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Harry woke up with a start and last thing he remembered was being in center of big hug. He smiled sadly reminding himself of the warm hug. First parental hug he had ever felt even if it was virtual, it was all in his head but it didn't meant it made the sentiments any less.

"Hadrian" he heard a raspy voice call his name and blush rose his cheeks as he realised where he was. He was in a big ass bed covered by fine silk sheets and entangled in mid of two warm bodies, "go back to sleep."

And dear daphne closed her blue eyes again falling back asleep and leaving harry a mess. He was in middle of his two cuddly mates and he was changed. He hoped that he had been changed by magic only. Holy merlin shaggy ball, was this a season of hugs ?

Draco was his hand around his waist took that very moment to fling his leg and wrap it over his own and daphne shuffled closer.

He grew more red and was sure his face was now matching weasley hairs and closed it eyes. He hoped his soul would rest in peace if he died today.

When harry woke up, he was alone on bed, the sun had risen and blanket was crapped over his body. He hoped that he hadn't snored because that would be embarrassing.

"Good morning" the door opened and both of his mates strolled in looking as if nothing was amiss and he hadn't woken up in one of the it's bedroom. He noticed that daphne was carrying a piece of robes which she placed on bed and smiled, "go and get ready, so we three can have breakfast in gardens."

Draco rolled his eyes at her excitement but the twitch of his lips screamed other wise.

Thats how harry ended up having breakfast in big garden of malfoy that was designed with so much care that not even a leaf was out of its place. It explained why daphne was so exited about these gardens.

"So what had happened ?" He finally asked the impending question placing his empty glass of orange juice which hot magically refilled once again. "Not that I am complaining but waking up cuddling about having a mental breakdown hasn't happened to me before"

"What happened is" said a new voice and harry shot up from his chair, balls of black eternal flame conjured in his hands which in truth surprise him too but it wasn't someone to be scared of. It was lucius malfoy looking like a wealthy pureblood as always with narcissa malfoy on his side. Her blonde hair were tucked behind her head with a very expensive looking pin ans her robes were floor sweeping, in short regal looking. "Is you fainted and it was my lord who placed you two under our care."

Harry took a second to understand what the man meant and another second to realise that it was his dad who had called for help. He had to use his occumulency shields to keep his blush under control. Circe ! He had fainted.

"What do you mean ?" His eyes widened barely, "draco wasn't hurt. was he ?" And he quickly turned to inspect draco who flushed, place cheeks turning pinkish and daphne smiled. Suddenly she looked more elegant then harry had ever noticed. Was he dreaming ?

"No not draco my dear" narcissa malfoy stepped forward flashing a smile that could melt diamonds and make people gush all their secrets to her, "it was severus, he too had fainted. It was a side effect of surprising memories."

Harry nodded before he blinked.

"I don't think we have met before lady malfoy, I am -"

But narcissa took a step ahead and wrapped her hands around him. Oh merlin. Oh merlin. What is this ? His third hug ? He was sure anymore hgs and he was going to have a sensory overload. "I know who you are" she smiled stepping nack and wrapping her hand around his husband who was smiling too. "And I want to thankyou for saving draco yesterday"

"You don't need to thank me lady malfoy" he was speaking before he even understood what he was saying and he blamed it on his current fucked up mind, "draco belongs to me as much as he does to you."

There was two sharp intakes of breath from his mates and he nearly blushed again.

Narcissa giggled pulling her husband who tried to protest, "hush lucius let the young people spend their time together. I am sure we are interrupting." And even before the couple had dissapearred from his line of visions. Two pair of hands wrapped around his rigid body and draco whispered in his ear from back, "thankyou"

Had he mentioned sensory overload ?

He didn't knew what to do with his hand so kept them in his sides and all of them jumped when a loud voice travelled through the estate and draco almost facepalmed.


I wrote this after not getting a bit of sleep for 48 hours.

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