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"Merlin's balls !" Sirius exclaimed holding a peiceof parchment and brandishing it in harry's face. "How did you get moony to give you full scores ?"

"Language sirius" remus snatched the parchemnt from lord black's hand. "And he wrote everything perfectly just like hermione granger from gryffindor."

"But you never gave full points to anyone." Sirius pouted stealing the chocolate from harry's hands who gasped dramatically before accio-ing his chocolate bar back from sirius' hand. The man stared at harry, mouth open wide while remus stiffked a laugh.

"Dogs shouldn't eat sweets padfoot, do you wanna die ?"

"True Sirius, you are a bad boy" remus smiled staking the papers back and picking up his wolfsbane goblet and returned to scrunching his nose everytime he took a sip.

"Are we going to ignore the fact that he just used a spell no third year should know." Sirius asked looking at harry and the at remus who roles his eyes.

"They learn that spell in fourth year, there is nothing wrong with being a step ahead."

"And it help with pranks" harry shrugged only for the two adults to perk up.

"You do pranks ?"

"Well no. But I sometimes accio charles potion material away just to annoy him."

"That's not a good thing" remus shook his head.

"Well he should stop sneering at me like I am nothing but dirt to step on." He pouted returning back to his chocolates as if unaware of the effects his words had on the adults.

Sirius and remus felt grateful, harry the embodiment of secrets spilled his feelings to them, it felt like he was now so much comfortable that he didn't felt the need to protect himself. He was free.

And that was the environment Sirius and remus planned to provide the child.

Only if they were aware of the green eyes turning a shade vibrant and the sweet smirk playing on their supposed son's face.


'I thought he was kissed !" Harry hissed looking at the daily prophet and the slytherin felt weird cold engulf the whole table, they unconsciously shifted in their seats.

Grumbling incoherent words, he folded the newspaper and stuffed it his bag stomping his way toward the private quarters of remus lupin.

The werewolf phase had came and gone and remus was ready to return to his class and sirius was also dressed up wiping his coffee waiting for morning newspaper when the door of quarter flew open startling them both.

"What happened harry ?" Remus asked keeping the stack of books down but the teen simply threw the morning newspaper in sirius' hands.

Sirius frowned before reading the few words and then throwing the newspaper at remus who too frowned and read the heading. The werewolf understood the rage of two and he himself felt his blood boil.

"How could he ?" Sirius asked himself more then others before. He picked up his cloak kissed remus' cheek subconsciously and floo ed away.

There was silence as harry stared at remus who was blushing bright red before clearing his throat an plopping down on the chair, Sirius was siting on and picked the abondaned coffee cup.

"I thought he had been kissed." Harry murmured taking deep breath and regretting the little explosion he just had.

"He wasn't. Azkaaban is thought to be more brutal then death and that why he was placed there." Remus sighed. "Its a first break and a great one too after all he was placed in one of the most gaurded cells."

"So what now ?"

"Petigrew would be caught harry, he should be." Harry didn't knew what the werewolf meant but it didn't sounded good.


"Potter are you sure you what to take alchemy with more subjects it will be 13th subject." Severus snape had called him in his office asking for any subject to drop but the man was in for a surprise.

"Yes sir, I am quite sure" harry answered his eyes on the left arm of the man. "I would have loved to take one more subject but since wizarding customs isn't available...."

"Wizarding customs ?" The professor raised a eyebrow, "that class hasn't bene available for nearly 50 years."

And so hasnt tom riddle in in student robes.

"Yes sir, I read somewhere and picked it up." He answered "I hope its no problem."

"Alchemy is a important subject potter, I hope you have discussed it with your parents."
I am. He bit his tongue.

"They have no say in what I want to do professor. They are going to deny me so I won't sound better then little charlie." He shrugged, "and if we are done here, I would like to return and pack."

"Why do I feel that you are hiding something mr. Potter ?"

Harry smirked opening the dungeons door and then peeking back at the dear professor.

"What can I say sir, I am quite a riddle."


Third year ends here. Next will be our joyous fourth year. Here we saw harry broke out of shell completely. But trauma does have after maths dont forget that.

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