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𝘏𝘰𝘱𝘦𝘭𝘦𝘴𝘴 𝘏𝘰𝘱𝘦𝘴


Having entered the restaurant, her eyes scanned the premises.

The restaurant was dimly lit, and the tables and bar at the back were mostly occupied.

She deemed the restaurant to be one of the more sophisticated restaurants. The ones where a lot of the wealthy attend and where you'd have to reserve a table three months in advance just to secure a table.

Though, her aunt or parents had managed to get a spot for four.

Hazel moved her gaze across the room, attempting to figure out where her parents were. She soon discovered them sitting at a table off to the side, near the windows.

To get to her table, she moved around and in between tables, her bag tucked further up her arm.

Her mother was the first to catch her gaze and she stood from her seat with a smile. "Hazel, you made it. Was the drive okay?"

Hazel smiled and greeted her mother with a quick hug while patting her father on the shoulder. "It was okay," She cast a glance across the table to her Aunt, who stood and smiled, her dad's features resonating with her.

"It's great to see you, Hazel." Hazel received a whiff of her Chanel N°5 as her aunt hugged her, and almost coughed from the strong scent.

Pulling away, she took the only other open seat next to her mother.

As they settled in, the topic of conversation quickly shifted to Hazel, which was never a good thing for her.

"How was work? I've heard about your job at this Medical Centre, is it giving you good experience?"

A waiter approached them just as the question was spoken and it was a sigh of relief.

"What can I get you all tonight?" The waiter had the slightest hint of a French accent, which furthermore convinced Hazel it was a bougie restaurant.

The adults around her spoke their alcoholic drinks, she glanced at her parents knowingly as they ordered their particular go to's.

"And for you?" The waiter looked away from the iPad in his arm and gave her a comforting smile.

"Just a Sprite." She said but then quickly added, "And with extra ice please." The waiter looked up at her with an amused glint before nodding and placing the iPad under his arm.

"We'll be back with your drinks shortly."

Everyone nodded and her mother thanked him as he strode off.

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