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Harry sighed looking up at the lady wearing pink dress. She was looking down at him with unamused expression, "obnoxious isn't the password"

"Looks it almost 1 am in the morning, you are an honorable gaurd and I don't want to abuse my position as heir, so why don't you open the door for me ?"

"Okay" she shrugged, "only because you are heir"

He entered the dorm was smiled, gryffindor was defination of warmth, only if the people were these warm too. The red chairs and couches were scattered around in groups and there were few books forgotten around.

He decided to explore before he entered the boy's down and did what he and came for. The dorms were expertly designed making rooms for a group of students instead of giving personally room. He easily found the fifth years dorms and entered finding all five boys sound asleep and snoring. His initial thought of summoning the clock vanished as soon as he saw the trunk closed and locked. It would create too much noises.

So he opened the trunk with magic and dived in charles things (with a look of disgust off coarse), but he was in for a surprise because instead of only invisibility cloak he found the marauders map too.

Leaving the map with dunderhead could create problems for him, so he shrieked the two things stuffed them in his pocket, locked the trunk making sure the things were in their original place.

The temptation to curse them was almost unbearable but he focused on the task in his hand and walked out thanking the lady as he did. Being polite sometimes can do wonders.


The search for the cloak and map was another source of entertainment for him while the things were kept se curly at the bottom of his trunk. No one could ever suspect him, a slytherin and prodigy of all teachers.

January appeared before the matter had shimmered down and harry was siting with a slice of apple in his hand and arithmancy book when hedwig carried him the usual copy of daily prophet. He fed her the usual owl treats (he had started to carry them always) and a price of bacon and even gave his apple, maybe he was feeding her too much but eh dieting is for foolish people.

While busy feeding, he hadn't noticed the uproar in great hall untill neville longbottom dropped the jug breaking into million peices, hermione fixed it looking like she was ready to throw up, she looked very green. People were shouting some looked scared as shit.

He, frowning, opened the roll of newspaper and his eyes grew wide.

10 death eaters escape askabaan.

His eyes immediately travelled to the staff table where dumbledore and minerva mcgongall were whispering furiously among themselves and snape looked solemn. Their eyes barely met but harry noticed all the happiness the professor was hiding behind those onyx eyes.

He quickly took out a page and scribbled his message placing in his bag and finished his breakfast rushing to class he needed to attend.

Harry was walking down the corridor when he was suddenly pulled inside the empty classroom and he was met with steel grey eyes. He opened his mouth to greet say anything but was stopped by soft pale lips on his own.

It felt like sparks had erupted around him and his stomach suddenly felt very hot, he responded quickly cupping the blondes face in his hands.

They probably wouldn't have stopped if oxygen wasn't a thing but they did. Malfoy blushed brightly, grey eyes wide as if he east the one who had initiated the kiss.

"Umm sorry, I was just so happy and mother sent me a letter full of ...."

This time malfoy was stopped by harry's lips. His glamour melted away as they kissed furioshly.

"My my my" the stopped jumping away away only to sigh. "Malfoy got the first kiss" daphne stood there grinning, her blue eyes shining with evil gleem. The two boys shrugged, smiles forming on their lips.

Life was slowly changing for better.


Harry was finishing his exam when he felt a pinch in his head as if something was calling him. Rubbing his forehead, he tried to concentrate again only to fail miserably.

Something was going to happen, he knew it. Groaning he completed whatever he could think of and submitted the paper, a headache was budding threatening to became a migraine .

"Looking pale potter" daphne commented as soon as she saw him, their bondingtime had great effects on their relationship. Harry nodded siting down next to her under the tree where they had planned to meet. Draco malfoy appeared dragging himself looking someone had once again turned him into a ferret.

Remembering ferret, he wanted to talk to barty, the man was cool.

"Hello" harry greeted while daphne didn't looked up, they sure hated each other untill one had their tongue down others throat.

Draco malfoy sighed plopping down next to harry and using his thighs as pillows, "history is worst"

Harry hummed, the nagging feeling wasn't going away and as soon as he thought that, a owl sweeped in hooting lowly before it changed into parchment dropping into harry's hand.

Draco sat up trying to peek in the letter, harry playfully glared at him opening the unknown letter.

There is going to be a break in ministry by none other then my friends. Is my decision clear ?
Pss: I better dont get hurt riddle.
Psss: the dom is beautifull I heard.

A grin spread on his face and the two of his mates that were keeping an eye on him shivered.

"Need to go love" he pecked both of their cheeks and made a beeline to his room, well the time to check his shadow travelling abilities.

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