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Harry strolled through the muggle neighbourhood, green eyes inspecting every nook and corner because he knew he shouldn't be there. The order knew that he was no longer harry james potter but the hier of dark, heir of lord voldemort. He should be safe and have eyes on the back of his head, his dad had said to him especially now that his father was circe knows where.

And here he was, walking through the higher class neighbourhood, wandless. Finally he found the house he wanted to and knocked. It has a second before the door opened and a woman stood there, curly hair tucked in a bun and blue eyes on harry. Thankfully he had transfigured his robes into muggle cloths beforehand.

"Yes ?" The woman asked cheerfully but behind her happy attitude harry could see annoyance, ah the wonders of being master in mind arts. "How may I help you ?"

"Good morning miss" he smiled his most charming smile, "I am here to escort hermione granger." If he wasn't wrong the woman face confronted into ugly sneer that could surpass his dad's glamour before she smiled. Yeah he wasn't wrong it did happen.

"I will call hermione dear." She opened the door wide for harry to enter, "what should I tell her ?"

"Hadrian" he told the woman. "Hadrian darius riddle but she calls me ray.... Mam" he ended his words in a tone only his father could muster. "Please tell her that I am in quite a hurry and she will understand"

The woman nodded and turned away and harry literally say her scowl from her back. Harry didn't liked the woman's aura and she was a doctor something harry was told were often very approachable.

It was a few moments later that heavy footsteps ran down the stairs somewhere in the house and hermione appeared on the doorway, wide eyes and wild looking, standing in pink pajamas.

"Hello hermione" he smiled, standing up, "change. We have somewhere to be" he peeked past her and the woman from earlier was looking behind hermione looking as if she wanted nothing more then to strangle hermione. Had he mentioned bad aura ?

"I- I will be ready in a second" and she rushed back upstairs. The woman glared at the girl as she walked past her eyes downcast. Harry didn't liked that and imagined dear bella slaughtering the woman if the insane lady lestrange knew of the woman's hate full eyes on her daughter. Ah harry would pay for the first seat but he knew he won't have to pay. He would get free show and maybe even a free shot or something.

"May I ask where are you taking my daughter to ?" The woman sounded a bit bitter when she said my but harry ignored it. He kept his smile. Remember smiling is good for health, his and teh woman's both. "Diagon alley miss. She needs some witch robes, she is a witch and as needed she should dress like one"

The woman didn't even hid her sour expression at that point, "fashion and dressings shouldn't be the face of her, her talent should be" well she said quite a fact there but harry didn't liked her so he was going to deny anyway. "And then humans should go around naked madam, our intelligences should be a mark enough"

Her sour expression turned into a scowl but they both were spared from the approaching fight as Hermione walked into the room, nervous and eyes downcast. Thankfully she had traded her pajamas for jeans and a black top.  "I am ready"

"Lets go then" he nodded but was stopped by the muggle, "we won't pay for fashionable dress, if she needs those she needs to pay and get then herself"

Harry didn't even try to stop his eye roll, "mam believe me I am rich enough to but twenty houses like this one and getting dresses won't make any dent in any of my vaults. But you that expression on your face, you won't be breathing any more to deny my sister for any thing." Harry was quite taken aback that the woman should no ounce of fear.

Instead she spoke, "oh I do know that you aren't allowed to use your hocus pocus out of that school or you will get expelled."

Hermione shifted, her shoulders slouched more and her folded her hands around her body. She was scared.

"Mam you do believe I will get expelled ?" He asked the ever taunting smirk appearing on his face, "but I have this lady who will love to tear you part by part and batte in your blood. I am not the light things you met till now, I can call upon the souls of your ancestors and send you back to them without even moving a bit of finger" and she still didn't looked scared but her eyes showed that she was a bit surprised and maybe a bit afraid.

"You know I don't even need that" harry sighed, "I will send nagini in here. Death by snake bite and you'd even make a good dinner." Harry grinned at the idea, "nagini it is. Hermione, lets get out if here if you dont want to fitness your first death ever" hermione nodded mutely and did as told.

Harry followed her out. He truly wasn't going to use magic there because he maybe powerfull but he wasn't an idiot. It was Hermione house, only witch in a house colony of muggles, yeah she could get expelled even if he had used the magic.

"Where are we going ?" Hermione asked in a hushed whisper as they closed the door behind them.

"I didn't lie when I said you need witch robes" harry turned to her, "and I want to tell you a little bit of story titled, 'bea and ray kidnapped'." From the looks of her face, she was confused that if she wanted to know anything or not.

Too bad harry was going to tell her anyway.


"Harry !" Hermione called frantically but he waved his hand, "call me hadrian, I need some practice with that name. well ray would work too."

Hermione took a deep breath and then, "hadrain ! This is too expensive !"

Harry sighed and left the cloak he was investigating, "bea love you are the heir of one of the most prestigious and ancient house. You will need these things to show your status and even if you bought whole of the store, you parents wont care, hell if you emptied the whole fucking" the shopkeeper made a tutting boise and harry rolled his eyes, "pardon my fucking language. Even if you emptied the whole of your fucking vault, your parents wont care. I am sure"

"But" hermione looked frantically at the price tag, "if she curses me then this will be ruined !"

"But why would she or well they curse you ?" Harry asked throwing the cloak in his shopping basket, the clock folded itself neatly instead of getting all wrinkly and creasing. The shopekeeper tutted again and harry ignored the male.

"Well for me ! For being hermione granger ! If you don't remember what stunt I pulled in first year and them she was ready to cruse me in the department -"

"Exactly !" Harry caught her by shoulder and shook her vigorously. "You aren't hermione granger ! You are beatrix estella lestrange !" The silent gasp was heard from the shopkeeper side. " And it was never your fault. You stayed with the people who you thought were right. Who you thought would protect you."

Hermione looked down, "but -"

"There can be lots of but hermione" harry told her, "do you think I was always this daring ? The first time I stepped outside my comfort bubble was when a ghost of person told me to. I never stood up to my tormentors but my dad helped me, the dad who wanted me and searched for me."

"You parents wanted you bea" he told her and she bit her lip, "dad told me bellatrix was so overjoyed when they found out, they both did everything a parent would do for their child. When they thought they lost you - they tortured who they thought killed you. Till now your family hasn't forgotten you. They still remember you. Wish that you were with them." He took the dress from the hangers and threw it at her. "Be dressed bea and prepare yourself because if you didn't stepped up, you would never ger a chance again."

Then he picked the basket you desired choice and dropped it in front of the shopkeeper who looked a bit more pale, "did you heard everything ?"

"....yes" harry sighed and looked at the man in eyes, "oblivate"


So I still haven't thought who would be bea's mate bit I think pansy would do. What do you guys think ?

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