he had never seen or spoken to. At first he was confused but the combined glare from his parents, he had smiled and told them "fine."

"You got your letter, right cub ?" Remus too followed Sirius steps and ruffled his hair. He should have stepped away like Charles always did when they tried this but he loved it. He loved the affectionate touch, he wanted to believe that the two adults didn't hate him and maybe even cared for him.

"Yes. Its with mother." He answered in a monotone as the scowling face of lily potter and james potter flashed in his mind.

"Off coarse wait here, we will get the lazy stag." He giggled at the name the two had given to james potter and nodded waiting for the two to return with his parents.

Following rowdy family was the most boring thing he had done and he was including his painfull episodes. The second they had stepped into diagon alley, they had rushed to quidditch shop while harry was still struck. For the first time, he had felt the beauty of magic, till now all he had seen was the ugly side just causing him pain. The magic in air felt as if it was tingling him, caressing him, healing his wounds slowly.

"Ey pup dont get lost" sirius smiled at him before pulling him away to tag along.

They bought books for charles, potion materials for both, trunk for charles and then strutted down to the dress shop aka madam malkins. There too they bought cloths for only charles and then ran along to ollivander.

Their excuse of not buying anything new for harry, it would gain too much attention and harry is younger one so he must learn how to share things with older brother as charles was the one was getting the potter fortune.

Remus had pulled his tattered cloths around him when they had said such things and sirius looked gobsmacked at the theory. But they never voiced a objection, they never did.

"Ah mr. Potter, your mother and father wands from my shop, willow, unicorn hair, swishy 10 1/4 right mrs. Potter, still got it ?"

"Yes sir" lily answered cheerily quickly showing the old man her wand that looked as new as it could get.

"And mr. Potter, mahongany, pliable, dragon heartstring 11.."

"I have it sir."

All the while measuring tape was measuring each body part of charles and harry was standing in the corner. The wands in the shop were humming with magic.... Scratch that the whole shop was humming with magic. If they say the wand chooses its owner is true then damn these wands had already choosen their owner before the owner has even born because he could feel several strands of magic leaving the shop. And to him, he felt two strands of magic connected like a maze. Both calling out to him.

"Willow, 11, swishy, dragon heartstring" ollivander cheered, "a perfect mixture of your mother and father. I must say this wand is good for both charms and transfiguration."

Both the parents looked like christmas had arrived earlier then they had thought. If their smile would grow any wider, it would surely tear open their cheeks. Harry wanted to scoff but he didn't wanted any beatings, so he kept his expressions to himself.

"Ah now other mr. Potter." As soon as ollivander turned to harry, james was next to him, a hand firmly planted on harry's shoulder squeezing so hard that harry was sure there would be bruise in shapes of fingerprints later on. But. He didn't wince.

"No need mr. Ollivander, we have already bought a wand for harry because of all that 'boy-who-lived reasons"

Once again harry wanted to scoff, clearly the wand maker in front of them was a legimans because the old man's face confronted into a very weird look before he nodded. "Off coarse mr. Potter, it will be 6 galleons for the wand"

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