his girl

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"V-v-vampires c-can be i-idnetified b-b-by t-their ....."

Some slytherin were scribbling on their parchments while other were trying some kind of spells or charms. In all harry was bored. he didn't had any friends in the class as everyone either sneered at him or looked at him with pity (mainly 2 girls). He had read whole of the book and could recite it backwards.

"I heard that mcgonagall caught you outside." Blaise zabini was whispering to malfoy. Harry knew he shouldn't be evasdropping but he was bored. "What did professor snape do ?"

"Safe to say, I am not getting the new broom this year." Malfoy didn't even cared about whispering, "I want to curse that damn potter, you would think that the brat would be boy who lived."

Harry almost snorted. One brat was calling the other one spoiled, the malfoy's were richer then potters after all. The main reason of the hate of james potter toward lucius malfoy was because in front malfoy's wealth james was practically gone. But you didn't heard that from harry.

A sudden idea popped into harry's mind, if lucius malfoy was really a death eater so surely lord voldemort would hear to him. All charles wanted in his life was attention and harry didn't wanted any bit of it. Not now atleast. So what if charles was boy who lived ? All the danger looming on his head would be shifted to charles. But then it won't only be the limb he would be loosing.

Sighing he looked in front of the class and commuting a great mistake made a eye contact with the teacher. A pain shot through his head and he grasped it but it didn't stop, it only increased as if his brain was on fire and then everything went black.

"Its alright, my prince, you are strong."

"No. I am not. I am weak." He didn't knew why but he couldn't stop himself from crying. "I am weak."

"my dear you are anything but weak"

"Potter. Potter." No he didn't wanted to be a potter. He didn't. He just wanted to be harry. "Potter get up, if you don't want a detention."

Groggily he opened his eyes and looked at the person in front of him, shapphire blue eyes stared back at him. He blinked, could eyes be that blue ?

"Potter. You must go to infirmary, you are all red and probably burning them." Blinking, he recognised the females voice; daphne greengrass and nodded siting up.

Tracy davis was standing beside the girl looking more nervous then possible. Was she going to faint ?

"Its ok." Harry told them but it felt like he was telling himself and was still not able to believe. "Should reach the class, dont want detention."

He picked the book up and threw it in his bag got up and started walking knowing next class was herbology. His movements weren't stable, the edges of his vision were blurry, the corridor he was walking in was too loud. He could hear his heart pounding in his his head. Was that even posible ?

Not looking were he was going, he ran into a wall, the wall was black.

"Poootttttttteerr. Where arrrrreee yyyyyooouuuu ....?"

Something must have happened, because he looked up waved at the man. "Good night professor" and lost consciousness.

"Oh potter you are awake." He at first didn't recognise the lady bent over him but his mind with a bing reminded him the lady was madam pomphrey, the matron. "You had high fever and didn't thought of having a check up."

Ph that explained the pounding headache. But he barely ever fell sick. And the only checks he ever had were done by dumbledore, so it wasn't his fault.

"Oh look who this is." Harry stopped in his track and tried to turn back only to be picked up by his collar. "The boy who lived ! What should we do with potter ?"

He recognised the two boys as montague and yaxley. Both seventh year boys. Now he cant even visit his girl in peace ! He just wanted to meet hedwig and talk to her because he had no letter to send with her. He had already thanked sirius and remus for their christmas presents and sent them cards because he had no money to buy presents.

"How about letting me go ?" He hadn't meant to ask this. Really. But he had and he had to now face consequences.

He was thrown at at the floor and slapped. Not bad harry wanted to comment. "You dare speak to us you dirty half blood !" And another slap. Just great.

Eh he is so weak." Yaxley commented poking harry with his boot, probably made from great magical leather. "Wonder how he vanished the dark lord. Whole lot of lies, if you ask me."

And very first kick.

"Oh look, his wand." Montague picked up the feeble, chipped stick in his hand and made a breaking gesture just to moch harry.

Hoot !

He perked up, hedwig was flying to him. No he didn't wanted her involved in his shit. But hedwig had already flown toward him like a warrior ready to protect. Oh he seriously loved his girl but ugh.

"Ah such a beautiful owl !" Yaxley chuckled, "belongs to such a weak person. Can we oblivate owls ?"

Montague made a face as if he was thinking and harry had to say, he had never seen someone look more ugly.

"Why don't we try it ?" He asked taking out his wand. "If yes, then we can gave it and if not, well the filthy half blood doesn't even deserve it."

The two boys pointed their wands at hedwig who was glaring at them. Something broke inside harry. Not completely but it was like a small snap. They could do anything to him but not his owl. Never his owl.

"Stand back." At the moment he didn't even recognised his voice, he never fought back, so where was this confidence coming from. Maybe from his chest because it felt like it was on fire. "Don't touch her."

Yaxley raised a eyebrow, "and what are you going to do, eh ?"

He circled his arms around hedwig who hooted in a confused manner and at the same time the two adult boys fired spells. A golden orange shield broke through harry's body and his stomach churned painfully. The two boys were thrown away hit the walls and fell down.

He got up with hedwig in his hands and ran. Ran untill he reached the floor of his room before letting hedwig escape, "go to sirius and remus. Dont be back till a week, okay ?"

The owl gave a furious hoot but before she could reach jim, he was already closing the door of his private chamber.

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