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Harry climbed off the train, his robes that he always used to blend in the crowd gone and replaced by the outfit everybody would notice. His magic was was cackling around him challenging anyone and everyone to dare offend him.

James potter however was totally oblivious. He saw hadrian and sneered in a very disgusting way stomping toward the boy, fingers curled in tight fists.

"Where do you think you are going ?"

"Home" harry answered not looking at the man, his eyes were roaming around the platform for certain someone and he found that certain someone next to the family of blondes.

"What do you mean 'home' ?" Lily potter appeared next to her husband and with her was their ickle charlie.

"By home" said a silky voice gathering all of their attention, "hadrian here means the place he was born for"

Severus snape was shorter then james potter... Almost the height of lily but his presence was kind of intimidating.

"And for what do you thing he was born for snivellus ?" James potter sneered towering over the man hidden under glamour. His dad didn't react and kept looking at harry with his onyx eyes, "oh I dont know.... maybe the heir of dark lord"

james gasped and Lily did too, Charles looked from his parents to his professor in question but ickle young potter was left in his confused state as harry's  dad caught him by hand and pulled him away.

oops. looks like his little secret isn't a secret anymore.


Home. Harry hadn't really given any thoughts to that word before. He thought maybe he could consider hogwarts as his home but as soon as he walked inside the gates of grand manor he was seeing for first time, he realised hogwarts was far from being his home.

Just like potter manor, he had never been free, he had been forcefully secluded from people, kept away from truth and knowledge and under a fear he was groomed into.

Maybe he could consider sirius and remus his home because it was the only place he ever felt free and loved .... In a platonic way but he liked the idea of having a home where people would appreciate him for simply being him.

"What is this place ?" He asked his dad as soon as he took in his surroundings. His dad did a flick of his wand and his glamour melted away because thank fuck the smile he currently had on would have given hadrian a heart attack if he had seen it on the glamour.

To simply put it the smile screamed 'whipped' and it was sort of smile, harry had seen on his own face whenever he got up every morning and thought about his mates.

"This is the house where your mum, me and ..... Dark lord lived" harry frowned, the down curl of lips on his dad's face was noticeable when he said 'dark lord' and with a start harry realised that they had always regarded his father as 'him', 'he' or 'dark lord'.

"Come on" his dad placed a hand on his hand, "I want to show you something"

Harry barely had time to look around for peculiar things as severus pulled him I aide the manor and up the stairs through a flurry of corridors and in front of brown double doors where he abruptly stopped and exhaled a very heavy sigh. But before harry question what had he wanted to show harry, he had pushed open the doors.

Harry felt as if his breath had died somewhere in his chest, the room was beautifull. the floor board was dark, a utter contact to the light accents and beige - white furniture. There was a big crib in middle of room placed on a pearly white rug. One side of his room had big shelves from floor to the top and there was another set of double doors that harry belived led to bathroom.

Severus ventured into the hall, face set in a nostalgic look, he was smiling very fondly toward the room, "three of us had fought over the designs"

That explains it after all both his paternal fathers turned misty whenever his mother was mentioned.

"Your mother wanted a neutral room while your ....." Snape stopped and blinked.

"Father" harry told him and snape nodded, "your father wanted dark accents because slytherin dorm was dark and he liked black and green"

Harry smiled, it felt nice to hear such things, it made him feel ...... wanted.

"And you ?" He asked placing his own hand on the crib. It was a simple admiring gesture but the crib vibrated beneath his hand and started changing. Both harry and snape stepped back in surprise and in front of their eyes, the crib changed into a bed. A big alaskan sized bed that suited the theme of room perfectly.

"Reina's magic" when harry turned to look at his father, the man was looking as if he had seen a ghost. A good ghost. And he kept staring at the crib now turned bed before clearing his throat and turning to harry. "Your father sent me a message, you have been requested to join dinner with him as he has invited your mates and their families."

And the man turned back and strode out of the room leaving harry frozen, only to pop his head back say, "dress a bit formally" before disappearing completely.

Well..... Fuck !

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