Woodburrow Walkthrough

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"And then Mr. Chaos Werewolf said 'Ima attack Woodburrow tomorrow' and he took off into the sky!" Mags explained back at the academy.

Buzz growled under his breath. "The nerve of that fleabag! He's just toyin' with us in his twisted sick game. Why I oughta..." He paused to sit down on a short stool, putting his hand to his head.

The Brain was there with a glass of water almost immediately. He gave it to the grizzled mabu and helped him drink. "Don't worry," The Brain said, noticing everyone's worried faces. "He's fine. The memory retrieval is just a bit taxing, that's all."

"More like annoying, if you ask me." Buzz put in. "But that doesn't matter right now. What matters is you all taking the Mabu Defense Force and Skylanders to Woodburrow. Dog Boy may be a bit of a trickster, but I do believe him when he says he likes the challenge of fightin' us. So whadaya say, Skylander? You ready to return to Woodburrow and save the day... without me of course?" He added the last bit as the Brain gave him a look.

(This is the point between chapters where you can peruse the academy and do what you like before actually starting the level.)


The Dreadyacht boarded at the Airdocks to the west of Woodburrow. The group, consisting of Mags, Flynn, and Cali, all stepped off the ship and crossed the short plank to land. Rufus, Avril and her frost elves, Sharpfin, and Tessa all waited for them on the newly refurbished tree trunk platform.

"Oh how wonderful it is to see you again Skylander. Welcome back to Wood..." Rufus started.

"There's no need for the formalities, Rufus." Tessa interrupted with a smile, running up to give all of them a hug. "We are in a hurry, after all."

"Ah, yes." Rufus conceded. "A certain chaotic wolf king, if I'm not mistaken."

"Uh, something like that." Flynn shrugged.

"I wonder," Sharpfin started. "Does the fleabag even know who he's messing with?"

"Oh I think he does." Cali answered. "He took three direct hits from the A.M.B.'s and still put up a fight. We barely stopped him from taking the core of light by the skin of our teeth!"

"Whatever that mad werewolf is thinkin', he'd better count on the might of the frost elves!" Avril and her band of elves cheered. "Out here we're no longer reliant on the Illuminator for courage. We'll hold nothing back against him!"

"Now that's what I'm talkin' about!" Mags cheered. "Unbridled enthusiasm in the face of imminent death!"

Everyone immediately went silent. Mags didn't seem to notice or at the very least care. Instead she strode off towards the Great Hollow, whistling a merry tune as she did.

The group glanced around at one another for a moment of awkward silence before Tessa finally broke the quiet. "Well... On that note," She turned to face Cali. "All the A.M.B.'s are on the ship?"

"Yep," Cali said curtly.

"Then let's get them set up."

Everyone nodded and mumbled something or other in agreement and hurriedly got to work. All except for Flynn who, instead, groaned that, "Manual labor and humid weather do not go together," before trudging back towards the ship with his head hanging.

1 Star:
- Set up the AMB's
- Put out the fires
- Fight Back the Mist
- Defeat the King of Chaos

2 Star:
- 2 Soul Gems
- Treasure Chests 4
- Hats 3
- Winged Sapphire
- Legendary Treasure

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