Chapter 13: Healing

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That morning, I woke up feeling as though I was hit by a train. I laid there, struck by the overwhelming pain for a few moments before I was able to gather my bearings. I slowly sat up, when I noticed Kane had left the pills and cream on my side table. Thank fuck. I took the max dose of the painkillers and headed for the shower. The shower helped ease my tense muscles like little droplets of massagers. Then I dressed and headed down for breakfast. I looked down with an "oof". Making my family look up at me.
"I just don't feel good, that's all. A stomach ache." I threw an awkward smile at my parents.
"EW. I can't get sick. I have a big hearing this week. Go back up the stairs and don't come out till you feel better. I'll have the maids bring you food." My mother said, adding a little gag at the end. So dramatic. I rolled my eyes and stood up slowly, using the table for support.
I glanced up, locking eyes with Kane behind my sister. He looked like he wanted to rush over and help me, and I wouldn't have turned it down if he had. Struggling back upstairs and into my room, I plopped on my bed.
And that's how the days passed, laying in my room, getting served my meals, not interacting with anyone. It was painfully boring and lonely. It gave me time to think. Too much time.
One night I found myself on my window seat overseeing the backyard. Giving a ghostly hue due to the moon's rays. Maybe I was given this life as punishment. Perhaps in a previous life I was awful. Or maybe god saw my future in this life, and wanted to punish the awful person I would have become.
Or potentially I was just forgotten altogether. Maybe whatever higher power exists created me and left me to my own devices. Left me to fend for myself in this cruel world.
Well, if that was the case I was doing a pretty bad job. A cruel joke it is. Built for a life of suffering, but not built strong enough to handle it. To overcome it.
The trees blew in the midnight air as if laughing at me. The leaves and twigs crashing into each other like whispers and giggles directed toward me. I had to turn away from the window. I couldn't see nature turn on me too.
That's when I noticed my door handle jiggle before clicking open. I stood there frozen. Who was coming into my room at night? Was it Josh? Tristan comes to finish me off? Is it worse- him?
But instead of my nightmares came my dream through the threshold of my room. Kane stepped in, shutting the door behind him. He looked at my bed and frowned when he didn't see me there. Scanning the room till his eyes fell on mine. Wasting no time, he reached me in five steps with his large legs.
"What are y-" I was cut off before I could finish.
"Why are you crying?" He questioned. Lifting his hand up to my face, using his thumb pads to wipe away the tears that had gone unnoticed by me.
"Oh-" I pulled away, wiping the rest of my face. "I was just thinking about something, that's all"
He hummed at my response. He probably didn't believe me,, but he didn't push further. I was thankful for that.
"What are you doing here anyway?" I asked. Changing the topic.
"I came to check on you," he said with a small smile on his face. My heart fluttered.
Something was blossoming. Something was blossoming inside me. Deep inside, I started to feel- something. I couldn't put my finger on it,, but I liked it. I returned his smile with my own shy one. Thankful that it was dark in here, otherwise he would have seen my massive blush.
"Can I take a look at your ribs?" He asked. I nodded my head. Shifting into a standing position in front of the window, and pulling up my top just enough for him to see it.
He exhaled sharply at the sight. My bruise has faded but was still purple in the center and a gross yellow along the edges. He grazed his fingers over it. Instead of flinching away, I relished in the touch. As if I had been deprived of it my whole life. I unconsciously took a step forward. Just wanting to be closer to him. Feel his body heat tangle with mine. In response, He looked up at me from his kneeling position. His green eyes looked like the rainforest at night. My legs grew weak at the sight of this man kneeling before me. I'm not sure how long we say that., his hand on my side, staring at each other. But eventually he broke it off.
He cleared his throat and looked away from me. "Would you like me to apply some of that cream again?" He asked.
"Yes" I responded,, but it sounded more like a whisper than anything. He got up from where he was and walked over to the high stand that held the cream. He came back over. Making me sit on the window seat. Him between my legs-again. This proximity caused my mind to go blank. My eyes focused solely on his tattooed fingers, which held a mixture of thorny roses and sharp knives. A shiver ran down my spine, I wasn't sure if it was due to his fingers rubbing the cool cream on my side or just him in general.
Just like last time the pain numbed nearly immediately, leaving me to sigh.
"Better?" He chuckled.
"So much better" I nearly moaned.
"So, I have to ask something, where was josh? When uh... When Tristan did this?" His head boxing to my stomach.
I clear my throat, sitting up straighter. I didn't want to talk about this. I looked away from him. But being able to handle his intense gaze.
"I uh- he was-" I sighed again. URG I didn't want to talk about this.
"He was outside the room. He didn't come in. And didn't say anything when we drove home."
Kanes hand curled into fists on either side of me. Anger present in his features.
"Hey..." I whispered, causing him to look up at me. I placed my hands over his. "It's okay. It wasn't that bad. I've been through the worst" I tried to reassure with a tight smile.
"You shouldn't have to go through anything like this. And Josh should have done his job in protecting you" he spat out.
I gazed at him. Something made me reach my hand out and cup his face. His beard was soft. And his skin is even softer. I ran my fingers through the beard. Toying with it for my own fascination. Earning a convent sigh from the big man sat in front of me. My lips quirked up ever so slightly. He caught my gaze again. I sucked in a breath, the look in his eyes. They were so intense. I wanted to melt in front of him, or into him. I wasn't sure which.
So instead I leaned forward, closing the distance between up. I hope he wants this like I do. When we were mere inches apart, I stopped. Looking into his eyes once again. He looked conflicted. Searching my eyes and eventually settling on my lips. And then he closed the gap.
I lost my breath, lost my mind. I lost everything at that moment. There was only him, and me. His lips were soft, like pillows, he tasted like mint and smoke. But somehow it tasted good. I felt content, comfortable, happy even. I felt. Not only that, but I can't remember the last time I felt anything but pain. But this man. He brought life back into me. I pushed into the kiss harder. I wanted more, needed more. I wanted to know what else he could do to me, for me.
He returned my eagerness tenfold. I moaned at his intensity, at his neediness. He allowed his tongue to enter my mouth. Explore it at his will, and I let him. At this moment, I'd let him do anything. I was so lost in him. The room was filled with my moans and his soft groans. I couldn't be more satisfied.
But to my disappointment I pulled away which made a whimper leave my mouth and a pout form in my lips. Causing him to chuckle at my distaste for our distance.
"Sorry little Angel. I just don't want to hurt you." He glanced down at my stomach. I blushed at his nickname. He stood up,
"Come on, let's get you in bed," he said, extending a hand to me. I eagerly took his hand and let him lead me to my bed. I got in, and he covered me with my sheet. He was basically tucking me in,, and I giggled at the sight. Causing him to look at me with a knowing smirk.
"Okay, good night Bambi. Sleep well and feel better." He whispered and placed a kiss on my forehead. And with that he left.
Once I was alone again in my room, a loud silence settled in the area. I sighed. I'm not sure if I'll get much sleep. I feel lonelier than I ever have. I wish Kane would come back and sleep with me. A frown found its way to my lips. That couldn't happen, though, my parents and sister would not be happy with that.
Soon after I did find sleep, and for the first time in nearly a decade I had a dream, not a nightmare but a dream, and it consisted of a shirtless Kane.

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