Chaper 2: Arrival

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Here we are standing in front of the double doors waiting for our guests. Lined up like we are ready for execution. I hear the weight of a car in our driveway. "They are here! Everyone look nice, and don't embarrass me. Smile!"- my mother orders.
And with that they enter. An endless stream of massive men dressed in black enter. It was like the water flowing at night, never ending, cold, they gave me the chills. There must have been 20? No 30 men here. Finally they stopped their parade into our home. One man stepped forward. Addressing my mother, I'm not sure about what. I wasn't really paying attention.
I surveyed the group of men standing before me. They all seemed so- robotic, empty. The thought made me want to laugh, they'd fit in here. As I drag my eyes along the group I catch sight of one man in particular. He's tall, however at our distance I can't tell how tall. It appears he has a man bun with his sides shaved close to his head, and a full beard. He was looking around the room too. Watching, carefully accessing. He was spotting all the cameras, counting the windows and doors. Who knows that else his trained eyes were scanning into memory.
And then his eyes fell on mine. I was caught. My breath stuck in my throat. My heart picked up it's pace. What was happening? I was... feeling something? Something, not nothing. For the first time in years. I stood there awestruck. I could hear my blood racing in my ears. Like a waterfall of emotions flowing through me, crashing into me like a rocky shore line. Wow.
All of the sudden he moved, walking forward straight toward my family and I. His vibrant green eyes still locked on to my deep brown ones. I was pulled out of my thoughts when the man from earlier cut off my gaze from the interesting guy. He stood in front of my sister and I.
"These men will be your new bodyguards. I had picked them myself. They are the best I can assure you." He claimed stepping aside once more. However, next to the green eyed god stood another man as well. When did you get here? I must have been too distracted earlier. Crap. That's not good. I need to be vigilant. Ever since back then, I've been on guard especially around new people, or a lot of people. I cannot let this man distract me again.
Pulled out of my thoughts once more when my sister shrieked "ooo I want the hot one!" she ran up to the man I was basically eye fucking moments ago, and wrapped her hand around his arm, which caused him to stiffen ever so slightly. Well, then I guess this will make it easier for me to stay away from him.
I looked at the other guy. He was probably in his mid thirties. Already bald though. With a goatee that was black. He was big, scary, and he gave me a bad feeling. His bright blue eyes pierced mine and I think I visibly shivered.
"Well there you have it I guess. Everyone dismiss!" the main man yelled. The room was then filled with the echoing of heavy footsteps and hushed conversation. All the men spread out around the house like ants. Leaving just my family, the two bodyguards and the main man in the foyer.
"These men will follow you everywhere, to school, to the mall, to your friends, boyfriends, to the kitchen. They are to always be by your side. Understood?" my mother explained. I nodded along as my sister said something about that not being a problem with her.
"Good now go to your rooms. Your father and I need to speak privately with Mr. Ross " she stated.
So I turned on my heels and headed towards the staircase, and sure enough baldy followed. Tailed by my sister and her bodyguard who happened to escape my sister's touch. The walk was long back to my sisters and I's wing of the house. It was painfully awkward, the four of us. It made me want to sink in a hole, so as much as i dreaded it-
"What's your name? Or what should I call you?" I questioned Baldy.
"Call me Josh" He replied with a smile. That smile, it was predatory, dangerous. Definitely not good news. My stomach sank. Looking back at my sister and her bodyguard. I'm glad she didn't get Josh, I don't think she'd fare well with this creep. I've been through it all, Josh can't be worse than my demons.
"And what's your name handsome?" my sister asked her guard. Silence, he said nothing. I was still watching them, I saw how her smile fell. Then I looked at him, catching his eyes again. Shit. I quickly looked forward. Am I blushing? What the fuck.
Shortly after we arrived at our rooms, my sister's was closer to the entrance of the wing than mine, meaning I had to pass her room to go anywhere. But they weren't too far away. I grabbed my door handle and twisted it. Rushing inside and shutting the door before Josh could take it as a welcome to enter. I sunk into the mattress with a huff. At least the following days will be amusing. Watching tall, dark and handsome ignore my sister's advances, and Josh... I'm going to have to keep my eye on him. My gut is screaming he's bad news.

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