new and old

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"Thankyou" regulus black smile at him, grey eyes wrinkling with joy. "If there is anything I can do tell me. Please."

Hadrian traced the patterns on the beautifull locket, it was beautifull and as it was magical. He could somewhat understand why his father made the locket of salazar slytherin, a hoxcrux and hoped that after the ritual that necklace doesn't gets destroyed.

"Why would you thank me ?" He asked his godfather.

"Protecting me from my lord" the older man shivered a little, "the letter I had left with old locket was bit offensive for my lord I am sure but I assure it was a moment of overconfidence

Hadrian chuckled  waving his hand, " he wouldn't have killed you even if he knew.... Well maybe fatally injure you" the man shivered again, "but if you say that my mother protected you then he wouldn't have killed you"

"I hope so" the man nodded, "because my lady said the same but then Severus....." The man drawled and he nodded sadly, his dad and father were awkward as heck.

"So you say my brother adopted you " he appreacied the sudden change of topic, "how is he like ? I always imagined his children scolding him for flying a broom into a wall and singing muggles song at dead of night and oh not doing his paperwork"

"He is like that" he agreed with a grin, "but remus is there to scold him every second of the day. He had tried to send me a congratulation howler when I was sorted. Remus had to burn it before the owl carried it to hogwarts"

Regulus snorted and shook his head, he had recently met the man but they had formed dome kind of born, his dad whom he had told everything about regulus said it was probably a life debt he had inherited that bounded them together.

"You said if there is anything you can do I should tell you" the man nodded without second thought, "well there is somewhere I want you to go with me"


"Are you sure about this ?" His dad asked, a very sour expression on his face. "You know this is dangerous"

He shrugged, "well dad dearest, it was you who wanted to accompany me and I have told you a million times I am not a child who they can capture and torture, I am sixteen"

His dad decided not to comment on it and instead took a step toward the warded house, the house wasn't big just enough for four people and surely not something purebloods would expect from the lord of most ancient and noble house.

"He got the house that suits him perfectly" regulus commented eyeing the big garden that surrounded the house, bo wonder its as used to fly around. "I just hope he uses wards and muggle repelling charms"

"With that incompetent brain of his." His dad sneered, "I highly doubt so and lupin although had brains, he always failed to use it roaming around with black and potter."

He sighed, the wonderful idea was appearing more useless as he kept thinking about it, so keeping his wand in hand, he entered the wards which recognised him at once and a loud commotion was heard from inside the house before the front door was opened wide and there stood Sirius black holding a spoon instead of wand and remus appeared behind him looking curious. Maybe they were having lunch.

"Harry" remus exclaimed as soon as saw him, "pup !" And he didn't felt ashamed as he walked into the open arms afterall thy were the two people who were there during his worst of time and the idea of them not caring that he was son the dark lord was tempting. Remus wrapped his hand around him and squeezed taking various sniffs and sighing and muttered lowly, "atleast you didn't mated"

It wasn't meant to be heard but he blushed deep red and separated only to find sirius frozen as if petrified. Remus rolled his eyes, "drop the wards and let them in idiot"

Sirius nodded mouth closing to form a light lipped smile and dropped the wards. His dad rolled his eyes as he entered and regulus grinned, "won't welcome me brother" but his voice shook in the end and it snapped sirius out of his trance.

"You bastard !" Sirius growled launching himself at his brother while his dad side stepped looking at the two brothers with disgusted eyes but he was sure it was directed more to sirius, "you couldn't have called your brother at your wedding ? Huh ?" And he tried punch his poor brother's handsome face.

" I am sorry. I am sorry " regulus repeated as he tried to escape the attacks which was quite impossible as sirius had him trapped, "but I was supposed to be dead to the outer world"

"How about we go in ?" Remus asked him in a low voice, "and let them settle this first ?" He nodded waving at his dad and beckoning him to follow them which his dad did with a scowl.

"So harry ?" Remus smiled at him ad he poured tea for himself and severus while he poured orange juice for him. Had he ever told that he loved remus ? "I heard a little something about you being the dark lord's son...."

Hadrian just grinned at him, "I am. Does that bother you ?" Well he couldn't change his genetics completely even if it did bothered other but it was polite thing to ask, wasn't it ?

Remus slightly shook his head and then looked at him with a soft sad smile, "will you hunt muggleborns too ?"

"Never" he answered at once, "and I plan to stop father too. For others I can't say because those pureblood are snobby and won't hear a word against their blood purity"

"Do you remember that your mates are purebloods ?" Severus voice was low and teasing and his eyes grow wide, "I meant others. They both said that it didn't mattered to them"

"Mates ?" Asked sirius as he and his brother aka regulus entered not looking anything like they had just rolled on ground moments earlier. "Who are these mates"

"The oldest daughter of greengrass, daphne" he told them as they took seats, regulus was grinning from ear to ear as if he expected that conversation to take a interesting turn, "and draco malfoy the one who write me not to be befriend"

Sirius almost dropped the tea cup he had lifted. Well he had dropped it and it was hadrian who stopped it from completely falling and shattering. "You are snogging malfoy ?" His eyes grew comically wide and he could compare them to saucers. "And that too the son of lucius malfoy ?"

"Yes" Hadrian told them, his grin not fading even a bit, "and lucius malfoy is my godfather along with your brother and my godmother is bellatrix lestrange nee black"

Sirius shot up from his chair and remus also looked surprised but he decided not be drastic about it, "you can't be related in any way to those two. I forbid it"

"You do remember you are connected to bellatrix yourself black" his dad spat in his 'why am I fucking here ?' And looked at sirius with a nasty expression, "and lucius is your brother in law"

Sirius looked physically pained at the reminder but he didn't backed down, "don't tell me snivellus is also related to you !" He was practically begging.

"Sirius !" Both remus and regulus scolded at same time and then smiled at each other before remus continued, "use good language atleast in front of harry"

"My name is actually Hadrian" he told them, "and severus here is is my dad," he applied pressure on the word for emphasis. "I was kidnapped when I was a baby.... Do you two happen to know about that ?"

They now looked uncomfortable, remus placed his cup down and sighed, sirius went silent and appeared smaller then the man was supposed to be. "We didn't. When lily was pregnant, james and lily went into hiding. Peter was the secret keeper, when we met you for first time you were already one and half year old and proclaimed boy-who-lived, we thought that they want to make sure that charles isn't left behind and thus they were treating him with more love.... It was very late when we understood the symptoms of abuse, we ourselves didn't had best of childhood you see so we didn't knew how exactly children should be treated"

At his last words, the four men bowed their head disappearing in the memories of their own childhood which Hadrian could understand wasn't one of best. So he cleared his throat and changed the topic, "so what do you think my owl scores are ?"

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