barmy and blonde

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Oh how wrong he was. Life was off coarse bad, very very bad actually. The flying lessons were also paired with gryffindor much to his annoyance, he didn't knew if he could survive one more class with cahrles potter.

"Stand right by your broom, spread your hand over it and say " up" " madam hooch explained simply and everyone followed.

"Up" as soon as harry said that his broom shot up in his hands but the burning feeling in his chest returned too and now he was getting bored of it. Like seriously, he was in a magical school, why did his chest decided to become a volcano whenever he used magic was way out of his ideas. But he was starting to get suspicious.

"Now mount your brooms and dont let it slide, you don't want to fall off mid air. On my count of three kick the ground and fly for a minute before coming back down."

But before the madam could complete the counting, neville longbottom, a kid who had once or twice visited potter manor and was coddled by lily potter kicked the ground and soared up in the air, higher, higher and then slid off the broom.

Harry closed his eyes as he could hear the baam and practical sound of bone breaking.

Harry rolled his eyes, off coarse the flying instructor didn't had cushioning charms placed beforehand. He silently stood there and watched as draco malfoy made a fool of himself and charles potter saved the day by catching the rememberall and getting caught by mcgonagall.

So yeah, life was indeed full of bad shit.


Harry had finally decided draco malfoy was a big jackass. Thanks to the stunt he had pulled golden boy charles was made the youngest seeker or something in the century, got a nimbus 2000 and a congratulating howler from the potters.
Draco malfoy decided to blame harry in. Middle. Of. The. Corridor.

After completing all his classes all harry wanted to do was through his bag in the corner and dream again of the soothing green field and that goddess like lady, now who had stopped running away with each of his steps. He was so close yet so far.

"Why do you have crush on boy-who-lived ?" Draco was mocking the girl and before harry could even mutter a single syllabus, the girl was fighting back.

"Reel your anger heir malfoy and speak with the dignity you were thought for decade of your life." Wow, truely a pureblood heir, harry wanted to salute the girl but wasn't sure if his muggle action would by supported or not, "and you are insulting a slytherin in middle if corridor what about slytherin unity ? What will professor snape say ?"

"Very good miss greengrass, is what he will say." The silky deep voice of the black haired professor made everyone jump and looked as the man strolled in between them, "and mr. Malfoy it was a foolish act accusing mr. Potter for something he hasn't done or have no control over." Malfoy flushed deeper then weasley hair, "detention at 7. And potter" harry straightened up, "do try to fight back your bullies."

Harry's heart sank lower then titanic, the man had practically told him to fight his bullies in front of other slytherin. Was harry just confused or the man did really hate him that much. No harry may b confused but he wasn't a idiot, he understood what the professor had meant frome ird 'bullies', it did not only meant draco malfoy but james potter too.

But saying to fight is easy. Fighting is not. He could never fight james potter, after all james potter was his father.

Harry was shivering in the night cold air but couldn't sleep, he just had one of the "you ungrateful brat, you deserve the beatings - from lovely father" dream. Sometimes like this he thanked dumbledore for giving him a private quarter.

Atleast no saw him wrapped in covers fallen on ground wailing and begging. He felt disgusted with himself. So just to clear his mind, he wrapped the blanket around himself and set out to investigate the almost empty castle.

It was christmas eve, so there probably no one was gaurding. And till now he had found no one so it was a positive things.

"Yes sniff around my sweet." A shiver ran down his spine. Could thinking jinx things because he had done it. Maybe he was indeed unlucky.

Pulling the blanket ab over from ground he pushed himself in the closest classroom and locked the door looking around for any one present there. Thankfully no one was there. Sometimes he just hoped that instead of charles he got the invisibility cloak. and locked the door looking around for any one present there.

He heard footsteps echoing in the corridor he had escaped and tip toed further inside the room. There were almost few to no students presents, why were they even patrolling ?

He wondered what detention he will get if he got caught now. He heard snape made people clean cauldrons without magic. He could easily do that. Or maybe write lines. Anything.

But on the other side, he imagined james potter with hazel eyes full of mischevious ideas that could comfort anyone. Why did they turned cold on seeing him or the green eyes he had gotten from lily potter herself how could they burn with rage when looking at the clone of her own ?

He opened the eyes, he didn't knew he had closed and almost gasped, green eyes similar to his own were staring back. He exhaled a breath when he finally noticed it was his own image, yet the harry in image was so different, he was wearing the sweater lily potter had bought specially for charles, there was a hand on his shoulder, scared he touched his shoulder. Air. No one was there. Atleast not really. With little courage he traced the hand and was met with the image of james potter smiling at him, those eyes were warm as they always were, lily potter was smiling at him too from beside her husband, her hand on charles potter who was smiling at him too.

This wasn't real.

He stumbled back, frightened. This couldn't be real. He wanted the love but he didn't. He didn't even knew what he wanted, all along the only thing he had thought was how his parents would react, how much will they berate him, abuse him. There was no purpose of his life.

Still scared he looked up at the mirror, and his parents were gone. He was standing there alone.

He didn't knew what the mirror was about. But it was surely showing his wants. His desires. He wanted to live. Not survive but live.

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