the plan

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Harry climbed off the tarin pulling his trunk with him, gryffindor had once again won the house cup courtesy of mr. Charles potter, mr. Ronald Weasley.

Harry was great full too as ron weasley had somehow oblivated lockheart and currently the older was in process of becoming a permanent resident of st. Mungos.

"Dad ! Mum !" Charles obnoxiously loud voice again got his attention as the brat ran toward his - their parents and was quickly engulfed in a hug.

Happy pulled trunk toward his parents who immediately focused on him - glaring.

"Harry !" Lily chirped," we missed you so much !"

Missed what kicking me around harry thought bitterly before returning a small smile, "I missed you both too."

James gripped his shoulder for outsiders it would look like a father showing showing affection off coarse it would because harry was smiling and not wincing at the tight grip which felt like it would snap his shoulder.

Next thing he knew he was appearing and it felt like someone was rearranging his body organs according to wish, as soon as his feeta hit the ground he stumbled but steadied himself enough to stand without falling.

"A fucking slytherin !" James gritted his teeth as the family of four stepped out of the fireplace, charles looking ready to throw up any minute now.

"James language" lily potter admonished.

James flashed her a sweet smile, "sorry lily flower, can you take charlie away ?"

Lily shrugged glancing at harry who was trying to look as nonchalant as much as a child could before he was going get the best beating of his life.

Her lips curled downwards as if she was almost sorry for what was going to happen but then she shrugged shaking her head and walked away.

A first slap that hit him wasn't very strong and harry wondered if james potter was losing his touch without much practice. He was wrong from the next punch he received. And then another. He tumbled down to the floor because sof the force and james potter got chances to kick in the ribs.

He closed his eyes letting the curses and punches and kicks to come. What doesn't kills you makes you stronger, right ?


A click forced him to open his eyes and stare at the intruder in his room. His stare turned into glare as he was forced to look at long silver beard that was shining against vibrant yellow robes albus percival wulfric brian dumbledore was wearing.

"My boy !" Dumbledore started in his usual grandfatherly voice, "you are awake I see."

Its a one way to put it. He couldn't sleep due to the constant pain in his ribs, magic was mending the broken bones, if he was correct. And he felt a little good too (if you ignore the pain) as if he was finally free. His heart that was still under the vow with tom riddle was beating at its normal rate supplying very small amount of magic to the diary in the hidden chamber of his trunk. And his chest, it didn't felt like it was in chains anymore. After that good old beating, his magic had flared suddenly.

"Ah this wont do." Dumbledore frowned taking ysi wand out and moving it in weird gestures, harry tried to remember them so that he could read about those.

But his eyes snapped shut as the pain in his chest returned, he felt very thin chains (thinner then they always were) bind around his core pulsating with someone's else magic; dumbledore's magic with malicious intent.

"This must do." Dumbeldore nodded at himself and then walked out of the small room.

Harry didn't needed to read what the spell was because it wasn't a healing spell that dumbledore always used on him. It was a curse. A dark magic cause used by the leader of light to bind magic. Bind harry's magic.

He smiled,maybe lord voldemort could help him with this curse, the man wasn't dark lord for nothing.

Surprise. Surprise. The potter family had left. Gone. Not totally as harry wished but gone for a month to france. Harry threw the blankets away and dragged himself to the mirror. He had grown taller then the last time he had stood in front of that mirror. Even his hair were longer, his green eyes were more vibrant then he could remember.

His broken nose was completely heeled as if nothing was there and his eyes was heeled too, ensuring him he didn't looked like malnutritioned panda anymore.

He raised his shirt, a dew places still looked a but yellow and blue but all good.

He returned to his bed, bent down and pulled his trunk out with great effort and opened it to take riddle's diary out.

"Hello" the red ink sinked inside the parchment and returned more quickly then possible.

"So you finally got time ?"

He chuckled lowly, "Yes. I need your help."

"And why should I help you ?"

Harry's smile widened. "Its against dumbledore."

"Tell me"

"Dumbledore had been doing checkups on me since I could remember and I finally understood what it was. Magic binding curse."

In his heart he felt giddy which he quickly traced to riddle; lord voldemort was giddy what could be more frightening?

"Old man is afraid of your magic. If you break his curse he will know"

Harry's smile turned into a frown. "Then what should I do ?"

"Go to gringotts you foolish boy"

And why would a bank help me ? Harry thought bitterly before he voiced his question, he hardly knew anything about gringotts but he had heard that goblins were nasty creatures.

"Treat others like you want to be treated boy. Goblins respect purebloods not because of their purity but because of their traditions. Pureblood may appear arrogant but they do know of how to treat goblins with respect. How do you think I took my inheritance test ?"

"You are a creature ?" Harry could never believe that lord voldemort got a magical gift from lady magic.

"I am." The answer came back in neat cursive writing.

From the short answer harry knew, he wont be getting a answer in return of asking what creature lord voldemort was.

"Can you teach me ?"

"What ? Pureblood culture ?"


Harry felt as if his heart was being pulled of his chest or it felt like that, in reality, the magic binding around his heart was squeezing it taking a good amount of magic of his weak body.

Abd he soon knew why. Tom riddle was standning there looking as regal as he had done in that chamber, the edges of his body were blurry once again but the smirk on his handsome face, told harry that lord voldemort was anything hut weak.

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