world and goblins

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Harry grumbled glaring at the floo place, he hadn't taken james potter to be smart and close the floo place for time being of his absence.

He looked at the grand doors of the potter manor, the oak was very detailed and potter crest was engraved on the edges. Would they open for him ?

Magic door were known to be protective, not letting any stranger enter the premises. Thats the reason hogwarts had doors instead of openings alls like diagon alley to enter and that was also the reason people prefered doors at their manors.

What will happen if he failed ? James potter would be notified and he would get another set of beating. He could deal with that. He wished that tom was with him even as a spirit, he would feel more safe and it was saying something as tom was lord voldemort, the very first one to try to kill him.

To hell with.

He placed his hand on the double doors, it was a ticklish feeling as the magic seeped through his fingertips and into his blood finding the familiar price of magic that bonded the house of potter.

Bingo !

The door opened for him as if he was lord potter. Harry, feeling very confident and excited strode out of the manor and stopped on pathway a little away from the manor.

He knew what he had to do. He had to raise his wand hand (any of the two in his case) and stop the knight bus, tell them to take him to diagon alley and pay the conductor before stepping into leaky cauldron and opening the door for diagon alley himself.

Tom had told him all that and after every question, absorbed a good amount of magic (and strength) because harry was frustrating and tom didn't had a wand to crucio him.

Anyway. Harry did as he was told and a very purple double decker bus stopped in front of him as if they had forgotten brakes existed untill the very last moment.

The ride was very fun because harry was continuously holding on a golden poll for his dear life and the conductor kept trying to interrogate him. As if he was going to say "I am harry potter and in am in rebellion phase."

No. He kept his mouth shut (a good thing too) and entered diagon alley brushing his hand over his long black hair (he was trying to grow theme enough to have a small braid) to cover his eyes and most if face. He didn't wanted anyone to recognise him as "boy with with potters" aka "harry potter"

So he kept his head and had quite a struggle in opening the way of diagon alley but his work payed off, as soon as he stepped into diagon alley.

Diagon alley as always was singing with magic. Harry smiled giddily and with swing in every steps looked through finding that snowy white building harry had never stepped into.

Looking around diagon alley, he didn't saw where he walked into. A man with rich green and black robes. Looking up, he was met with the blonde hair that he could recognise anywhere. A malfoy.

Even the facial features were similar and so were grey eyes. He was barely shorter then the person he assumed was lord malfoy.

"Apologizes lord malfoy, I was too engrossed in my world to looks here I was going." He smiled at the blonde taking a step back. He maybe a half blood but he was a prodigy being thought by lord voldemort.

"It's no problem, mr..." Lucius malfoy said in a drawl that resembled to his son. A apple doesn't fall far from a tree.

"Don't worry about me, lord malfoy, i will be on my way." He flashed another smile before rounding the man and escaping to find the white building.

He wasn't embarrassed or flustered, it was a weird magical aura around the man that intrigued harry. It was familiar.... Maybe like Draco now he thinks about it.

His thoughts about malfoy's ended as he stopped in front of the building that was build over many fortunes. And absolutely gaurded too. Two goblins were standing there at the sides of door holding two spears probably goblin made. Harry's hand itched to touch the spear and check its sharpness but he didn't dare. He just bowed slightly at the goblins and entered while the two stared at him with a sneer.


Was his first word when he entered the building. It was bonded with magic and highly awarded. The goblins on high chairs were busy in their works while some wizards and witches were standing with their childrens.

He licked his lips straightened up making sure he didn't looked like a copy of james potter and walked to the goblin that was free.

"Good morning master goblin, may your enemies fall at your feet." He wished that greetings still worked after fifty years because the only enemy of goblin present there was wizards and harry was one of those. "Is there a way to have inheritance test in secret ?"

The goblin at those words dropped the heavy eagle quill and surveyed harry like an hawk ready to devour its prey.

"It is but it requires a good price." Harry nodded he had snooped around potter manor for coins and found some laying in lily potter's old vanity. He wasn't stealing, he was just borrowing.

"Very well follow me." He nodded and followed the goblin who lead him through another double doors and knocked on a door. A ring like voice sounded from behind the door and the goblin peaked in grumbling in gobbledygook which harry understood perfectly. "A child asks for secret inheritance, may I send him in."

"Yes" came the less gruff voice from other side and the first goblin nodded opening the gate wide for haaru to enter. He bowed as soon as he entered and dare not look into goblin's eyes.

The doors closed behind him and he decided it was the moment to look up and introduce himself.

"Harry potter ?" The goblin raised his bushy eyebrows, "aren't you a bit late fir your inheritance test ?"

"I was told that I was human with no special ability master goblin. I deem that it's not true and I have some kind of curse on me " harry explained taking the seat which the goblin offered.

"And who told you this mr. Potter ?" The goblin asked not looking at harry but opening drawers to take something's out.

"Headmaster dumbledore goblin master." He tried to peak inside the drawers but couldn't. "And charles was the hier of house potter, so there was probably no inheritance for me."

The goblin stopped and again looked at harry, "who do you thinks decides about inheritance, mr. Potter ? Blood ? Ministry ?"

"Lady magic" harry answered at once. "But You need to worthy for that"

"Oh I assure you mr. Potter, you are indeed worthy" the goblin smiled (harry was almost frightened at hoe predatory it looked) and a piece of golden parchment floated up on the desk with a silver knife.

"Lady magic had choosen goblins to be best in blood magic and thats why we, the goblin race help wizards and witches to their inheritance." The goblin picked up the knife and offered it to harry. "Magic is there till you believe in it so dont ever doubt blood magic. May lady magic bless you"

Harry took the knife from the goblin and without a wince (but a little scrunch of nose) made a cut on side of his palm. Blood oozed out of the cut and drop by drop fell on golden parchment. The parchment absorbed the thick red blood and the colour changed from golden to white with little red dots dancing on surface. He watched as the dots slowly molded themselves into alphabets and then into words.

"Looks like you are highly blessed by lady magic." The goblins voice broke hik out of the stupor and he realised that instead of reading the results he had been staring at them.

The wonder of magic

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