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Harry silently walked toward the blonde that had tried to curse him almost two years back but after a detention had left alone.

Draco malfoy a copy of his father, although shorter sat with gowle and crab be around him like body garuds while he would converse with anyone and everyone.

But today was different malfoy was siting alone because the two of his cronies were knocked out and no one to verify harry was the one doing it.

With a smile he took a seat where crabbe always sat.

Malfoy first didn't cared who sat near him but then he saw harry's face and sneered. Only for a second tho then he schooled his features into bored one.

"Hello malfoy, good day isn't it ?" He asked picking up a glass of orange juice. He always liked that thing.

"What do want Potter ?" The tone was same as bored but the venom interlaced could easily be detected.

"Just a small question malfoy then I will off your tail." He took a sip of orange trying to look as normal as one could, "its about your cousin."

Malfoy's features quickly turned into of rage. "We Specially my mother dont keeps relations with half blood so it will be nice of you to return to your place."

Oh he knew who malfoy was refereeing to as half blood, she was daughter of sirius' favourite cousin.

"Not that cousin malfoy, beatrix lestrange where is she ?"

Malfoy's eyes grew wide dramatically before he looked past harry and now wonder at professor snape before harry felt a tug on his robes. Malfoy stood up and harry silently followed the blonde, he could always use time turner to attend the class if he is late.

He was pulled in a abondaned classroom near the dungeons and malfoy pulled his wand on him.

"How do you know about her ?" Malfoy had a snarl on his face and probably a curse on edge of his tongue.

"Does it matter malfoy. I only want to know if she lives with you." He walked toward the chair and took a seat, he really wasn't scared of malfoy. And he could easily cast a shield without magic. And no he wasn't showing off.

"Didn't your parents told you oh boy-who-lived, my cousin died in the fire when they were celebrating your birthday."

Harry felt a jolt in his stomach. Could it be that he and she had been taken at that moment and evidence hidden under the name of fire.

He stood up, head held high, "thank you malfoy" and then smirked, "and I am not saying that as harry potter but as heir of house black"

And then he had to run. He was 10 mins late for muggle studies after all.


As godfather, Sirius had signed his permission form instead of james potter who had denied him. He never really liked halloween before but this year, on his way though the old village of hogsmeade ready to return back to hogwarts

He had bought three gifts for christmas. One for Sirius, it was simple cup that he had charmed to bark after imagining a sirius drinking from the cup and suddenly the cup growing the head of padfoot and barking.harry found that cute.

For remus he had bought the pain relieving pillow for the man's neck. Remus had told him that they would be spending christmas at hogwarts and at remus' living quartor.

The two, harry didn't knew why always dodged when he asked for their relationship. It was clear Sirius was remus' mate and the two loved each other to bits. The subtle touches and hand holding screamed so.

Last time he had left while saying that he better be the first one to be called at their wedding when gheu were quarreling and it had resulted in both of them growing flustered and sirius running off.

Ihe had another book wrapped in red papers that he had intended to send with hedwig, the book was of no importance but the letter written and hidden in it was.

He had heard that halloween was the day, veil of death is thinnest and witches and wizards used to communicate with their ancestors. But now it was considered dark magic. Why he didn't knew.

Maybe. Just maybe. He will find that out..


"Hello harry Potter" harry was startled by the dreamy voice but recognised luna lovegood from misty grey eyes and blonde hair.

He scooted over to make a small pace for blonde, enough for her to take a seat much to Slytherins diguest well sucks to suck but he was heir of slytherin.

"I see you have found put your truth." She had a smile on her face as if she knew all and she must.

Harry followed her gaze and was met by back of a bushy haired girl siting with other gryffindors.

"And you are on right track too. Approach her before she endangers herself. Lady magic stands with you .... Hadrian riddle."

And as luna got up two red head boys approached the gryffindor table for morning breakfast only for hermione to make a small excuse and leave hastily.

Harry looked at the staff table where dumbledore was absent and then at ravenclaw table where the little seer was looking at roof, as if she had known she was looking at ger, she looked down and gave him a subtle nod. And it was all he needed.

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