mum and father

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Harry inspected himself in the mirror, he had met his father what ? Thrice ? And none of it hadn't gone where he wasn't wary of the dark lord. And now he had been asked to do his fourth meeting and that too during dinner. Safe to say he had already lost his appetite.

In the first meeting, his father was trying to murder him and had restructured  himself from harry's blood. It had been the moment of surprise where he had barely escaped. Second time, they had temporarily met in his father's office where he had defied him by saying that he didn't wanted to claim his position already and the third time, he had given his father the prophecy related to himself and him.

So yes. Hadrian darius riddle aka harry james potter was terrified. What if his father suddenly decided he was a threat and finished him off. Done. He could use many things like poison, the killing curse or maybe a coup of death eaters hidden and ready to hex.

He needed a backup plan and he needed it very fast. He could shadow step but he didn't knew if there were wards stopping that thing in this manor because he had foolishly used that thing in front of his father last time.

His mind was running fast and as if a light bulb had lit up, his mind travelled to his mum. She always gave him courage and right advice but he needed to reach to her. The last time she had just told him that he wouldn't kill him but he was tempted for more. So hadrian riddle closed his eyes and imagined the beautifull tera in where he had seen his mother for first time but she wasn't there so he asked. "Are you there ?"

Then suddenly he felt the sensation if grasping something he had been seeking for years. He felt content and warm and safe. He felt like a idiot for not understanding those emotion before.

"It wasn't your fault, you couldn't understand those emotions." Said the voice he remembered from before and then she materialised in front of him. Black hair freely falling on her back while she was wearing bluish dress. "And before you ask how you can understand them now because you payed your emotions a bit of attention especially when you were with your mates"

Harry nodded, that somehow made sense. "But why don't you talk to me now ?" He made sure to keep his whiny behaviour in check but one couldn't be too sure.

"You think I reach to you when you are in trouble ?" When harry didn't deny she chuckled, "dear I am dead. DEAD. Dead don't reach for living, it is opposite, you may not remember me in your memories but your subconscious mind does. It remembers with whom you felt the most secure with and thus when you feel vulnerable, it reaches to me to remove the moment of invulnerability."

It kind of made sense, "so can you stay with me in this meeting ?"

She nodded, "I can and try to keep me out of our occumulency shields, if your father or dad tried to invade your mind they will be in for a surprise"

Harry bit his lips to stop himself from laughing, his mother may be descendant of ravenclaw but she was indeed a slytherin.

There was a popping noise and a small elf stood in the corner of his room head bowed low, "tilly being told to tell young master Hadrian that dinner is ready and young master hadrian should go meet my lord master"

Harry nodded in gratitude and with a wave of his hand removed the any crease from his robes and then followed the little elf to dinner room where she popped away before he had properly entered the room. In middle of room was a dining table made of dark wood and one the head seat sat the dark lord in his humane glory with sharp red eyes.

Harry would have been a bit worried if his mother wasn't with him in his mind.

"Ah hadrain" his father finally took notice of him and in his always so cool and smooth voice spoke to him, "please take a seat" and then the chair opposite to him on the other end of table moved away.

Gathering every bit of his nerve, he walked toward the seat head held high trying to copy daphne  and took the seat making sure not to look down.

"Severus told me that you have finally taken the decision to claim the title of being my hier publicly." He said in a tone as if it was a very normal conversation and he had done it several times.

What was harry supposed to say at that ? 'Yes father ','yes my lord','off course I have', 'yes I am ready' ? He didn't had a training on how to talk with dark lords. Sue him.

"Its a good thing" the man said and snapped his finger, the elf that had bought there appeared with a pop head still won, "bring our guest" with a fear full squeak, the elf popped away. And his father returned to him.

"You see I am having doubts with my old followers so I want a new ones and who would be better then son of my once most trusted death eater."

Harry didn't liked where this was going and he could tell so didn't his mother. The creak of doors caught his attention and he quickly turned to see who was his father referring to.

There stood the boy, paler then usual and sweat beading over his for head. Harry's mouth dropped open but he quickly reeled in his emotions. His father wanted to mark his new death eater because he didn't fully trust the previous generation completely and truth be told harry was okay with whatever shenanigans his father was busy with. He didn't cared who was marked and who died for merlin's sake.

But why it had to be draco bloody malfoy !!!!

Should I be a good author and do happy ending or be downright evil ?

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