new year, new me

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6th year starts from here.

"are you returning to Hogwarts ?" It was a question he asked his dad before he boarded train. His answer was his father siting in front of him, next to Minerva mcgonagall and another professor he knew from the pictures narcissa had shown him throughout the summer. Apparantly everyone of black family, Malfoy family and his parents (except mom who hadn't attended Hogwarts) had been a part of slug club, somewhere he hadn't been invited for.

Everything was so different from his first year, he wasn't a meek eleven year old, he was sixteen. The Slytherins weren't giving him stink eyes, they were looking at him with a sort of admiration that made him feel powerfull. He wasn't wearing glasses and ladden in old cloths, he was wearing one of the finest made cloths and looking regal. Everyone that was told that he was the once Harry Potter would turn and strain their heads in weird angles to just get a look of him.

Cedric diggory, the one he had saved and defeated in triwizard tournament couldn't close his mouth, Luna lovegood from ravenclaw was smiling at him while most of the gryffins looked a bit weary of him. Everyone but a few who were glaring down at him through their nose. Well they could go and fuck themselves.

He wondered if he was still assigned a separate dorm, the idea mere made him chuckle. Dumbledore had failed and his attempts had only made Harry stronger.... Maybe a bit awkward and weird but still strong.

"Go to dorms without me" he told his mates when he was done with his bits of dinner and the two nodded. "and pansy stop looking at her with so much longing, you have been given a two way mirror use it"

"Oh shut it riddle" pansy hissed turning bright red but averting her gaze from certain gryffindor, "why doesn't she gets transferred to Slytherin ?"

"Because pansy" Daphne started turning her head slightly toward staff table, "except him, no one really knows that she knows"

"And" Draco continued, "the story of hadrian and her is still not published. We are saving it for later use when it will needed to blow him off his reputation and crush him like he deserves" Pansy grumbled something but didn't questioned anything else.

When everybody started to retire for their dorm, Hadrian lurked behind, his wands hidden inside the sleeves of his robes and his confidence under the rug. The portraits led him to his destination and he politely knocked on the door, there was some shuffling before the door opened and man on other side pulled a face before letting him in.

"So what can I help you with, mr. Riddle" slughorn was alert, his wand was placed in way that he could easily take it out of needed. It won't be needed tho.

"Please don't call me that professor, it makes me feel like my father who we both know has stranded to a path of insanity" he smiled, "i am Hadrian and you may not know it but several people have told me about you"

"Are you here to manipulate me ?" Slughorn raised one eyebrow plopping his body on a comfy sofa. "because i can promise you that won't work"

"I maybe called dark prince and whatever things people are calling me sir, i am not a manipulator i assure you" he took his wand and conjured himself a chair noticing very well how slughorn flinched at the sight of wand, he tucked it away, "people won't tell you this professor, but Hadrian as i have requested to be called wasn't always here "

He was sure slughorn already knew a few bits but he was there to manipulate the man, "till eleven years, i was severely abused by James Potter... which he would deny" he added before the professor could argue, "i can give you memories and if you want you can steal it from Charles. When I came to Hogwarts, i didn't even have a new wand, i was sorted into Slytherin but assigned a dormitory so i won't mingle with death eaters house. It was my third year that i was told i was Hadrian riddle"

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