the sorting

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27th september 1991

Harry was practically crawling downstairs. James potter had sent an elf to call him down from his room and not told him why. The elf was shaking when she arrived so harry was sure it wasn't for something good.

"Ah the brat is finally here." James sighed and harry joined him internally. Like seriously haven't they read a book called dictionary, it is clearly written we call spoiled children brat and if harry's condition is what they call spoiling then sure....

As taught harry stood in front of potter patriarch with his head held down looking at the floor and hands at the back.

However his father wasn't satisfied as the man caught harry's collar and pulled him closer.

"Now you are going to hogwarts, I highly doubt you have magic but since you have been sent an acception letter, we are sending to such a prestigious school." James potter was barking on his face ! "Now listen here you ... If you, in any way or kind created problem for charlie, then I am not sure whether you will have your limbs left for next session or not."

Then he was thrown on the ground and james potter was standing over him, "and don't you dare get sorted into any other house rather then gryffindor. If you soil potter name, you will feel more pain then losing a limb." With a single generous kick, the man stepped over the small boy and walked away.

Lily potter who was standing in the corner stood up and followed her husband out. Sighing for like thousandth time, harry stood up dusted his robes and tip toed back to his room to continue reading the books he had gotten for his 1st year.


1st september 1991

The potter matriarch had harry in her tight hold where ever they went passing several people around the platform, them greeting each other and harry just going with the flow.

The rusty brown haired charles ran to the families of weasleys as soon as he saw them and practically dissapearred among the red heads.

"Go on the train and don't you dare talk to anyone." With that small hissed whisper, he was thrown inside the train with his trunk. He pulled the old rusty trunk along him and placed it hastily on the ledge and took out the old wand given to him to investigate.

The old brown belonged to james potter's mother, euphemia potter, who had died of dragon pox. Apple, 10 3/4, supple and dragon heart core. It was chipped in some areas but will work or so had harry hoped.

"Excuse me...." A very soft voice of girl made him hide his wand and look up, the girl was small almost of harry's height which made him conclude she was a new 1st year too. "Can I sit here ?"

Harry shrugged. The girl beamed and took a seat taking very little space, harry had ever seen. The door was barely closed when it was slide open once again a and there stood a girl with short black hair, another first year.

"Davis" she scowled, "I leave you for one second and you get lost." She turned toward harry with analysing eyes and suddenly as if a bulb was lit, her scowl further, "and siting with whom ? Him ? Get up now or save me merlin."

With that the short hair girl pulled the brown haired 'davis' away leaving harry alone. Deciding he was insulted enough, he pulled on his school robes that lily had bought specially for him; second hand and closed his eyes ready to take a well desired nap.


"Potter Charles."

The hall broke into whispers, "potter ?" "Brother of boy who lived, right ?" "Definetly a gryffindor."

Charles basked in the attention, strutted to the sorting hat giving harry the impression of rusty haired james potter with exact big round glasses and took a seat on the stool with hat on his head.


Harry nearly rolled his eyes but stopped as the name next called was his.

"Potter harry" once again the hall broke into whispers, "boy who lived ?" "He looks like his brother" "definitely a gryffindor" "he is so small" "the harry potter ?"

Ignoring the whispers, harry took the hat from mcgongall with a soft smile and placed it on his head.

"Interesting mind, you have my dear." Harry nearly jumped at the sudden voice but recovered quickly, "yes indeed I am the sorting hat and I feel quite grateful for your presence. Rowena would be lucky to have you and so would be godric, hmmm where to put you young heir ?"

"Heir ? I am not the heir. Charles is."

"I am not talking about house potter, harry, I am not allowed to disclose anything, these things are better to find on you own."

"Although you shouldn't be any house, circumstances have different demands ..,......."


The silence in the great hall as deafening. No one was clapping, charles was glaring, mcgonagall had a gaping open mouth. He could feel three pairs of eyes on the back of his head. And several pairs on his face.

In a dazed state, he picked the hat, placed it back on the stool and marched toward the table of green and silver taking a seat on the end of table, the people who were siting there shifted a little back as if he had some kind of disease.

Great. He was unwanted here too.

On the other side of room, charles looked like a boiling red brown cauldron. Harry was reminded of the warning suddenly and his stomach lurched with a nauseating feeling settling in.

"Guess I am loosing a limb or two."

What house do you belong to ?

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