Chapter 9: A Break

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I arrive at the creek, walking up the shore line, putting my hand in the water. It was cold due to how late it was in the season, but not unbearable. The creek wasn't very wide, and It probably met my shoulders if I recall correctly. I loved playing and swimming in this creek as a kid. Back then, my sister would have joined me too. But now- I guess it's just me. Feeling the sudden urge to swim, I scold myself for not bringing a swimsuit or towel, this was bound to have happened. Oh, well.
I took off my little sweater, followed by my shoes and socks. I stood at the edge in my leggings and sports bra, before I slowly started to creep into the water. Once the water met my chest, I immersed myself fully. Blowing out most of the air in my lungs, I made myself sink to the bottom. Laying there, facing up, I could see the sunshine though the water like an oil painting. Breathtaking. I reached my arm up, as if to touch it, only to meet more water. I frowned. Staying there till my lungs burned, how easy would it be. To just stay here, at the bottom of this creek. Staring at the oil painted sun until my body finally gave up trying to find air. I would just drift away with the water. No one here. No one was around. How peaceful. How fitting to end my violent story with the soft ripples of this creek.
With that, I closed my eyes and pushed myself to the top of the water. Breaking through and collecting the much-needed oxygen. Truth be told, It would be easy. I was scared, scared to die. Scared that if there was an afterlife, I'd be sent to hell for my less than pure life. Scared I'd have to relive the darkest parts of my life. That would be my own personal hell. I shuddered at the thought.
I floated on top of the water. Looking up at the reaches touching the sky. I watched the birds fly over, and the squirrels chasing each other branch by branch. A small smile formed on my face. Faint, but still present. Here, I was no one, here I was a part of this water existing with nature. No life, no family, just here and now. After what felt like hours, I decided to get out. I drained my hair of water, throwing it up into a ponytail. Putting on my shoes and sweater. I started off back to my prison, back to my life.

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