Chapter 28: RED

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Chapter 28:

This whole chapter is SMUT btw. Skip if that's not your thing.

Kanes POV

I could feel her pulse quicken under my fingers as she sucked in a shocked breath. I couldn't help but smirk, she was in trouble now and she knew it.

I took my hand from the front of her neck to the back, leading her over to the floor-to-ceiling windows in the hall. I pushed her harshly up against the glass, ripping her shorts down her legs. Finally getting a view of her ass that has been teasing me all night.

"What should I do with you hmm?" The question was more for me but I liked the way it made her squirm. I couldn't help myself, I brought my other hand down hard on her ass, causing a slapping noise to echo in the empty halls. She let out a shocked scream at this.

"Shhh, we don't want to wake anyone up do we?" I hummed while taking the hand that was around her neck, bringing it to her mouth silencing her.

I decided she deserved a few more spankings for her attitude earlier. One after another, honestly I lost count, mesmerized by the way her ass jiggled and started to redden. Eventually, I stopped after a nice hand print formed.

I wasn't truly cruel though, bringing my hand to rub her sore cheeks to soothe the throb I'm sure was there. Slowly I slid my hand from her ass to the inside of her thighs, chuckling when I found the tops of her them to be wet.

"Little girl.." I reprimanded "You aren't supposed to enjoy your punishment" tsking at her. She only whined in response. I finished my path up to her heated core, and to say it was wet would be an understatement. Gliding my fingers along her wet cunt making sure to get them slick I started to circle her clit.

"Spread your legs wider" I commanded. I needed more access. I sped my pace up, "Is this what you wanted?" She only responded with a moan and head nod. Brat needs to learn respect. I pulled my hand away and brought it back down, slapping her pussy.

"I need words."
"Yes.." she moaned out practically panting.
"Yes, who?"
"Yes daddy"

Humming in contentment I shoved a finger inside of her enjoying her surprised gasp at the intrusion. Pushing my finger in as far as it would go I started moving my whole hand up and down harshly, causing her ass to bounce as I fingered her. God the sight made my already hard cock throb painfully.

I took my hand and shoved my fingers in her mouth as I finger fucked her roughly. All she could do was stand here whimpering and squirming, just how I liked it. I pulled my finger out only to shove two in.

At this point I guess she couldn't keep quiet, her moans filled the space, along with the sound of her wet pussy being pounded.

"Daddy i-" she moaned out
"You what?" I mocked. Going even faster to give her a hard time.
"I'm gonna cum. Fuck Daddy please" she begged. What a good girl she is. Normally I would allow it, but I was having too much fun with this punishment.

I pulled my fingers out and shoved her down to her knees in front of me. I pulled my pulsing cock out, slapping her face "open" she did as she was told. And I took no pity on her beautiful little throat. I had her gagging within seconds. Using her hair as a handle to move her mouth along like my personal cock sleeve.

"Fuck" the sight before me was almost enough to make me cum. He doe eyes stared at me unwavering. Spit dripped down her chin onto the floor. The speed of my thrusts was causing tears to run down her face.

"You look so pretty with my cock in your mouth" I cooed. Before I could cum I pulled out, she was gasping for air while I once again, threw her around like a rag doll, this time positioning her on her hands and knees. I kick off my pants the rest of the way before leaning over her to whisper into her ear

"Are you okay with this?"
"Yes please yes. Just put it in" she begged

Without needing more confirmation I shoved my dick in balls deep all in one motion. Both of us moaned deeply at the feeling. Unlike last time I didn't want to hold back, so I didn't.

I grabbed her hips harshly and plowed into her mesmerized by the way her ass bounced when it slapped against me. I couldn't help but slap it a few times.

The hall was filled with a mix of our moans and the slapping noise of our bodies coming together.

"Faster please daddy" she pleaded

I grabbed one of my hands around her hair pulling her head back, while the other stayed on her waist. I sped up even more using her body as leverage to bounce back faster and harder.

I slid the hand that was on her waist down to her ass, slapping, squeezing. So fucking hot.

"What's your safe word baby?"
"Red" she answered

Good now that that's out of the way. I spit down on her ass, coating my thumb with it before using my thumb to massage her asshole. She let out a surprised gasp at my actions, I could feel her getting wetter, it became easier and easier to slide out of her. I couldn't help but mutter fuck under my breath.

With her moans as encouragement, I slowly slid my thumb in her ass, it almost acts as a hook while the rest of my hand laid flat above.

"Fuc- daddy. I-"

I slammed into her harder as a reminder "Shhh I already told you once, but seems as though you're greedy for us to get caught considering how you keep being so fucking loud" I groaned.

I pulled her hair harder and pulled her up against my chest, moving my hand to pinch and pull at her nipples. I could now see how red her face was, eyes heavy and mouth agape to let out her moans. I looked over her shoulder down at her tits, and just beyond that, I could see the slight bulge in her stomach that my cock made every time I pushed into her. Fuck that turned me on even more. Bringing my attention back to her face, I used my hand to squish her cheeks making her mouth open more. I spit right into it-


She did just that.

"Good girl. You've been so good for me tonight. Do you want to cum?" I hummed.

"Yes please Daddy"

Good. I wrapped my hand around her throat hard enough to suppress the blood flow, my other hand moving down her stomach to reach her clit, starting to circle it with my finger.

After a second she became silent, eyes starting to roll into the back of her head. Her body started to shake, as her pussy clenched around me.

"Fuck" She squeezed me even harder and I couldn't last any longer. I orgasmed just after her, continuing my pumps to ride us both through the high.

With a deep breath, I pulled out, laying down and pulling her on top of me.

"Are you okay Angel?"
"Mmm, yes. I'm tired though." She yawned.
"Let's get you back to bed then."

I sat her on the ground while I put my pants on, then slowly put hers on for her. I picked her up and tried to find my way out of the wing.

After a few too many wrong turns I took Aurora into her room.

"Okay baby, you gotta use the bathroom before bed" The only response I got was a grumble as she stumbled into the bathroom like a drunk person.

I got to bed waiting for her. Not long after she joined me, laying right on top of me, almost immediately falling asleep. I looked down at her watching her squished face tentatively. I couldn't help but laugh. I pulled out my phone and took a picture of her cute little cheeks, flushed red from her orgasm.

Not even a few minutes later I drifted off to sleep as well.

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